Does manifestation require external effort?

Yeah, I find it an objective truth as well, women prefer tall(er) guys, although there are other qualities which can substitute somehow or at least partially, that seems to be a deep embedded wish for women, nowadays many admit it, yes, they want tall(er) guys, although many times that just means taller than them, But there are exceptions, I have seen short guys who are not hot, having hot girlfriends/wives, so what’s the deal there (?), it seems that height is a filter, but Not a universal one, anyway, as I already said, I do Not have (the) answers…

Edit: I have seen poor, ugly, short guys with amazing looking women, idk, perhaps it is their Energy, Charisma or their Stick lol, who knows…

Somehow, somewhere, something clicks, but I think manifestation helps as well, there are billions of potential candidates lol, so surely some of these women/men are good/compatible for someone/anyone; perhaps you are not going to get a “10” (in looks, look wise), but at least it can be better than celibacy, although today we live in a sick world who worships materialism, so, my view is Single is Better, at least until I am ready for a relationship lol…
I have to put my own life and needs in order…

A relationship can mess with my mind, as I put soul in it lol and I want to heal myself, while relationships can damage me further…
So, for now, Nope, I’ll be single And I mostly like it, I like myself and I enjoy Life.

So, BACK TO MANIFEATATION(S)/MANIFESTING/MAIN TOPIC… Story time is Over. :sweat_smile:

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Yeah my main reason to become more attractive is that it will translate to a more successful dating life in the future (hasn’t worked out in past times lol). I just turned 17 so obviously this is not something that will benefit me right now, but I’m working for my future self right now. Of course being tall isn’t the only feature of physical attraction that will contribute, but getting there would be a pretty big help! So in conjunction with conscious effort and dream’s fields I will achieve this goal.

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I don’t know much about the other manifestation gurus, but Joe Dispenza has a playlist on his youtube channel with testimonials. Last I checked it was above 500 videos.
I know people who swear for manifestation. Most of them used it for the dating scene, trying to summon their dream girls. I tried it too once for maybe 2 weeks. Tried putting myself into favorable scenarios, I can’t vouch for it personally. I suck at meditation, having to sit and do nothing is killing me. Tried some of his meditational videos, but they are very long for me who can’t even sit 10 minutes without doing something.

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Well, 2 + 2=4, no matter what chakra are you vibrating on lol
So that explanation doesn’t make sense :)

If you say 2+2=3 you are wrong in all cases.

I feel like people in this new age cult are doing just that… Let’s say Elon Musk makes a wrong fuel for rocket, rocket is going to explode and kill lifes, he has to take charges etc

But in this new age cult, and manifestation and self help community, people just be like “If that resonates, if that is your truth is okay, just take what you like and drop the rest” but people DIED from this.

Imagine you have a person you love very much and he tried to improve his life, and DIED because of his guru. How would you feel?

What if I came and told you, well just think positive thoughts, he is not dead, he is just leveled up, forget it etc

It won’t feel nice, imagine how these parents feel!

I almost killed myself because of law of attraction bullshit, imagine how my mom would feel? I know how much it sucks because I have been there.

That’s why I love sapien medicine, he is real deal and can help you HEAL so much, no some fake guru shit.

Guys sorry if I bring wrong energy, I am just pissed of at the world because people are not in unity and simply are looking for personal gains


I agree, but people DIED because of these gurus and teachers. I just watched a sad story about a girls that died from one guru before, it pisses me of, here it is: Death by Self Help - YouTube

I can’t bless people who are teaching and let them go their way, I mean I will try to ignore them, but there are so many of them all over the internet. People are getting scammed, losing their lifes for these idiots. I just wished there were teachings that are more correct, and 90% of them are just a scam, and other 10% are not 100% correct which makes me just lose it.

Self help, manifestation, is fucking toxic, especially new age cult.

We are talking about scammers ruining people lifes, they should be punished! Logan paul just made another scam and made billions, many people did, can we get them in court and punished and take EVERYTHING away from them, so others are more careful?

There is NO punishment for scammers, in 99.99% of time, and even if there is, its a very slight one compared to rewards. That is what I am talking about.

Bro you are not fun at parties lol
That is way to long and too complicated style of writing

But if you insult people in power you are getting punished.

Those are all paid for. He has GREAT PR team, he makes up to 10 million dollars per 1 week event, I knew people who had 30 fake testemonies that for 3k$ a month, so 30k$ would be 300 fake testemonies, imagine 10-15 millions.

Yes, meditation works, but he took a method that works and scam people with it, he did claimed blind people seeing, and disabled people walking with NO PROOF.

His science work is terrible, almost 0. He is a SCAM ARTIST. Good one, but he scams people.

