Dragon servitor teaching abilities

Yes, the followers are stuck at a primal level too if you notice it.

Its their aura too, the one you mentioned is a more assertive entity, so you can see how it literally uses its puppets to do certain things.

No wonder terrible shit kept happening at me when I was a christian, it was my soul probably who was furious at the ego.


It made me very aware/suspicious of angelic beings too.

Dale used to write that certain guides and angels would rather let you die and suffer than harm someone else, even if they attacked first

Fk that


These followers are some of the LEAST spiritual people I have ever seen. Even less spiritual than the regular agnostic/“I believe in a higher power” folks. Utterly disgusts me and the worst thing is that many of them want to spread their cancer to you. It’s a bloody reward/punishment based system for every single thing as well.

Although some outlying sects of these followers are a bit more spiritual. Of course these outliers are heavily persecuted by the majority unfortunately.


Sounds like the angelic version of Gandhi.

I share the same sentiment actually.


Lots of entities who actively work against that bitch too.

But even if you get rid of it, people keep praying and giving birth to it lol.

But the entity isnt even the problem actually

By choosing to hand over your destiny to some being , and believing its external, already drains you of your own godhood.

We are gods after all, we create this reality.

So this also affects the collective, further weakening it.

Man if only we could have a “disconnect from the human collective” field

Imagine the freedom and power.

Another way is to transcend it but I still have earthly goals that require a strong ego


The belief system of these followers contributes to literally destroying the collective knowledge of us being Gods. It’s the exact antithesis and opposite. Blasphemous to them to think in that way.

I can see how that is very appealing. But man, I’m sure it comes with its own set of cons.

Name one.

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But yeah. I suppose the game plan then is to maintain your ego, fulfill your earthly goals. Be a bit more self aware of this rubbish in the collective consciousness. Stay away and once you’re done, transcend.

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I have this stupid feeling some of us on the forum are gonna be on earth for a very long time. (200+ years)

I cant explain it


Hmm not sure. But perhaps the collective consciousness offers its own benefits. All of humanity’s achievements being an example. You’d be forced to be more independent if you were to disconnect. Which is good for some people. But for others maybe not.

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not me bro

Stop being edgy

could’ve let me dream that I leave this planet

And go where, exactly?

where ever transcended beings go


Arent you interested to see what’s all out there ?
I am, wanna see shit haha

Then astral travel and explore.

What does that have to do with “transcendent beings”?

I have a feeling “you” would just go insanse, like different insane.

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Youre feeling wrong, avatar.