So I’m reading the book ,rose of the world" and the author explains what he sees with his spiritual sight: demonic worlds, upper worlds lf the light… there he also describes the soul, how it can sink into demonic worlds or go up into higher worlds filled with light etc. He talks about demons using the radiations emmited from human lust and that certain acts(too strong sexual live and sexual pleasures, murders… ) lead to the soul falling to demonic worlds for suffering(f.ex. temporary) Its very complex but my question ist: How does it fit in with the teachings from other spiritual people, who claim that there is no hell? How do different people explain different things, tough there is one reality? The author also describes that there are various examples of famous people, wars etc. and he shows their afterlife and the combat between the forces of the light and of the dark. HE COULD SEE IT ALL. How is it possible then to say : what you perceive as reality is influenced by your own vibrations and you have free will to the decide the reality, there is no karma in afterlife if you dont belief in that etc. How do these teachings fit together? @SammyG @El_Capitan_Nemo
I mean, some people didnt believe in karma and the author still describes their afterlife. Where is the truth? Are there demonic worlds where people can be trapped? Why does some people talk about it and other spiritaul people say that somethikg like that doesnt exist? What is the truth about the spiritual reality?
Edit: I am not a sceptic of your wisdom, I’m just trying to comprehend why there are so many ,truths" and how does it fit in that someone really saw certain aspects of spiritual reality and metaphysical forces?