Don't want to be party breaker but

2 times daily for almost 3 months and nothing drasticaly changes. Mavbe little more confident and few looks but nothing like in comment section.
Edit : In that time i paired it with chakra growth and subconcious limit and angleic vibration because what sapien recommend it.


Yes it is

3.0 is the improved version
I would give it at least 6 months of listening to evaluate any results though


You can buy a wig for the wedding :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hairs cycles are quite slow unfortunately and I dont think the field speed up the cycle (from the description)

Otherwise people may experience massive shedding probably

Much depends on your starting situation too… if you have androgentic etc…

Congratulations! :tada:


I’d focus on alchemy of love for that day :slightly_smiling_face:


If so, use the new Unconditional Androstenol. It has a field for love as well to balance out the primal effects. (You want to be a gentleman at the wedding. :P )

Since you are on patreon you can simply listen to the full album a few times a day
They are very short tracks, doesnt require much time

I would skip androstenol, or follow @anon6431808 suggestion above


Congratz! May you grow older together on one pillow, as we say here :)


Hi Mabb, I would just like to know

What Mental Frequencies in Sapien Medicine are you using?

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I used subconcious limit removal for like 10 months, in like 6 months straight i didn’t miss a single day


They don’t

At this point, “they don’t” sounds like a limiting belief in itself.

I would try working on absolutely expecting results to come.

Though the audios are not belief-based, belief is the medium through which/degree to which the audios can change you.


Why don’t you start with point of no return playlist everyday and I am sure you will notice results after while


What you would think after so much listening without effect? I believed 100 % in them i wouldn’t listen for so long if i didn’t.

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Already used. As i said im not one of those who listen 20 diffrent audios for 2 day and then say there is no change.

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That’s strange… I wonder for how many periods of time you used it?..use also ego dissolution

Point of no return must be used at least month or more in heavy cases like yours

Of course, believing they do not work at this point is natural. I’m just pointing out a clear, present limiting belief. Also, the limiting beliefs that promote resistance are unconscious, so you can’t really possibly know how much you believed in them earlier.


I think you need to say what it was your are trying to accomplish with the androstanol field.
what did you expect to happen?
Nothing here, forces anybody to do anything against their wishes.


These comment just got me intrigued so i wanted to test it. One day i even listen it about 7 times (i know i should’t do that) but i wanted just to feel something you know? So i go to gym after that which was full of men and women and i sweated alot so there should be effect, but nah it was like every day i go there.