This is a great question.
I can only reply from current personal understanding and having read a ton of OBE and NDE books as well as some personal OBE’s:
The astral planes have many different layers.
Each layer has its own vibration.
Lower vibe levels usually allow the souls there to manifest “hellish” experiences.
Higher vibe levels usually allow the souls there to manifest “heavenly” experiences.
But it also gets more complicated because there are not just different layers, but also different timelines and alternate probability realities.
People usually end up or go to those planes that are the result of a combination of various factors:
- the person’s personal vibration
- the person’s level of consciousness growth
- the person’s awareness of their choices (potential free will)
- the person’s actual skill of making those choice (actual free will)
- their Higher Self’s bigger plan
- “Karma” (which is in most cases unprocessed and unconscious beliefs and bagagge residing in the person’s subconscious mind)
- and many more, I am not aware of all the factors myself
I think that in the end, the only real thing is consciousness and therefore all experiences on all levels and planes are always subjective.
Experiences can appear “objective” when several pieces of consciousness temporarily agree on a shared reality setup.
This is how the physical universe and the astral realities exist in the first place.
Things like energy, matter and information are only tools for consciousness to create those platforms (worlds) as means of doing experiences.
So with that, there is no objective hell or heaven, just like on physical earth, simply souls manifesting their personal experiences and their personal reality bubbles.
The source allows for all types of experiences, hellish and heavenly, because this is the only way how real free will can exist and how the source itself can have free will itself.
Hope this helps.
Also, here is an interesting video on that topic: