Don’t notice effects from tags?

I think it was a good choice for me too.:smiley::smiley: I’m thinking about using the plasma protocol next time. I think it’s a hot issue right now :smile::smile:

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I bought it at the Teespring shop, but I don’t think it’s there now. Maybe the new sapien shop will sell again?

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Hi Maoshan! what are other products from other developers? Can you please share some links to it. thank you

The other day I returned APE. I tried to leave a token on my photo, the energy is broadcast. It’s a pity I didn’t notice these results a year ago, when I had my own …

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I’ve worn it consistently for at least five months, I believe, but don’t think I’ve noticed anything significant from the Abundance tag or the other tags I’m wearing (Shielding, Lion) Still, given the immensely positive experiences of others, I’m very tempted to get my hands on the Intercession tag while there’s still a store discount to soften the blow that is the lousy Canadian dollar. Can always use a helping hand!


Sometimes we don’t realize the effect of something till we don’t have that around! Oh, I am not trying to sell you any more tags :smiley:

As a kid, I was always talking to guides and teachers, who for some reason were very kind to me. At one point, I was smitten by Goddess Kali who would always be around and I would recite her mantra night and day. One evening, my Dad and uncle drove me somewhere and we got into an accident. We were all hurt a little, nothing major, and then got home after first aid. I was a little angry and asked the Goddess, “I am told you are a great cosmic force and you cannot even help me with an accident? Look, I got a bruise!”. And she was quiet, as she usually is, like the voidness that consumes even time - and then came the reply in my head: “Without me, do you think the three of you could have escaped from that huge truck nearly unhurt?”.

Same thing with the Shielding tag! I did not wear it for 2-days and whoa, had quite a few bad experiences!


Thanks for weighing in - I appreciate it. I admit it’s been easy to feel doubt or let frustration get to me when I’ve been encountering ‘bad luck’ in areas and little progress while devotedly trying to manifest a new living situation for months and hoping the abundance tag would further that. Or, with the shielding tag, experiencing people still being unapologetically rude to me while I’ve been wearing it and the emotions ‘getting to me’. I don’t know if I just need to keep at if for more months but I’m trying very hard to keep hopeful. I’ve poured a lot of faith and patience into things I’ve been listening to over the years because I completely believe there is more to life than what we see and hear - which there is. Let the good times roll, right? Definitely waiting for more good times.


Are you listening to Abundance Mindset + Millionaire Mindset
Those will the Abundance tag…whew!
Watch out.


I guess I should now that you’ve sold it to me like a car salesman. :stuck_out_tongue:
Think Plasma Flower would be useful for me too? I don’t really know how it differs in the effects it has on others from stuff like the Love Gravitation Wave, Uplift, Radiate Positivity, and Attract Love, and you seem to be quite the sage around these parts. :slight_smile:


Of course. It creates an environment of peace and ease (ie mental abundance) around you and in you.
It’s alot easier to “manifest” when you are coming from higher vibration emotional states.
And those are the states that we subconsciously “seek” from money anyways.
That sense of safety and ease and peace.


Hmmm… I’ve been using Attract Love for a good while in the hopes that I’d eliminate more of the negativity and disrespect I’ve had tossed my way but I think this calls for something a tad more powerful. Your description of Plasma Flower is useful.

Speaking of higher vibration, I recently tried a field from another maker for faster manifestation and it includes vibration-raising. Not sure if it’s the usual reaction but it actually made me tear up a bit for some reason. I would hope that’s a good sign, lol.


i love your experiences thank you!

it’s interesting that the absence of a morphic field made me realize their effects on my life!

  • no healing egg - feeling sluggish after waking up and just wanting to stay in bed and sleep even more
  • no abundance mindset and no million dollar empire mindset - anxious thoughts about how to get more money. lack thoughts about not being in the right career fields. feeling like i’m wasting my time on my hobbies. a lot of doubts with my romantically inclined relationships.
  • no ego dissolution - feeling super needy and asking for validation from those i would put on a pedestal.

Have you tried holding a tag in the left hand and meditating to it?


No, I haven’t. A newbie to meditation so I’m not quite sure where/how to start.


Idk why but these tags feel more powerful when you hold them and meditate, for example the SLR tag, I always thought this tag would only work if you hold it in your palm, right or left, the tags works if you have it around your neck, but you feel the difference much much stronger when you hold it in your palm, at least I did/do. And this is pointed at tags, Morphic fields are fine trough speaker or headphones, speaker recommended even while meditating but your choice if you either want to use headphones or speaker. But back to dog tags, that is because some people are more proun to recieve energy from the palms, each is individual but most people seem to take in energy trough the left palm and send energy out trough the right, either way, meditate on it and just hold it in the palm that feels for you like you are taking in energy, if you feel like both palms take in energy, nice!, then meditate on the palm you want. Either way, Meditating on these fields has a more profound effect than if you listen to them passiv and do something else meanwhile, tho fields like higher self require meditation to progress good and the mindset fields are passivly fine, but here its your choice to take action. Everyone is different but these are the things that are kind of the same for many people.

For example which field/dog tag doesnt need active meditation to make you feel like your heads gone explode is the IPF tag, that one you just wear for a long time and let the magic happen.

And I recommed the SEE system a lot, because most of the time, its your own emotions that hold you back from actually letting yourself become the person you truly are and get into life situations you truyl want, and with emotions I mean the bad ones that come from your mind/ego

Aight wrong link above, I meant this one

after that you can do satori with Angelgome if the option is aviable


Hold the tag in left hand, get in comfortable position.
Close your eyes and breath in and breath out.
It will be hard in the start. Maybe not.


Do you think it would be better to place the tag in the left pocket than around the neck?

Doesn’t matter what pocket and I think around the neck is better. Also as was said above holding it in your left hand is a good idea because the palm of the left hand is for receiving.


Um that’s kinda weird. I wear mandalas and results come fast for me. Within the moment I printed it and wear it. The next day I get lot of stares xD. But I think people are different when it come to energy. Or maybe it already work but you just don’t notice it?


_OM Can you please tell me what to do with my Abundance tag? I have had it for about six months and wear it and meditate with it every day I do not feel anything from the tag. I had a friend who is very energy sensitive meditate with it too and she said she did not feel anything from the Abundance tag. Other tags that I had her meditate to, she said she could feel the energy very strong. She felt the energy from both the SLR tag and the Intercession tag. What can I do to make the Abundance tag work for me?