Dr_Manhattan's Index

No one here said quantum computation.

Quantum tunneling, quantum coherence, superposition collapse, resonance…
Lots of basic quantum properties to max out and even tweak.

We already have the torsion field which is quantum, check what it does to your mind.

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Torsion concept field never changed any in my mind to be honest. It’s effects were always different perception of other fields for me, but world exactly same.
That to say, all these probabilistic augmentation I don’t find possible without accepting need to connect “astral” aka “dream” part of mind with consciousness and training to consciously engage with this actual capacity of the brain into problem solving. Maxing any “quantum” capability is stepping into psychic territory basically. Don’t want to argue though.

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I think you should be using subconscious limit remover, some energy body field or the other stuff people for whom fields don’t work use.

I’m not attacking you, but you don’t seem to be getting the full results.

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Use them daily, strange that you mention. For mz for example it’s unimaginable that people consider Singularity just some vibration increase field, doesn’t bother me though.

It’s not strange, I notice you often don’t feel anything or barely.

Lots of people had the same problem, it’s not uncommon. There are whole threads about it


I know what you refer too, I’m aware, but it’s norm for me, I understood that I don’t feel same emotions as others long ago and still confused why others have them. Or I realise response of my body to whatever I do and how it’s different from others, it’s not imagonary, it’s physical difference in literally how parts are connected.

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Lol, ur lucky philp, for me it took a while and even now. Their could be weeks i go without results.

I reaised if am chasing somthing that makes me feel fulfilled that when i get most results.

These fields 100% work its aready proven to me, but its a bit hard to get the ball rolling

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We cannot all edit our posts guys, then someone will reply to me with a question, I answer and I get “yes, so what ?” like they don’t even care, I’m gonna be ready to flip off and then 4-5 lines pop up giving context.

I did it first, I edit my posts while you reply, deal with it. We can’t all do it lol

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How about you explain this to me in detail in a private message ?

Sounds interesting, maybe we can find a way to help

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Sure. Will do.

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Guys, i just beat my high score in chess, i havnt done the puzzle mode in months, but its so much more easier then when i was playing everyday and had ernest neuron. Its important to test yourself with brain fields, otherwise you would only think your dumb because you will start to see your own mental plotholes

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Those materialist scientists are still in the dark.
Still believing that the physical brain is the origin of consciousness or the origin of awareness and qualia.

What they still don’t understand is that the it is the Consciousness (you) that does the computations and the physical brain is just a device that translates the signals down into a physical experience and into the part of you awareness that makes up the physical experience.

The better the device (brain), the better and more signals can be translated/downloaded from your higher consciousness into your human physical role.

And of course, Consciousness uses many layers of devices, not just the physical brain. The astral body has an astral brain etc.

Being in the physical, we are literally a multi-layer body and multi-layer brain construct.
Now imagine how complex the whole system is as all those consciousness signals from your Higher Self need to be translated down through all the layers in order to enable a physical experience in a physical universe.

50 years of research with NDEs and OBEs proof this.


Also if you look at the picture of the Arcturian Brain NFT for example, it is a mix of fractals, geometry and a vortex.

Since the Arcturians are not fully physical in our sense, they for sure have a highly developed astral / light body brain too.


This thread will be cleared by the way


Please move to the Brain discussion thread. Thank you.

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Maybe move mart of conversation to a separate one?

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@Dr_Manhattan fat loss field on the way?

Yes, still is, I don’t know when, but next one and one after are weight loss


Can you give us some teasers of what it’ll do?