Does manifestation require external effort?

Funny how I listened to Andrew Tate, and his ideas and explanations contrast the new age teachings so much, yet it makes SO much more sense to me.

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Perhaps there are “Objective” Truths, yet I find “Truth” to be Very Subjective…

So, each one of us has his/her own “Truth”.

One of the Greatest Explanations Regarding “Truth” has to do with Chakras; depending on our level, at what level we vibrate, we have a different view, different explanations (survival, pleasure, power, love, communication, intelligence/ego, divinity/divine understanding)…

So, actually, we can all be “right”, it depends how much we know or understand.

And this scale is Human, other Beings might have (slightly?) different scale (?).

Anyway, Enough with this Philosophical non-sense lol.

I’m Gonna watch Buffy or something, makes more sense (“good guys” slay the “bad guys” lol). :sweat_smile:

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It’s good to be frustrated with life. Everyone is in a state of figuring out what life is about and experimenting with ways to reveal the next layer of truth. That’s the way we wrestle it out and figure out just what bits work for us and what bits don’t. The coolest thing about this whole situation is that we have choice. We can choose to see teachings and methods we don’t want to support, and can choose to take the good bits from a few of them and make our own systems to follow. That’s the way I prefer to approach life and learning.

People manifest according to their beliefs. The teachings of Neville and Abraham-Hicks and Sedona, etc. require “doing something”. The consciousness we bring to any subject determines what we receive from it. What is not counted perhaps in this interpretation is that doing the method, whether it be meditation, or ??? will lead somewhere physical. A person shows up and makes an offer to you of exactly what you had been wanting. A friend tells you about a job, etc. The energy of the practice draws the physical response.

Neville admitted that his practice of his own teaching was not perfect. Sometimes he was unable to demonstrate according to his desire. That is a good thing, though. It lead him to experiment and delve deeper into the essence of his belief that imagination creates reality.

Lester Levenson, the originator of the Sedona Method, had what he called the “butt system”. Meaning you can sit on your butt and change your life through releasing wants, which opens the way to receive. He, however, was a physicist and an extremely creative man. He healed himself of multiple illnesses via the butt system, but he also took action in his life and was very wealthy through property development.

Where in all this does our wealth come from? Anywhere and everywhere. Everyone has choice. If they see someone who they want to follow and purchase teachings from, that’s their choice. If a youtuber or internet guru makes millions from followers, well it’s the choice of those that agree to support them. It’s part of their path.

Wealth is just another physical form of energy.

Humans are of many evolutions (origins) and states of consciousness. Just because a system exists that can lead a person to freedom from the world matrix doesn’t mean any particular person touting or teaching that system is without flaws. There are no laws that say that a person can’t teach unless they are perfect. If that was true, there would be no teachers.

Yes, some who are all over the internet teaching things they barely understand anything of, can do it just because they are. They are doing it. And yes, maybe they are manipulative, or just plain misguided, but they are doing something which will lead them to the next step for them. Our choice is we can watch them without judgement and bless them on their path or we can study them and learn something - maybe something totally different from what they thought they were teaching.

Yes, people exchange money for knowledge. It’s one of the ways the world works. But is our highest path to observe and learn or to judge? To judge narrows manifestation, and to open perception to learning and gleaning wisdom widens the ability to receive.


What makes sense to you is based upon your beliefs and what you allow to be true for you at this time. If AT makes sense to you, good. It’s your choice who to follow. His ideas will continue to resonate with you until they don’t - until your consciousness changes and you head in another direction. Or not and you decide to follow him forever.
It’s all a matter of your state of consciousness and what you choose to identify with.


So the consensus is that it works, but nothing will just happen magically if you don’t put in the conscious effort right?

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I guess so, at least USUALLY that’s what happens.
But fields, at least these creations of Sapien Medicine do not require conscious effort, I just listen to them, no need for meditating, at least not absolute need.
They probably/might work better If I meditate on the field/sound, but I am lazy And I want to do other stuff, NOT meditation.
So, I love this fact, that I just have to listen.

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Agree with you, also really great comments.

I am judging, sure, but I am kind of hard to convince that a method works, I am simple, I want some proof and Captain’s fields and other methods/creations work, I obtain results, yet, perhaps others buy those books because maybe it improves their lives, anyway, in the end, as you said, it’s each one’s choice what he/she does with his/her money.

Edit: also, Neville’s method works, by books I mean those “get rich through manifesting”, “manifest/attract a trillion dollars” type of books.

Now, to end on a Really Positive Note - I wish you All a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays - I’m out! :grin::pray::christmas_tree::santa:

Here’s the thing about these types of conversations: they start off with poorly-defined terms, which then tend to take you to inaccurate conclusions and places. For example, “manifestation.” The way that a lot of people in the communities about which you speak define “manifestation” is “the tangible expression of that thing that I want, that I don’t have right now and that I can’t think of any other ‘practical’ way of obtaining my thing.”

Now, I understand why people would have that definition. However, that definition really skews the conversation, doesn’t it?

I, personally, prefer a simpler definition of the word, manifestation: “the tangible expression of something in a person’s experience.”

Why are you boring us with this point here, WB? Excellent question!

How much external effort did you do to manifest this planet? Or this forum? Or the air that you breathe?

According to my definition (which, BTW, is closer to the dictionary definition than those communities’ definitions) everything in your physical experience is a manifestation. That includes this planet, its air, the gravity that holds you in place, the forces that keep this planet spinning on its axis and revolving around the sun. All those things are “manifestations,” and really important ones at that.

There are a few problems with that other, longer (“inaccurate,” according to me) definition. We’ve already seen how that other definition causes us to exclude some really important manifestations, which distorts the conversations which then follow.

