Dreamcatcher - NFT : New Release


My Astral Portal + Dreamcatcher flirting in my head reading your review :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::smirk::drooling_face:


Now, I am seeing this for the first time on my laptop startup. Crazy Synchronicity :clap::sunglasses::smiley:


Ok, let me se if I´ve got this right!

  1. The code that looks like a Bitcoin-transaction that landed in the Venly-wallet is the NFT-part of the field, right?
  2. Do I print the image on Teespring for use, or are the image somewhere else?
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Yes indeed, the digital signature now in the blockchain.

You can. You can also send a PM to Captain, as an owner of the NFT, and ask for the higher quality pic :slight_smile:


Thanks! :+1:

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The image is in the Inventory section (click on the little unicorn) when you get into your wallet.

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There it is! :smiley:

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Someone is already selling their Dreamcatcher NFT… ? :thinking:



no worries Dear, the owners of the NFT have been given the right to resell them. The price could be anything from 1$ to 3000000$ (literally however much one decides). Its like a one of a kind, rare collectible.


Woah woah :slightly_smiling_face:


First mini review:

I finally printed it last night :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My room is usually like a freezer with the ac on lol

I placed the printed pic above my bed and it was like half hour later that i was like why do i feel my head warm like in weaves going up and down and the rest of my body was cold, the room was super cold, yet i was feeling that but it wasnt annoying or anything it felt cozy and comforting.

Then i realized it was this. Like embracing me, my head only and neck, it relaxed me a lot.

I was browsing on my phone just regular silly posts on facebook when i saw this:

This type of relaxing place with views like this have always called my soul deeply.

And then its like i totally forgot what i was reading and instead i was imagine all things id do at that place or how id decorate it etc and what type of weather id like it to be located etc.

But the best part is that unlike before (if you ever knew what i post on my Instagram youd see i post places like this ALL the time) and they have always felt like “oh look at this niceeee place” but not like a place id have one day.

Except last night, when i was thinking about how id like this place when MINE… i posted it like that “ill have this place one day to do this and that”

And i felt it real. Like its gonna happen.

So in my short experience with this, this “mandala” could bring to our awareness the dreams that are floating in the air, probably not a coincidence i saw this after placing the picture, and then infuse us with the assurance that those dreams once they land in our awareness then they can faster manifest… and We will feel it as so.

And third, i slept like a baby BUT the first part of the night i actually had weird dreams then it was all peaceful and loving.

Catching/absorbing the negative ideas, thoughts etc and destroy them then only the good ones remain.

Just one night yooo

I honestly dont think id sell this any time soon lol



I’m not going to say this field is a lucid dreaming field (mainly cause DW won’t confirm), but I’m not going to say it isn’t either.


This with the Astral one are definitely making me think itd be an easy thing and that is just one part of them


Oh and i printed a small version like 8 cms x 12cms or so to carry at work because i got a feeling this can help destroying the negative jealousy vibe people around might send towards you that block the normal flow of dreams manifesting.

Besides helping attracting the dreams we dont know we have in regards to our profession/career

We shall see lol


Getting this and astral portal finally printed :slightly_smiling_face:

One to hang over my bed and another copy inside my phone case :relieved:




I don’t get it since this was JUST released. Folks already had all their experiences?

To each their own. :thinking: :woman_shrugging:


Think someone just bought it to resell it at a much higher price, especially with the recent post of someone selling their NFTs at insanely high prices, this might be the trend for the upcoming ones


But this business has changed the plan now: Grow in Value through Change of Demand.

Working well for the people in charge.


Just get the Facebook $5 livestream for lifetime access. Much better.