Dreams. Share your dreams (from sleeping) here

I was measuring the length of a sidewalk when a dream character said the better way was to calculate the distance to the vanishing point, which, in conventional terms, is so misguided that it’s not even wrong (also, the sidewalk did not have a vanishing point—it had a bend and connected to a building, all within the field of view) . Still, it stuck with me as something worth checking out, and, in turns out, there is a such a formula used in perspective drawing.


In my dream last night, I participated in the final battle of Game of Thrones with my dragon. As a result, I couldn’t change anything. I was just a figure flying around.


I had a strange dream and hopefully not premonitory…

There was like a party of sorts, with all sorts of people, and there was a guy with a Bible in there. Somehow his Bible was left behind. Also, somehow my mom was at that party too.

I was arguing with a few persons there, which isn’t something extraordinary.

Then I went home with some friends, but my mom wasn’t there.

Then suddenly we saw an explosion on the sky, it was a bright light, but then it turned out to have been firecrackers or something, or it looked like it (it could have been an explosion Idk).

People were taking shelter from some exploding particles falling in all directions.

Then I realized that my mom wasn’t at home.

ran out to find her and i did: she was in a hall, in a building, waiting in line to enter a room. The light was deem, it was quite dark there.

My fear is to not be some kind of premonition…

Also, that explosion turned out to be from firecrackers my mom left in a Bible that was left behind at the place of that party, at least that’s what my mom told me in my dream.
So that explosion had a connection to her…

She has gall bladder stones (old problem, I barely mentioned it in the forum) and other issues which might be the cause of the explosion which I have dreamed of…
I just hope it’s nothing like this.

I will search for the meaning of this dream in a dreams dictionary.


Dang that’s not a good dream. I’m sorry to hear about this dream. I see why it could cause some worry. My heart started going just reading it. For me to understand better she still has these health problems? Also is there anything being done about this? Are you religious in any way? Any upcoming surgeries or anything? It could just be a subconscious fear type dream but it is very detailed. Has she been worried about this lately at all?

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She started experiencing some pains in her back and right side (today was worse or rather yesterday since it’s 4:30 A. M. for me), plus she has constipation and she takes medication to go to the toilet.
A possible horrible scenario is hemorrhage.

Until now, logically looking at things, they are somewhat stable, for her age (72 years old) (she is handicapped, in a wheelchair) , yet i can’t help but be concerned due to such a dream. :fearful:

I just hope she lives long enough to see me financially stable and building my own house (we lost one due to my health issues and me not working until I was 25…).

The only me she saw as an adult was a failure…
I failed in everything, but I never gave up and now things have improved health wise and mentally speaking, I’m significantly more capable, I’m smarter.

No. The truth is she has a lot of chronic issues, so in a way, it’s expected to have some pain, from time to time.
Hopefully all is Good and it was just a dream.

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I had a unique dream earlier today, in my dream I was on a huge ship and the captain asked me to steer it, I was steering it pretty good and then suddenly we are in this water park and the whole ship is basically riding those big ass water slides, I was steering the ship on those slides which were going up and down and then I woke up, idk what to make of this, the dream felt pretty immersive though, felt like I was actually doing everything, I would complement the brain fields for that as my night stack is basically 70% brain fields.


Has she had any scans or anything since this? Also does she take ibuprofen by any chance for pain? She on those cups that you drink for the constipation? Do they work? Does she still have the pain? If they weren’t already see if you can get the kidneys scanned. Also is she active? Like she’s not on hospice or anything? Also are yous religious?

I would look into haritaki and some other herbs. Do you research and make sure it won’t be anything harmful to her. If she’s low on blood make sure you don’t give her anything like ibuprofen or anything.

Try to keep her as comfortable as she can be. I assume your already doing that and taking good care of her. Keep me updated honestly I’m attached to this I don’t know why but it’s getting my heart and mind going. I think its because I’ve been through this with my partners mom so I know what your going through. I barely knew her other than like 2 years. I loved her like a mother. She took me in when she didn’t have to and loved me like a son. I called her grams. She was pretty much the only mother figure I’ve ever had in my life. Honestly starting to realize I never let go of it. I hope all goes well. I honestly am truly sorry your going through this. Please stay strong 🩷. I recommend doing the healing audios with her in meditation. Ask for beings for support too if you feel comfortable with that. I would also look into mantras. Just please make sure you know what your chanting lol

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That’s actually a pretty cool dream. Are you normally active while dreaming? This could be you preparing and breaking through for full control if this makes sense. Keep doing what your doing 🩷


Well since I have filled my night playlist with Brain fields, my dreams are so effing immersive and it feels like I am in them.

hmm well this is something to think about, I have been down with a very bad case of flu for the past week and complete bed rest, hoping to recover soon, have not been able to do much.


Which brain fields are you using?

