Dreamcatcher - NFT : New Release

Such beautiful words and analogies.

Thank you!!



@anon46520955 and @Kay,

Thank you folks for softening the atmosphere. Personally I can be too blam blam blam sometimes. Especially when similar issues tend to happen several times.

NFTs are good lessons indeed. Not only to tame our ego-based frustrations. But above all to learn cherishing what we already got. To learn that even if we think that we’ll have it all gratis on YouTube and that we can just pay and “possess” the other ones, nothing is granted in a finger snap at the end of the day. No matter if we race at NFT checkouts.

And like Kay said, most importantly: learn to be happy by “procuration”, on other people’s behalf (those chosen by the NFT fields and else), as if that “luck” happened to ourselves.


Oh and just a gently (not so gently :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: ) reminder for those who got it that

Armor Of Light audio was going to be a NFT but since it was the first one posted through that we were all lost and it wasnt working or it was hard to understand so He released it as an audio instead…

The first ever NFT… an amazing field, yes still fully a rarity :woman_shrugging:t2:

So for those who still dont have it:

Dont miss out just because its not a NFT coming to life again i bet everybody would be selling their soul to get it haha


i mean detoxed plasmatron life and superhuman mutant RNA + don’t make me feel like I miss something without ambrosia. though I’m sure ambrosia is far superior but the tools we already have are already out of this world so…


Literally when I saw Super human mutant RNA+ followed by mythic ( detoxed plasmatron life especially ) I was like Dream is giving us that just exactly so people don’t feel bad about not having ambrosia :slightly_smiling_face:


When Dream hinted about the drop in the other thread I felt that I would get it, even though only 20 ex will be created.
The day of the release I was in the woods picking blueberries for 5 hours. When I got home and checked the forum it dropped then and there.
I must have been one of the first to get it.


There will be more.

Let’s all enjoy these drops :package: :heart_eyes_cat:.

(My ego too was hurt when I missed a couple past NFT but it’s cool there’s more and we don’t need to catch them all…)


@Bronyraur I understand well how you feel/felt and I’m convinced that some “blam blam blam” is needed at times :smiley: Thank you for saying what you said and being an important fellow piece in the puzzle for this thread to arrive at where it is now :sparkling_heart:

Whoa… what? I didn’t know that either. Thank you for sharing! :astonished: :dizzy: I’m a bit shocked because…

I really don’t want to spam this thread with my Dreamcatcher-unrelated stories but maybe this one can support the discussion, knowing now that Armor of Light and Glory was supposed to be an NFT.

I found SM around March of this year, the Forum around May/June, right after the shop must have closed. One of my major concerns for the past 6 years has been safety and vulnerability. To keep focus, I won’t go into detail, but just know, it was an excessive concern. I felt quite broken (physically, mentally, energetically) and evidently was vulnerable. Add what was going on in the collective and it’s been quite a ride. At the peak, I’d get anxious even crossing a street. Upon finding the shop, Shielding Protection read savior to me, but something still felt missing. The AoLaG tag seemed the perfect partner, but I was sure I missed it, because the shop was closed and it read ‘limited edition’. That felt heavy. I found the audio, but somehow hesitated getting it. I cannot explain why, it was just like that. Even the Teespring Sale did not get me to make the purchase yet. Something held me back. Shortly after, Dream announced about re-opening the shop and a last chance to get this tag and, I kid you not, I was speechless and in awe for minutes.

So I feel like this shows that this field really, really wanted me. Knowing now that this was supposed to be an NFT originally, as well as a limited item in the tag section, all before I was aware of it, it just makes this so much more powerful I think and shows how these things are meant to be. Because for sure, this would have been the one NFT and tag so far that I would have really been missing or ‘needed’ or disproportionately benefited from. I feel as if Dream also knew and so made it happen that way which I am so immensely thankful for :pray: :two_hearts: :sparkles:

:100: :sparkling_heart:


This forum is a microcosm of life; with the highs and the lows, with the ebbs and the flows.

