Does manifestation require external effort?

Also it’s the idea that everyone exists in their own reality with them as the center and everyone else co-existing which is why we can have so many different versions of people and things


That hit me just by reading u.u

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These are all beliefs. And that’s the thing about beliefs: you get to be right.

ETA: And don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you that “You Must be this height” or that “You Cannot be that height.” None of that is any of my business.

You started this conversation about “manifestation” and you’ve gone on to clarify that you want to “manifest” a desired physical height, even going so far as to add in some action to accomplish your manifestation. In the context of the “manifestation” that you were asking about, I’ve been shining a light on some of your limiting beliefs all around your height and what you’re wanting from your height. And I think that’s important for two reasons:

  • All of those limiting beliefs are going to get in the way of the effortless manifestation that you were asking about in your OP and
  • When you think around and beyond your limiting beliefs, you might see that there are easier ways for you to get what you ultimately desire than struggling against your body chemistry and growth plates, etc.; than trying to crack the nut of “manifestation” (with or without external effort); than putting yourself through what sounds like uncomfortable (and dubious) programs of external effort.

It seems (to me) that since you have complete control over your beliefs, changing your beliefs might be (especially with these tools we have here at our disposal) a quicker, easier and more comfortable way for you to get what you want, but that’s just my perspective. if you’d rather hold onto your beliefs, so be it.

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My personal impression is that Tate knows about LoA, but when he talks about it, he has to repackage it into words that his mass viewership can grasp without it getting too esoterical.

Tate talks about taking responsibility and self-hypnosis all the time.
Which is just the mainstream way to say that what you put into your Subconscious Mind is key, because it is your Subconscious Mind that manifests your reality 24/7.

Tate has a heavy focus on taking action, which may create the image that he is only about “doing” and not about “using the mind to manifest”.
Putting the right stuff into your Subconscious Mind and avoiding putting the wrong stuff into Subconscious Mind are also types of action. Maybe some of the most important types of action.

Most people and LoA gurus fail with LoA because they ignore the existence and power of the Subconscious Mind, they ignore the necessary removal of limiting beliefs and they ignore the necessary healing of trauma. They also never work on their self love and self worth. These are the 4 main reasons why most people never get anywhere with LoA.

Tate talks about getting out of the victim role all the time. Absolute key in manifestation. Self proclaimed victims are never in their own power and their subconscios minds are simply giving them more experiences of them being a victim. That vicious cycle can only be broken by an active choice to no longer be a victim.

Tate also talks about “personal vibration” in some of his clips.

He is also very good at directing the energy of his viewers onto stuff that he wants to manifest. Energy goes where attention goes.

I assume he has to stay on that superficial non-esoteric level in order to appeal to a mass viewership. Most people are not open for really deep esoteric ideas – even Tate fans.

Then also this.
Is there really a difference between internal and external?
In my opinion “no”.
Rather it is, “conscious” versus “unconscious” manifestation of one’s own reality.
Your Subconscious Mind that manifests your reality 24/7, whether you know it or not.
Only way to manifest what you really want, is to make it ALL conscious and align with your Subconscious Mind.
Everything else, including your thoughts, your emotions, your actions, the people who support you etc. will then be a result of this.

Not true.
Those people are choosing to remain in their low vibrational reality.
Those people are also choosing to remain in the predatory mindset because they feel like victims, operating from a place of fear and lack.
And guess what?
They will manifest even more of this same shit.
They will be scammed by other scammers or manifest some other negative stuff.
Again and again.
Again and again and again.
For many many incarnations.
Until they will finally have enough and decide to change.
Being stuck in low vibration is one of the most cruel experiences to make.


“They are punished by it”, by letting them be free with millions of dollars they stole to travel all around the world and enjoy their life, is not a punishment but a reward. Just because you stole something online doesnt mean you are in low vibration, actually those people feel happy. Much happier then single mom who got scammed for her last 40k$ by fake spiritual teacher eric ho (master sri akarshana). Just an example.

Its sad that I found only a few people who are really smart and honest with good intentions who teach online, even ones such as ester hicks, benhino massaro, eric who, joe dispenza are all looking for their own profit.

Why not look at the good ones then?
Who are the good ones btw?

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Truth is, how bad you want it?
Sure manifestation works but wouldn’t we all want to be the best at what we do?

Whether athlete, millionaire, entrepreneur, celebrity or any skill

You wanna manifest success?
Well you also have to work your ass for it, because the truth is someone wants it more than you, if you aren’t putting effort and action then why even bother with manifestation.

I think of a manifestation as a sale, hear me out.

Your given an opportunity and what you have to do is take action to be successful in it.

Sorry but if you don’t have discipline or work ethic, you won’t achieve your goals.

I’m not saying be a rat, but difficult things take work and effort, and with manifestation will be a hell of a lot easier.

Here’s my little opinion for anyone willing to succeed in anything

You should manifest your ultimate goal while also putting the best work you can fulfill,
How bad do you want it?
Because truth is their is others in that area who want it way more than you but you have tools to make it easier for you. Choose and be grateful

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Yes, it’s does require
Organizations, planning and actions from your side
All other what say is lie that I also followed once ago unfortunately for 10 years
Only this way works the best
Nothing will fall from sky
Es ist halt so

What if I only want to manifest 10 million dollars, FASTEST AND EASIEST way possible?

HOW TO DO THIS? I want money to appear on my bank account, let me hear how to do that?

Sure, if you want to be athlete, a business men, actor, you will have to work your ass off as well, but how to JUST manifest money fast and easy?

Bro we are in 3D

You cant manifest things out of thin air. I am not capable of it, you are not capable of it.

And if someone would be capable of it, the being wouldnt reincarnate here in the first place.

You can manifest it, but you have to create wealth pathways. You cant sit in your basement and meditate, stay in the end and expect it to appear in your bankaccount.

You HAVE to create Wealth pathways, a way for the money to come in the first place.

Wether you start an irl business, an onlineshop, real estate… or even fucking gambling

There has to be a way. And if you want 10000000$ it will take a while and WORK even if you try to manifest it the easiest way.

I manifested stuff out of thin air before, I can change weather, I can set buildings on fire with my mind, I can cause earthquakes, and much more.

But HOW to manifest money out of thin air, many people claim to have done it, where they just recieve money on their bank account, my questions is how I do that with 10 millions the easiest way. I dont wanna do SATS because I dont want to cause buildings on fire with my mind lol

Thats why I stopped doing SATS until I have full control over my mind.


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In, to learn how you highlighted within a quote. That’s a manifestation that I would like to accomplish. I don’t mind the extra external effort. :laughing:




:+1: :mechanical_arm:

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Im basically Jesus lool :rofl:

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Aren’t we all…?


Can you burn buildings with your mind? There’s your answer :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Haven’t tried !
I can x-ray souls though…