Does manifestation require external effort?

I see people online discussing how it’s possible to manifest things solely by thinking about them without taking any actionable steps. However, the more I’ve thought about it, it just does not make sense. I feel like we have to put some effort into things to claim them instead of just thinking and believing.


This might explain why a lot of people do not get results from the law of attraction


well yes and no man.

depends on the situations. Many people clearly gotten money unexpectedly with manifestations. Did they do physical work?

Anyways the whole point with the conversation or to put it better where I see this is going is that you got to do some work physical if the task requires physical energy. If not then you can’t expect much. Like getting a job and not going on an interview. Not working that way. Otherwise if you want to manifest an online job you clearly don’t have to do so much of a physical. You wanna make money? you can work or you can buy crypto (I don’t know how crypto works just an example).

That’s all


I believe “internal” effort is best as being > doing, (that is… changing the concept of self to one that already has the specified thing), but in the end you need both.

The thing is: As you change your self concept (meaning you believe and know that the thing(s) you want are yours, you are that person, without a shadow of a doubt), then the things you do will change accordingly.
E.g.: There is no way you’ll be able to manifest a successful football career without engaging in proper training and having matches with your team, even after you picture and feel yourself as a strong and capable football player. It just won’t happen. But… successfully changing your self-concept (Neville Goddard way) would also make you act properly like the new person you intended to be and lead you to what you want, so the two things go hand in hand, as there is no acting without being and vice versa.

I remember an elderly person in a video interview who was a close contact and friend of Neville Goddard saying that he could still manifest millions of dollars as he successfully did in the past but he just won’t do it as that would compel him to act and doesn’t need/want that.

Having said that… the concept of visualizing (or “thinking”) and hoping without doing shit materially, while being in a material world is completely stupid imho, as most people end up not engaging the proper (continous) practice to gather the energy that is required for the materialization to really happen and end up in a limbo of pretentiousness that is not conducive to the achievement of anything. Been there, done that. :sweat_smile:


If you are interested in a more grounded, scientific explanation, here’s a video that does this very well.

is the elderly person you are talking about is grandfather of Elmer locker jr?

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Yes, I don’t know if that’s the video though. May be another one…

I watched Elmer O Locker for quite some time. I have Neville books. I was into new age cult teachings.

I did SATS and won 120$ or so in casino, exactly how I imagined it.

But even with all of that in mind, it’s all still a scam. I never found somebody who manifested millions, somebody on reddit manifested 800k but he said it ONLY took him 2 years? Wtf, manifestation is when somebody gives you money, you get in without working for it. Did Elon Musk manifested 200 billions, or did he worked for it? He worked his ass off.

Those teachings are only good in theory, the subreddits are full of toxic positivity and blaming you for asking questions. The gurus are worst part, as they charge THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to tell you how to manifest money. Why NOBODY manifested 100 millions and just made teachings free?

Why master sri akarshana stoled TENS OF THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM SINGLE MOM?
Why ester hicks hide the fact that her husband died of cancer and went to chemotherapy, why didn’t he just think positivly to cure cancer? Why does she charges THOUSANDS of people and refuse to talk about questions that can show her how little she knows about real life?
They say “follow your passion” but that is as dumb as it gets. Why most successful people in ANY areas never mention those things? Because that is merely 1% of the things they do, besides working hard and working out etc (depending what their field is)

Why did Neville himself died of alcohol related things and yet he claims alcohol is good for him because he beliefs in it? Why?

Why did Benhino massaro, hired a private bodyguard if he claims that you create 100% of stuff with your mind, why dont he create peace in his life? Maybe 3D is cathing with him? Why he stoled HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars from a girls and “used them sexually”? Why did people in his cult killed themself? Why don’t he manifest that news article don’t write negative about him?

Why non of them have Billions, or perfect body, or the most beautiful girl in the world? Do nobody really want that in life? What else is, besides friend,s family, money, adventure, freedom, cars, parties, fame if you want it, peace in life? They all talk one thing, but do the other.

Why joe dispenza claims he had blind people seeing and disabled people walking but gave no proof whatsoever about those claims? Yet, he makes 10 million dollars per 1 week long event.

Why they ALL charge money for courses and classes? ALL OF THEM! And some of these advices can hurt you! Or make you sick! IT IS DANGEROUS!

I like Neville, he was speaking truth, however new age has took those teachings and made money out of them. Even he took 7 years to get GOOD at HIS teachings lol, and this cult today act like you can just manifest anythign you want in 3 days or less.

Well, if it is possible, and effortless, how about ANYBODY here manifest 10 million dollars and send it to charity of my choice? Let’s see that happen! If money don’t make you happy, give it away and don’t charge thousands of dollars on your teachings.

Second thing is, there are to many dumb kids who are into manifestation, 80% of them are kids, so they just pretend they know anything, and you can assume your way to losing weight while eating 10 cakes.