Another problem is when this definition is then used to explain things like the LOA. The most common way I’ve heard LOA explained is through the vibrational (or quantum field) model, which basically says “We manifest the stuff that we’re a vibrational match to.” (BTW, there’s a lot of findings from different areas of science which support this thesis.)

But look at that definition:

“the tangible expression of that thing that I want, that I don’t have right now and that I can’t think of any other ‘practical’ way of obtaining my thing.”

“…that I don’t have right now…” and “…that I can’t think of any other ‘practical’ way of obtaining my thing” are pretty much the verbal equivalents of a vibrational mismatch, aren’t they? So, now we’ve got to jump through some (sometimes, convoluted) hoops (and we’ve all heard them or read them) to close that gap.

And then there’s the basis of this type of question. The people who promote this type of thinking (you can manifest without external effort; and I’ve already shown that we can, and we do) are often doing it from a limited definition of “want.” Like the person who wants to manifest a big pile of money. (BTW, in my book, there’s nothing wrong with producing–even “manifesting”–a big pile of money.) It’s just that there are some people who identify this want as a unhelpful “solution” to some problem they have, like the person who wants their big pile of money because they don’t want to work.

Fair enough. I can appreciate that they don’t want to work. But what are they going to do with their days? I remember a really old saying about how “we are not ‘human doings;’ we are ‘human beings’.” But we did come here to do stuff, even if that stuff we do is play video games all day. When we play our video games from that place of interest and connection to Higher Self and whatever-else-the-buzzwords-are, then guess what? The video games (or whatever) don’t seem like “work.” It doesn’t seem like external “effort.” And YouTube has shown us that some of these people can “manifest” a big pile of money doing things like that.

IME, people having these discussions often lose sight of the fact that we want to do stuff that enlivens us and inspires us and we think would be fun. And, even in this economy, we live in a time where there are more opportunities to “manifest” big piles of money doing all of that, in a way that doesn’t seem like very much “effort” at all.


Yeah, I suppose fields are somewhat different, but they definitely work much better if you apply them.

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I do agree with most you have said here. In fact, I already explained how I think about manifestation in other topics. The short answer is: there are multi-causal factors for each and every thing, most of which are already in place and we cannot change. Our vibration (which we can control to a certain extent through spiritual practices/visualization/imagination, etc) is just one of them, and that’s the reason why even manifestation teachers are not always able to manifest everything according to their wishes.
I don’t wanna make a long post, but the simple truth IME is this. Each one of us, including the conditions in place in our lives, is the result of a near infinite amount of causes which shape our reality continuously, and “energy” while being the fundamental base of it (since it’s all energy) is a term which implies the Infinite and the substratum of all causality and everything coming from it.

What we really need and can do for manifestation is FOCUS: to concentrate word, deed, thought, imagination and all faculties upon the objective and keep doing so until it comes to life, and that’s the main quality of really successful people. For the effort we are responsible, for everything else we should surrender to a Higher Power since we cannot control outside events, we can just choose how to react to them.


How do we know if we can change it or not? For example I’m manifesting physical changes (height etc…), but is there a chance that could be limited by my conditions?

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A sculptor manifests sculptures… but they will still be highly influenced by medium they are working with


I don’t really know man. Each of us is different, and a doing a simple thing for someone could be like moving a mountain to another.
I think we should make the effort in every way possible for us, with honesty and integrity, and if even then it doesn’t work let it go and surrender it to God/Source/All That Is, this is when miracles can truly happen.
I guess that setting smaller realistic goals (while keeping in mind the big manifestation we want to have) all working towards the end result, and improving on them step by step once achieved will boost both our self-esteem and manifestation ability since you will feel successful and build positive momentum.
Awareness of beliefs (and shifting/clearing them if disempowering) and a developed intuition always help.

Edit: What I know for sure is that sometimes for a desire we have there are deeper ones and if we look closely we can see that maybe 4 o 5 superficial desires we have all stem from a single one (like wanting to be appreciated by others for example, and who doesn’t…), and that one is much more realizable realistically speaking than all the others coming from it since it would require “just” a change of perception, feeling, and increased self love (in this example), like @WellBeing said. Also once that one is fulfilled all others attached to it usually drop by themselves.
So self-awareness is a very important factor when considering materialization of desires, what is possible and what is not.


I’m curious, what external effort were you considering for these manifestations, that prompted you asking your question in the way you did?

ALL you are is changing. I’m being totally serious about that.

Unless you’re planning on being a pro basketball star, height usually falls into the same category as the big pile of money I used in my reply. People focus on the money (or the height) as a solution for their perception of some short-coming. “If I were taller, people would love me” is a common one, for example.

In that example, what’s really going on is the “I” isn’t loving themselves and so is needing “people” to love them to fill the void that “I” isn’t filling. When “I” starts loving themselves, two things happen: “people” start loving “I” as well…and the height thing is revealed to be the non-issue that it always was.


That’s a good question, my external effort would just be doing things that could possibly make myself taller (stretches, microfractures, nutrition etc…), although this probably won’t be enough by itself (I’ll need belief and help from fields). However, I’ve realised some things can’t be changed with effort unless you’re considering fields as well. Height is a big part of being physically attractive, which is why I want it.

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(It’s really not. Truly. :slightly_smiling_face: )


Yes it is, most women want taller men. It’s an evolutionary adaptation.


There you go! That’s a manifestation that you have, with very little external effort.

You answered your own question. Good for you!


Could you explain further? I’m telling you the basis of human biology and why it relates to my desired goal. But I don’t understand your response, so please elaborate. Are you perpetuating the idea that women prefer taller men only exists for me because I believe in it? I’m not saying height is the end all be all, but it’s just something I’d like to achieve progress in irrelevant of my opinions on it relating to women.