πŸ‰ Dragon Golem

It is ok!
I would delete the post so that nobody can access the servitor.

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Nobody can access someone else’s servitor.

They respond ONLY to the creator.


Hopefully youΒ΄re right.

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Do servitors know the difference between genuine intention and intrusive thoughts?

I gave my servitor an activation and deactivation word just in case. I have to say the word first in order for it to listen to any commands and use the deactivation word after the task is done


You say the activation word out loud? It seems like it would be best to just speak to it that way to avoid confusion. I wonder if typing/writing to it could work?

Yeah I say it out loud. My mind isn’t exactly the most clear so I prefer to speak to my servitor vocally


What do you mean by intrusive?

Like negativity?

Like if you create negative scenarios in your head that can influence negatively towards others or yourself and then the Dragon replicates that and expands that or something like that?

Im not sure what exactly you mean but i can just tell you that Dragons learn what you want them to learn and they learn all about you but dont act on it unless you ask it or have set it up to automatically do it.

Also Dream would never create something that in the wrong hands or negative minds or intentions could harm anything or anybody in any way.

They are not programmed for that, you could train them to understand what this or that is harmful or negative just-so-it-can-protect-you if you ever be exposed to that. Thts it.


Intrusive thoughts in the sense of unwanted thoughts of harming my self or others. They don’t align with any actual desire as they are unwanted thoughts. Example would be imagining petting the dragon and then an intrusive pops in of hurting it. :pensive:

It sounds to me U need to work on that. Until then speak to your dragon, address him out loud.


Yes then i understood correctly.

So instead or apart from what Zuzu suggested, teach him to help you change and transmute those thought, give him all the examples, tell him to observe how your body reacts or behaves and your energy systems when you have those thoughts so he can recognize them and when he does to please turn them into loving desires and burn them in the spot. You can even with practice teach him to copy/harness etc the energy from crucible and that when he notices those thoughts to burn them etc


This is a great idea, thanks. :relieved:

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Lets assume the I applied the Lucky sigil on a ring with my dragon golem in it because i was expecting that the transfering of my dragon to another item is successful which is not…

does anyone think it might somehow damage the dragon?? :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

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i Dont think so , ask the dragon itself


need more animal telepathy…

somehow im relieved

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The day I made my Dragon, I came across this trailer for a movie I never heard of. I think it was a way of my dragon saying : β€œI’m here”.


Was wondering if anyone energy sensitive could confirm whether or not they see/feel my dragon. I did the activation in a strange place so I’m checking to make sure I didn’t accidentally bind the dragon to something other than this coin.


I definitely feel energy from it.


I hope you store that coin carefully and don’t get mix with another coin.


I actually live in America so I’ll never have the need to use another one of those coins. That’s a euro