I was defending him before, until I researched him further, he was in a CULT before and he is not a doctor but acts like one, people died because of him, but you don’t hear me tho. ;)

Lol, these makes me laugh, it’s easy to say height doesn’t matter if you are tall. I can go ahead and say money doesnt matter, but people here are straggling with even buying fields that they want, some people dont have money to eat, so OF COURSE IT MATTERS. ALL OF IT MATTERS.

Saying something like “Money doesn’t matter bro, its who you are inside, its important you love yourself” is some fake corny spiritual bullshit, that I despise and can’t understand how people can say it.

You can do that with everything “OHH IT DOESNT MATTER YOU DONT HAVE LEGS, ITS IMPORTANT YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE” the fuck does that even mean lol

I agree with you, we need to GIVE IT ALL if we want something, and just because some tiktokers grew up in rich families and always got the money when they need it so its natural for, they should stop preaching it to others. Same with everyhing, either make it as easy as possible for other people to follow, or shut the fu*k up.

I can go and say oh its easy to make a million dollars when you are 18, I did it and it was easy, but I can see HOW IT WOULD NOT BE for 99% of people. Many failed my methods, yet I explained clearly to them.

Well, that might be your opinion but it is WRONG.
Girls DO PREFER higher guys, according to any single study I ever read.

Doesnt mean you cant be with best looking girl if you are 160cm, but it CUTS YOUR CHANCES BY A LOT.

What cult was he in? You can PM me in case we derail this topic, thanks.

He was in Ramtha’s school of enlightenment, but got kicked out, and decided to copy teachings but improve them to sell more. He used to be chiropractor, not a doctor in any way. His title is only for marketing.

But that is the issue, you see. You could have just Google the name of the cult he was in, but instead of doing your own research you decided to believe me. Imagine other people doing the same, no wonder why there is so many scammer today because they believe the scammers.

He mix some good stuff, with some “quantum stuff”, so you think this guy knows what he is talking about.
So you go and buy his books, where he has no proof whatsoever, only stories (I read 2 of them), then you buy his course, for a few hundred dollars, then go to his classes which cost 3000$, and there are 2000 other people sitting besides you and you are watching at the screen from previous lessons. Lol

I remember recommending his book to my brother, and telling him “if there is 1 book to read in the world, its this one” yet I just bought it and didn’t read it all the way. It took me a while to reliase what a scammer he is, because he does have amazing PR team that promotes his stuff in a way it seems 100% legit, not like he wants your money, but like he wants to help.

And him curing his spine with his mind? Not a single proof of it.

I have proof that Sapien medicine works, at least 5 of them. He doesn’t have one for his spine? Come on lol

“Insult the man, not the argument,” classic ad hominem. And I wasn’t even talking to you.

Since, unlike you, I wasn’t insulting anyone, I have nothing to worry about. Bye.

the similarity is striking.

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I didn’t insult you by any means, it was more of a funny joke, that’s why I put “lol” in it.

It’s not my issue if it hurts you because you saw something true about it :slight_smile:

But there you go again, “classis ad hominem” wtf is that? You are pretending to be educated guy with that kind of writing, but in fact, you are just coming as somebody who is too full of himself. I never liked guys who use long sentances or strange words, not sure what they want to achieve with it.

What you wrote was boring, I read half way through it, you didn’t tell anything. I was just trying to help you see how your style of writing is not the best, and how you write so much to tell so little. If that insults you, that is on you.

I wasnt insulting anyone, stop putting words in my mouth, I was just giving example based on current situation of the world. Kindly take a second look at youself because you are getting to defensive over a simple joke :)

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I Agree.

There are just different Levels of Knowledge and Perception and Ways of Being and Expressing, they DO NOT Invalidate Each Other, They Are Just Different Layers, that’s what the Chakras are All about; on a physical level, of course the laws of physics rule and mathematics is how it is, although, when we speak about different levels, we have no idea how things are in Higher Dimensions, perhaps there 2+2 is not 4…

Here, in this world, 2+2 = 4, though.

Well here’s the guy you were talking to and I have to say he’s right. You can’t just say reality is a certain way cause you believe it to be, most of the time it’s an objective truth. Things like height matter even if you think it doesn’t.

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In a dimensionally higher world, any and all the manifestations happen instantly.
If you define manifestation as the bringing about of specific things or situations, then yes of course it requires external effort, because we are operating in the 3D. The one doesn’t exclude the other.
When you are hungry, you decide to cook something - you “manifested” the food. You had a vision of a delicious dish, proceeded with the recipe and created it. Yet in imagination you can create this dish instantly.