I’m sorry to hear you were sick. Use an energetic body field and raise vibrations. Also try to get outside for at least 30 min. The energy out there has been insane at least for me anymore lol. This should help clear it the rest of the way 🩷

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I believe it was just a dream. Especially from hearing about the situation a bit more it’s natural to have fears especially over somebody you love and have a deep connection with. This is also why i asked if you or her are religious. The bible scenario could’ve been due to beliefs or even your mind showing you no matter what she will be okay. Brain works things out in weird ways

I have a good idea for you to try if your interested. Use a field for fear release and cutting cords. Visualize yourself and feel the cord being cut to this fear

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OK. Thank You. :pray:

The brain game, kinesthetic intelligence and the opus manhattan.

Yesssir, I am feeling much better today will probably go to the gym today.

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last night i was stuck between wake and sleep for what felt like hours

in the dream my dad was like an exaggerated version of his narcissistic self, tormenting us by driving crazily on the highway and shouting insults

later on in the dream it felt like i was possessed. i was stuck in this hotel room and at unpredictable moments i would feel like i was taken control of and my body would freak out.

the ‘demon’ seemed to have control over the dream.
I was trying to get on my phone to play the exorcism audio but every time i looked it up on patreon and YouTube it didn’t show.
I was still trapped between wake and sleep until morning.

Just woke up. i remember i was playing revision of trauma before bed and my night playlist which includes trauma release

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one of the most common dreams I have is one of our old houses, I see that house almost every alternate day or at least 3 times every week in my dreams, the people change but I always see spirits or some kind of ghosts in them, either I would see that street, the gates of the house and just anything and everything revolving around that house, I just don’t know why, I did not even grow up in that house, we just lived there for like a year or so?

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Last night, I had a powerful and peaceful dream that made me come to accept myself and move forward with my life.

I was in the passenger seat of my car and I was playing video games all day and night. It was a constant loop until I heard a bell. I looked to my right and it was a wedding chapel and saw my old high school friend getting married.

Somehow my body was pulled into the chapel so I went inside just out of curiosity. Inside, it was a amusement park and factory assembly line for all relationship stages. It’s super cartoony but yeah I saw all my old high school friends and people who I haven’t seen for so long rushing to get married pretty much.

All the women got random wedding dresses like it was almost like the Sims video game lol. Anyways, I got a random wedding dress and suddenly found a wavy mirror in my way so I decided to look at myself. The self reflection part of me spoke to me and said that “You are not ready” “You are perfectly fine where you are at” Dont compare and live your life” and “Dont join the rat race”.

I remember being shocked at first and then I said ok I fully accept that. After that, the assembly line dimmed the lights and shit down the wedding factory and that’s when I woke up.

I just turned 32 and for the longest time I guess subsciously I blamed myself and thought that something is wrong with me for not having friends or keeping my old friends at this time of my life. I take it to heart that we don’t banter or my friends never contacted me back for years. I felt like I’m the only one really trying so hard to keep things together but I just have to let things go. I feel like I finally come to terms and that it’s ok.

I don’t need to stress myself out and eventually I will find new and amazing people in my journey who would become friends with me. So yeah, I’m trying to do things that I love and nurture my soul and go from there.


Maybe it had an impact on you? If you’re dreaming the same thing so often, perhaps it’s relevant to you

So, I had this weird dream,
A long time ago was a war between humans and demons.
Both parties of equal power, but on day something changed.
The Humans developed a serum that mutated their one.
These Humans were so powerful that they could,
wipe a demon form existent with a flick of their hand.
Then the great slaughter began, the humans annihilate the demons.
After they thought the got every demon, they left for the stars.
And they took the formula for the serum with them so no one could misuse the power.
The demons weren’t annihilated, some survived.
Years after, a human and demon fell in love.
But others fond out and kidnapped the Demon.
To research the old formula for the serum to gain power once again.
But he found them before they could do anything to the demon.
But he couldn’t stop them, he didn’t have the strength to do it.
So they propose that If he wanted to save here, he had to take the experimental serum.
So he did, he mutated got four arms and legs, but also telekinetic powers.
With them, he wiped out everyone that stood in his way to save his love.
And in the end he did.

That’s the dream.
I told it to my father, and he said he had the same dream once.
But without the serum, and he described what I thought were humans as angels.
He continues the story with the following.
They had a child part angel and demon, and it will one day conquer heaven.

He never told me from that dream and as I ask when he had it he said in the same age as you.
(He is 53, and I’m 19 btw.)

So I can’t make head’s and tails what to do with it.
It’s just so strange.
Maybe some of you know what that could mean. :thinking:
Thanks for reading. :relaxed:


Last night I dreamt a static image of a black lion biting the behind of a white lion, it wasn’t bloody or gory or anything, and it just appeared suddenly in the blackness. It left a strong impression because I usually never dream of static images

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Dreams of the apocalypse are what i prefer. Especially those in which i end everything in existence