Don’t notice effects from tags?

Yup, the weight loss tag, and field almost seem “empty” lol! Individual audios work better! Thanks to @_OM, I’ve switched over to the SARMs and the new Fat Metabolism audio - these seem way more effective.


So you said the fat loss on teespring is not worth it?i wanted for a friend. I have matchmaker for a month with abundance together but i dont have results until now. I am waiting…no job no girls.(also chatting a lot).i don’t get the calling that matchmaker said that have withing a mile.:thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow::neutral_face:

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So you had no luck with tags…maybe the description of matchmaker is a little overrated but who knows…

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But you said matchmaker didn’t work for you no new girls

It attracted girls I wasn’t into to me like lightning to a lightning rod. But it could be my fault for not getting out more and giving it more of a chance around the kind I do like.


Same here I think it is that my standards are much higher than myself. Mostly.

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I have it but dont use it anymore. It is extremely effective, especially changing your subconscious programming around relationships. I dont use it anymore bc im no longer interested in getting into a relationship/attracting girls. Also I remember it gave me a type of charismatic confidence, it would be extremely effective for business stuff.


So it meet your expectations? Did it make you to meet- calling new girls like the description says?if you purchased it for that reason why you dont use it🤔

Yes, it met my expectations.

Thanks brother

You just said it all for me @Jennyfire … my sentiments exactly! :innocent:


Still, I take my negative comments about the APE tag back. Recently I removed this tag from a friend’s friend for a couple of weeks, the effect began to appear in a few minutes. When walking, I feel energy / tone: in the hips, back, arms. If I fall asleep with the tag, then I wake up 1-2 hours earlier. As for mental protection and healing, I did not notice this.


APE is great. I have it and it works like a charm. I use it everyday when I get out of the house. It has never failed me and yes it protects you from accidents like someone here on this thread said. My ex girlfriend bought advanced healing months ago on my recommendation. She is very overweight and has health issues.

The advanced healing tag has helped her immensely to the point that two or three different times she has forgotten to put the tag for three days straight and all of her illnesses magically come back. It is insane according to her.

Sapien stuff works and it is amazing. It has changed the game for many of us in this holographic reality or prison whatever you want to call it.

We are just starting to scratch the surface. The future is bright.


Maybe SLR can help in addition If they are recurring. I think it would help one to overcome that pattern what ever could be causing the issue.

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I’m trying to figure out what is SLR?

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Subconscious Limits removal audio or tag… or can also use ‘point of no return stack’ (search in forum threads)

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Thank you. It is working for her extremely well, it is just that her body is compromised and when she forgets to put it back for a few days the symptoms come up again.


APE isnt available in any of the shops right?
What about MM?

Well, I think this tag is really subtle.
I wish I could feel something as clear as a shield.

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Shielding 2.0 is your best bet then.