I think the better question to ask would be: How much less external effort would be required after having completed the manifestation internally? And in this part, beliefs come in. If you fully believe in your chosen goal, there is nobody to stop you, because you will always find a new way, if one doesn’t work. You keep going because internally this is done for you; you have chosen it to be so. Notice then that you don’t require much willpower the higher your belief is in yourself to achieve the target.

As Sammy said, manifestation can’t be that easy otherwise he and captain dream would already be living in castles, be billionaires, etc.

The effort aspect will always be there, yet to the person it won’t feel like effort. They have saturated themselves from within with the goal and it feels so natural to them that the efforts required actually become effortless and fun. This is manifestation to me - to be in a flow state with life itself. Of course one does not meditate to a specific goal and then keep sitting there doing nothing right? Afterwards you get up and continue with your day. Just that now you might be feeling different internally. The message has seeped into your subconscious mind.


Forgive me for being amused by this but you’re doing precisely that here in this thread. And you’re not alone in that. We all do that, even me. There’s tons of science in neuroscience, psychology, the social sciences, even quantum physics, which illustrate and explain how we all do this.

As I said, you’re believing that reality is a certain way and, because of your belief, you’re not seeing the other ways that reality also is. You present your belief as if it’s established fact (it isn’t) when it might have been a statistic drawn from a history which has long past. Your belief prevents you from seeing all the “short” men (or unattractive men) who have found lasting and attractive mates. This prevents you from seeing all the other ways you can accomplish your goals, forcing you instead to struggle with a path which has so much objective truth barring your way.

And maybe similar belief filters have prevented you from seeing or hearing my original reply to you which was a direct answer to your question of this thread. After all, you were the one who brought the idea of manifestation to this thread. It’s not my intention to talk you into any belief of “manifestation.” I’m content working with the more tangible sciences (such as the ones I just mentioned) have given us. ETA: In that vein, since our beliefs guide our perceptual filters (as well as more aspects of our tangible reality), it’s my belief that we use the control we have over our beliefs (or, at the very least, our attention) to hold those beliefs or attitudes which enhance and support our power.

I find it interesting that you talk about objective truth on a forum about products where there’s little way (and very few objective studies) to measure objective truth. In fact, most people who demand objective truth would ridicule all of us on this forum.

Things like height might matter to those who think it does. But height doesn’t have to matter to you simply because others think it does. In fact, I would suggest that, if height matters to someone, then they might not be the suitable or desirable potential partner you think they are.


Size matters


Bro I’m not saying short guys can’t get a girl, it’s just a lot easier if they’re not short (average or above). Being taller is a huge advantage in dating, and in response to your last statement that’s also false. Most women prefer a man that is at least their height and this isn’t because they are bad people, it’s just human nature and we all think that way to some extent. I doubt even you would marry a girl that is 2 ft 5 who has an amazing personality, there’s a limit for everyone. Your comment about “objective truth” is also wrong, because studies very clearly show what I’m talking about is correct. You don’t need spirituality to explain this lmao. Just admit that women on average prefer taller men, and stop coping about it. This is a fact not a belief, stop denying it and wasting your time. If you’re short you still have a chance, just a lot lower than some 6’2 greek god. No matter how much you believe in that it will not change much until your physical appearance does too.

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i mean manifestation is an effort in itself, no matter the technique, but i get what you are saying.
check out this testimonial in which there no external effort applied and still it happened. one of the best no effort success stories tbh


Great video.
This has been my experience as well.

Most people have a very strong limiting belief that “they have to manifest it all alone and by themselves”.

But, you do not have to manifest alone and indeed you are never actually doing it.
You are part of a collective consciousness field and are co-manifesting with others.
Other physical humans on the planet and other astral beings and entities.
None of the mainstream LoA books ever mention this.
But this is key.
You are not alone.
There are 8 Billion people with you on the planet who will be triggered at the right place at the right time to co-manifest the reality bubble for you that you have chosen for yourself.

This limiting belief that one has to do it all alone is one of the biggest blocks for people in manifestation.
The ego loves to believe that “it did all the manifestation alone” – but this is just self-sabotage!

Taking action definitely helps in accelerating manifestation, but keep in mind that others can take action for you as well!
8 Billion action takers!

To subconsciously allow others to help you, you need to see them as your co-manifestor allies.
You have to love them, to forgive them and see them as your secret manifestational helpers, even if they are not aware of this with their human consciousness.

That’s why the Attract More Love Into Your Life audio and the Flow NFT are so powerful!
They help you to make others your manifestational allies.

Also, in order to learn to “receive the action from others”, one has to heal one’s deep seated shame and guilt, which most people have because of society’s brainwashing.


correct, all the things i have manifested till date were done with zero external effort. no matter if it was money, a person or an item.