Dragon servitor teaching abilities

You shall have no other Lords beside me

Lolll it works

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I would like to say some things about the Abrahamic God that would get me banned here. But I donā€™t actually wanna get banned.

Tbf though, the term ā€˜Abrahamic Godā€™ encompasses many entities. Iā€™m referring to one particular entity. That I only dare to express in a PM.

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Me too kinda. Although it never truly goes away. I can only ignore it.


Journey to Nibiru bro

You might meet the actual being that the abrahamic god is based on



Thereā€™s multiple beings though. Iā€™m not referring to Enlil/Enki. This being has not been explored on this forum for some reason

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Does the being have a name?

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Yes it does. Itā€™s a very popular deity. Second most popular in the world.

how long did you meditate on it
or is it like the others intercessions just shorter


Thats the same being dummy

I get it

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Havent properly meditated to it yet, will do soon

Looped it last night on low volume but was tired so dont remember much

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What? Didnā€™t you say in the past that this particular being was based on a female moon based entity?

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The interesting thing is censored use the same name but they refer to a different version of the entity (more in line with the jewish christian God). I wonder who they end up contacting lol.

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Idk man honestly

But if you have the ipf you can try to tap into that beings

Its very feminine, and theres a connection with the moon

But the annoying kind of feminine

The kind that screams at you for no reason lol

Like those annoying resident evil zombies


Hilarious. It is extremely jealous as well based on how its worshippers describe it. Threatens you for not kissing its butt. I was annoyed by it right from the start. Never understood why so many people praise this parasite.

When Iā€™m at the required level, Iā€™d like to troll the hell out of it.


When you insult it its gonna use its puppets.

Stay out of it until you have the ipf and know how to tear them apart psychically

Im an extremist person lol

So when I was christian, I used to pray extremely, like give it my all, you know?

When I left, I could feel it keep begging me to return. It liked my loyalty

Until one day I got so pissed, I asked to be possessed by a demon and attack it 24/7.

Then Dream released higher self connection and now im on my own side, dont work with either side lol


Would you believe I actually worshipped this entity for a while? About a month actually. Consistently, in the way that it likes.


Yup. The comfort of a slave.

Its ā€œcozyā€, but not worth it.

Gimme risk and freedom instead


Thatā€™s what the worshippers of this entity are literally called. Slaves. Righteous slaves. Thatā€™s the highest relationship you can have with this entity. Not even like a father-son relationship. A master-slave.

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I assume itā€™s because they are egregores. And so they grow stronger with our thoughts.