Whatever your reaction to getting it or missing out, might be an invitation to observe a bigger experience about ourselves conceptual realization-wise, then the actual thing itself.

fwiw, literally every single field that is free on YouTube * could be * an NFT, * could be * $1,000,000 to a biotech firm or a pharmaceutical corporation, etc.

If everything was all free, or all paid, or all limited, what fun would life be? The contrast of experiences is what makes it interesting.


Let’s bring this back to the topic.

@Captain_Nemo @SammyG @_OM Does the quality and colors of the print matter when it’s printed out?


is there a certain range? or is it enough to simply hang the dream catcher in the bedroom?


1212 was the hour i think


As long as it’s similar to the photo you’ll be fine b/w doesn’t matter.


Thanks for confirming that, @Zen. :pray:

Until I can get to a store and get it professionally printed, my home printer will need to be it for now.


Wowza… that was fast! :fast_forward: :fast_forward:

Venly wallet created and NFT already there. :partying_face: Thank you, @Captain_Nemo !!


^. Yeah, color of print doesn’t matter too much from my experience. So as long as it’s not tooooooooo far off. (Like you edit the picture and change saturation and all and then print.)


Awesome! Good to know and thank you for confirming, @SammyG !! :pray:


Got mine too :partying_face::partying_face:


I havent printed it yet :sweat_smile: so busy

Im not sure of this until trying it, but I personally will put it above my bed (just like the real dreamcatchers)

But i got this feeling and im pretty sure being Captains creation, this will expand with the passing days and just anywhere in the room will be ok

I even feel that if we keep a small printed one with us throughout the day, it could help us, destroy the negative dreams "blockages or dreams debbie downers whether our very selves or other ppl) and catch the ones in the air within our vibration that are waiting to be caught and that we normally wouldn’t realize we have. You know what i mean?

Like when we get something unexpected or epiphanies, serendipities and things and then we say “i didnt know i needed/wanted this until i got it” kinda feeling :slightly_smiling_face:

But im just assuming and paraphrasing here. We shall experiment and see :hugs::hugs:


Where to start ?ummmmm :thinking: I’ve got this unexpectedly as if there was a calling. I saw these feathers long ago in some shop, attracted to them for how they look and design but never knew that they were called Dreamcatchers :grimacing:. I just got to know more information about them AFTER buying this product and from u guys. Yeah true…, I don’t even read the description of NFT while buying… Fastest fingers first when I see NFT at the headline … :laughing::rofl:

I don’t usually change my already collaged Sapien mandalas mobile wallpaper from last 2 years or so, but somehow Dreamcatcher alone replaced them all. So this is my just 2 nights experience review.

Since then Omg, I have been dreaming throughout nights and that too in shifts…meaning atleast 2 dreams back to back that too entirely unrelated. The first one I couldn’t recollect now, even though I am still trying… I still say to myself at the juncture of waking/dream phase like this - I remember this, I remember this at the time of wake-up…yes, yes, yes…


I am taking and projecting different characters inside my dreams and it’s almost a 3D reality… talking, planning , running, jumping and flying… I can confirm that these characters are related to my deeeep seated unconscious memories of persons/places or the ones I have come across consciously throughout the day.

It’s almost so lucid that I react just like as in waking reality. Just now woke up after a dream and wanted to post this review…today I was all flying going with a group of friends to North pole to find some kind of treasure 🪙:grin::grin:. There were villains who were following us and I could literally control the path of the dream and see things in 360 degrees and so on… Yes, even my reasoning ability was functioning throughout.

Normally I least care about lucid dreaming stuff because of my love for deep sleep ( I even requested for sleep hibernation field once :joy::rofl: ) and my usual dreaming frequency is one dream in 3-6 months :joy::joy: .No doubt it’s all the credit to Dreamcatcher field.
Even now I feel active even though I have been dreaming throughout nights but still as anyone can assume how our minds push us to sleep more because of our old habits. Another couple of days, I am sure I would be out of this habit.

Btw there is astral portal too on the other side of my bed. I am sure it’s showing its own effects on me and those dreams.

Thanks @Captain_Nemo , it’s a terrific experience.