Do I need to talk to the energy in each session?

I hope this time my question is simple and I don’t have to resort to AI lol

I seek to know if I have to meditate, give permission to the energy, connect and resonate, make my intention and objective clear, in each session.

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However, depending upon why you are doing a “session” and what you hope to gain, you might experiment with each of those techniques.

You may also listen passively to audios.

I am sure if you search the forum this topic has come up before. :slight_smile:

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It’s not a requirement, just it helps.

I would recommend doing that at least at first.

And I wouldn’t imagine it as “giving it permission”, it usually works fine, but rather more of connecting with it mentally and directing it here and there.


Sessions with morphic / energetic fields


They say that when it comes to energies (non-morphic) you have to give them permission to enter your body so that other entities do not do so, since if you listen passively it could happen.

I learned something like that with SZ

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There are sections of the forum that explain morphic fields to a very great extent. May I point you to the huge library that is the SapienMed forum, as there is much to learn that can answer your question. The cool thing about all this information is that even if none of us were around to answer your questions, you would still have endless ways to get an answer.

Here is what came up when I searched Search results for 'what are morphic fields' - Sapien Medicine

I hope that info will help you learn more. There is plenty I can still learn too.


If u consciously play it, you gave it permission anyways. And morphic fields usually just work. Haven’t heard of anyone/anything trying to block them.

Dream makes Morphic Fields, SZ does quite different stuff.


It’s a good point. I also don’t know if the energy fields have consciousness like those of SZ, that adds up :sweat_smile:

Also thank you


Thanks, I’ll activate my field and start reading :muscle:

Certainly sometimes there is no answer to my weird questions, so I make theories and debate them with AI

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Now that u mention the AI, perhaps tell it to search the forum and tell u the answers. I think Chat GPT-4 can do that.

Or also, you can google up Ruppert Sheldrake.


What a great Tipp! I will try that out myself :clap::hugs:


Great Answer.
And Great Tip regarding the AI.
Thank You.

I’m a lazy guy.
I’ll let the A.I.
(search for stuff lol)

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wow thanks!!

This might help: Visualization is Underrated & Dramatically Boost Field Results

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