Dragon servitor teaching abilities

Do as thou wilt.

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What do these subliminals program you to do btw?

Take a look at your average retarded teenager.



Hmm maybe I can listen to covers of songs then. That way I reduce the chances of it containing a subliminal don’t I?

“Duuuudeeee sex is life yo, I would die without sex!”

“Man those hollywood celebs are totally awesome rolemodels, definitely not occultists who vamp on our energy, omg i love them more than my parents!!!”

“Man im gangsta as fk, reddit is soo awesome, im like the best ever but i read on fb the law of attraction says be positive to attract money so you know, im nice now! Love and light!”

You get the gist.


Its not the songs per se, its everywhere.

You can listen and not be affected. Protect thy mind sire


Anime is also probably full of it

Wasn’t Jeffrey Epstein into occult stuff?

No idea, I know the last airbendrr has some frequencies in there, hans zimmer uses programmed energy (why do you think his music is loved and makes you feel good?)

Not saying good or bad, just sayin’

(Yes im a rebel who questions everything, you can see how im a nightmare for authority lol)


Hans Zimmer’s Pirates of the Caribbean and Man of Steel soundtracks are ones I keep coming back to. Man of Steel soundtrack helps me while working out.

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What frequencys does to you?

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Theyre good frequencies no worries

Creators of atla are good people


Just google celebrities and occult. My oh my they are drenched in it. Crystal healing and witchcraft everywhere. Crazy.

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Apparently Lana Del Ray attempted to place a hex on Donald Trump lol. Crazy bitch.

Avatar the last airbender is as spiritual as it gets lol

Havent seen any other cartoon that comes even close to it.

Especially the guru episode with the chakras?

Its fun as a kid, as an adult its a lesson


“Things you think are different and seperate, are actually one and the same”

Its a kid show dude.

A fking



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What do you think of this?

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Youre gonna need Dreamweaver’s evil twin from an alternate reality to be able to touch people like Trump.

Lana probably cant even hex a squirrel properly


You’re saying Trump is fully geared up against witchcraft? He doesn’t look like he believes in this stuff.

And she admitted it in public. Who does that lol