Dreamcatcher - NFT : New Release

I can get arms like that at Walgreens??


Where? I only see a super fit arm :nerd_face:


It was the fee it took to cover the images a bit :upside_down_face:.


Does it matter if I blur the image?

For example like this?

Why? Why would you want to blur such a beautiful image? :woman_shrugging:


The appeal of having text over a blur image.


Iā€™ve definitely been sleeping on this field (no pun intended :wink:) largely because I wasnā€™t paying a ton of attention and wasnā€™t entirely positive on what this field does. But just this morning after another remarkable experience it hit me what this field has been doing.

Iā€™ve never been a morning person. Not even close. Keep in mind, Iā€™m a college student. But now looking back, it seems that since intertwining this field with New Perspectives that has changed dramatically in the sense that my morning is joyful regardless of what time I wake up and how much sleep Iā€™ve gotten. So that is highly highly abnormal. Most mornings now I have a blissful dream near the end of my sleep and that state carries into my waking day. But it doesnā€™t just seem to carry into my waking day. It very much alters the way my whole day flows because that initial lightness and joy I experience from the dream floats with me through the day. Iā€™ve never seen that before, and in my entire life before this field (that I can recall), Iā€™ve only had one dream ever thatā€™s blessed me with that type of state and experience.

Of course, this is my entirely subjective experience and as with a lot of Captainā€™s fields, Iā€™m sure the experience would be personal person to person. And though Iā€™m sure the personal work Iā€™m doing as well as fields like New Perspectives have very definitely enhanced the effect of the Dreamcatcher throughout the day, these experiences Iā€™ve been having recently while dreaming seem very much intertwined with this NFT.

My deepest gratitude!!!


This one stimulates dream activity.
I wait until IĀ“ve slept half the night before I put it under the pillow, otherwise it feels like IĀ“m not getting enough deep sleep. Only dreaming.

One experience a couple of days ago:
IĀ“m resting on the bed while my partner and our daughter are baking and making noise in the kitchen. While listening to the sounds I suddenly hear a mans voice speaking to them. I go out and check whatĀ“s happening and it turns out itĀ“s a gardener who wants to make changes to our garden. We step outside to look and itĀ“s absolutely fantastic. There are new trees and bushes and stuff, and everything is beautiful.
Then I wake up!
The transition into the dream was completely seamless. From lying in bed listening to my family the dream just started without interuption. Very weird!


That sounds amazing!! :relaxed: Iā€™m curious :blush: I felt the positive energy about your garden from your post. Has this dream inspired you to make those changes to your garden in real life now? (only if you donā€™t mind sharing this of course :blush:)


No, I view it as a symbol for my inner planes. I always do that when I dream about my house/home.
The fantastic changes to the garden is probably a reflection of all the growths from Captains fields.


Beware of scammer claiming to being able to sell you dreamā€™s NFTs, especially on gumroad.

As of today, NFTs are bought/sold/exchanged on venly market. (After initial offering from the store)

Ofc you can communicate with members on on the forum in regards to the exchange of goods but you MUST transfer the NFT to the other user wallet (on venly)

As far as I know this isnā€™t possible on gumroad.

Happy dreaming


Iā€™ve got this beauty 2 days ago and Iā€™m so happy and thankful for this.

Iā€™d always had trouble with my sleep. I hated the part where I need to turn off the lights and go to bed, Iā€™m afraid of the dark so I always tried to postpone my sleep really late until I felt I was exhausted enough Iā€™d pass out once I go to bed. This strategy worked but not all the time and the side effects were that 1) I didnā€™t get enough sleep and 2) I was usually having nightmares. It affected my life quality heavily. There were periods when I was exhausted dragging myself throughout the day every day like a zombie but when the nights came, I couldnā€™t sleep. I got angry easily, my productivity was low, I couldnā€™t focus and I was envious of those who can snore just a few minutes after going to bed :rofl:
The cycle went on and on.

A major part of the cause was that I got a lot of exposure to horror movies and stories when I was a kid. I was afraid but I was curious at the same time, and since every kid was watching it and adults kept telling horror stories when kids were around, the fear grew bigger and bigger in me.

Fast forward to the day I knew about Sapien Medicine. First, the Deep Sleep audio helped me to fall asleep easier, then came the Shamanic Blend Medicine that helped me to release the fear, calmed me down. Other audios encouraged me to find a solution for this, this cannot continue. I started experiencing different blankets with different sizes and materials, different air conditioner modes, different bed directions, different sleeping strategies, etc. And it worked here and there but the results werenā€™t consistent.

Until the night I got the Skull. Heā€™s caring and protective of me, every night I go to bed I ask him to create a protective bubble around me so I feel safe. And as time goes by, the fear keeps subsiding, now thereā€™s only a small part of it.

Finally, the Dreamcatcher kicked in. I had it printed and placed on the wall where I can look at it directly when lying in bed. Since I got it, my sleep quality has been improving a lot. I feel safe, I feel blessed, I sleep like a baby and I just feel so whole once I wake up.

I believe thereā€™s more to it, deep and safe sleeping is just the initial effect, but itā€™s enough for me already. Improving sleep quality has helped me improve my life quality way much better than before.
And today I got the Star printed and placed near the Dreamcatcher. Iā€™m excited about the things to come :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks again @anon32464289 for your kindness and generousness man, you are my Kubera in a sense haha.
Thanks @MonkeyOwl for your help along the way. Without you, I could not get it as quick or worst I could not get it at all :sweat_smile:
And thank you @Dreamweaver for these amazing and beautiful creations. This one means a lot a lot to me! :pray: :pray: :pray:


Wow! That was so nice to read :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: sounds like a perfect match :sparkles: So happy for you!!


yeah i was eyeing that dreamcatcher for myself as well, because it is one of the few that i dont have, but i have never had trouble sleeping so i am happy it went to you and you feel such a difference already! :slight_smile:


I knew it!
Knew it all along!
The NFT chooses the Wizard, Harry!