I tried Keto + IF, lost 15kg. I tried affirming and beliving I am losing weight, imagining myself like I lost weight, and ate a little bit more, including sugars etc, I gained 10kg in 1 month!

And they each support each other, so it creates a cult where if you say anything negative, you are disliked, but if you post something like “WHOEVER READING THIS YOUR MANIFESTATION ARE COMING” gets THOUSANDS of likes.

Yes, those teachings are true, I manifested stuff with them, affirmations do work, but the issue here is they CAN and often WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE, because there is nothing worse when you have the highest expecations, and then some of them don’t come true.

Sapien does work, but this is not a cult community, it can be explained. But these new age gurus doesn’t want logic. They all want your money, because don’t forget guys, THIS IS A BILLION DOLLAR NICHE.

Okay there it is, I may be angry a little bit at all these scammers, but my point is still vaild, and if anybody can answer those questions, with logic, I would love it! :slight_smile:

So, while teachings are valid, and do work, this topic is often used too much on scamming you on such a nice level that you don’t notice, and you can always just be like “Well if it doesn’t help you just move on” but it’s all over the internet so you can’t move on just like that, or “Just take what resonates with you”, but that is also very bad advice, because you still see that other crap info you don’t like.

Also, once you get into these teachings, usually in first year you will spread it to everyone, I know I did. Lol
I was recommending and buying books of new age scammers, yet after more then 1 year, while I know much better now, and can see some teachings are fine, it is used in a way to make money from you, which is hypocritical, because why you want money from others if you can manifest it?

Here are 2 videos from guy called James Jani, who you might like, as well as a post on reddit that shares my views on this new age crap:


Well, they just “manifested” (at least) thousands of buyers lol, it’s a good deal (for tge gurus) lol.

I agree.

There are waay to many exaggerations, but, again Manifestation Does work, as you said, but I would NEVER buy something from any self proclaimed “Expert” lol.

Sapien Medicine Absolutely Works, although to be honest, I was expecting to be an entirely New Person in just a few months, but it still works, yet you need time and patience for some fields, others work immediately, but are not “permanent” (they do not have long term effect, which is a good thing, we could screw ourselves bad if some genes would be on all the time or if we had antioxidants working 100% of the time, as Sammy said/explained in the FAQ).

I REALLY Enjoyed your examples.

Edit: Many of these “Gurus” do have Great Knowledge and Advises, also Great Techniques, yet, none of them manifest millions or billions of dollars, we have to separate facts from exaggerations.

Perhaps a Valid Answer would be “Karma” - each person is bounded by past actions and energies, has a “destiny”, etc., so not everyone is permitted to manifest anything, any time.
Just a guess, Idk.


Glad you agree. But I don’t believe in Karma, is it real even if I don’t believe it?

Second thing is this moving from 3D to 5D shit, like “only a few people are going to make it” I don’t get that as well.

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I have no idea what 5d is, still it does not mean that it does not exist.

I personally think these changes that would come (or which might come) would be more subtle than literal.

I would guess so, Gravity still Works, whether you believe or not, at least I guess so lol, I’m not going to try a Matrix move and see if I can literally fly or dodge bullets.

So, my personal view: Manifestations Work, but in a Framework OR I just have blockages and I can literally fly, Idk lol.

Edit: I am in a Good Mood, that’s why I wrote this way/these things. :grin::sweat_smile::v::christmas_tree:

But I heard there are some monks who can levitate, but it only took them 20 years to do so lol

And I do believe it’s possible. So same thing with karma? Or no? And who judges is something good or bad? New age say its all neutral? I dunno, but I know they all bunch of scammers.

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I would guess it’s Not all Neutral.

I think there are different Levels with different “set of Laws”, maybe (?).

So “Karma” in our World might mean not doing any harm to other beings and to yourself, but there are exception (surgeries, for example) (?).

I would say it’s about time i release my book on this topic haha


I believe karma is stupid and I decide not to believe in it, otherwise evil billionairs would not run this world and good people wouldn’t sufer.


Karma implies that they would get their “payment”, but idk, I find it disturbing as well…
That evil is so rampant…

Perhaps this is a Low Vibe Place?

They do get payments tho, from the budget of the country they are ruining, payments go straight to their bank account where it makes them even more powerful lol

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I have seen other explanations as well, that this World does not need to conform to our ideas, to our wants, needs, aspirations or to our morality…

I have no idea.

Is there Universal “Good”?

Is it all perception/perspective?
No Rules?

I DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS lol, unfortunately…

All My “Answers” are only ideas that I have accepted as “GOOD”, for Me…

Anyway, My Answer is to Continue to Grow, to Evolve, to do “Good” when I can, to have a Better Life and to leave the “Judgement” to “Higher Beings”…
I want to Explore Life, Not Judge It.