Dragon Energy and Intercession tag

I talked about it some today in @anon28389016’s thread

There are 3 different aspects of it for me. One is a lot of power, but it’s not a physical kind, It’s like “I can literally do anything”. Like shoving Tony Robbins’ spirit inside of you. I don’t feel that pumped up all the time like him, that would be psycho, but I do feel that energy.

Next is a mind aspect. When dealing with people and I want a good response from them, I’m not manipulative so it’s not like I’m trying to get them to do anything they wouldn’t want to do or that’s bad for them, but simply when I want the interaction to go well and have a good outcome. I can zoom my focus into their mind and look at it like it’s clockwork. It’s like being psychic but without empathy or emotion. I’m just like, oh that’s how that works, if I do this… then they do this. They think this… they want this…

And then there is an ability to shut off my emotions when needed. This isn’t a bad or evil thing like how it might sound. There are times when you want to be able to make clear decisions unclouded by emotions, this lets me do that. My emotions are not “off” all the time by any means. It hasn’t turned me into a sociopath or anything. When I need sound judgment or good/wise decisions, this helps.

I said 3 but it has a problem solving element to it also. Whenever I’m trying to solve a problem my brain works fast and almost like an AI, it’s not with the internal dialogue. It’s a spatial reasoning. I see things moving fast. And I’ve tried to make something work in a half dozen ways or so in a few seconds and then I hit the mark and it works. All faster than if I had tried to talk it through. It’s just motion.

Sometimes the Power aspect and Thinking aspect come together and I find it very hard not to do something that I know is good for me but that I’ve been holding myself back from because of fear or maybe even cowardice. It’s like “No, you can do this, this is good for you, therefore you will do this. I will not let you be stupid.”

Works well with Life Path too. Almost feels like Dragon picks up the Life Path field and utilizes it. Drives it like a car to where I want or need to go. Hard to explain this one but there it is.