Dreams. Share your dreams (from sleeping) here

I understand you. We all know each other in the astral dimension of the forum. I’ve seen the captain in my dreams so many times that if I saw him on the road, I’d probably think it was him.

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A week ago, I had dream in which I was with group of people talking and laughing so much that I woke up smiling. Then another dream I had on same night was about my father scolding and yelling at me so much that I woke up wiping my tears. What an experience XD


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Maybe it was about the retreat (maybe I was in spirit/in the subtle realms with you guys - I know we’re technically always there too, I mean consciously there) or maybe not.

I dreamt I was Dracula’s butler and brought him to a spa and was eagerly waiting to watch the butchery he was about to start. But I woke up then.

I wasn’t his butler at the beginning of the dream and was mostly scared, but that changed towards the end for some reason. Alright I know the reason, everyone there was some sort of warlord or equally disgusting person.


I just had a super crazy hyper realistic dream. I was being turned into a cyborg against my will, kinda, basically the scientist were transplanting my brain into a cyborg body, i don’t know what the extent of it was but I literally felt the sensations of the doctors/scientists cutting my skull and putting things. Then I woke up and the scientists were all asking questions and I was seeing in camera like glasses, like if I was seeing through a vr headset, and talking was different, it was still automatic but felt different. I was the first one to do this procedure or something, like i appeared in the news. The funny thing is when they were doing the procedure the doctors were amazed, they said something like, this guys brain is so unusual, it has modifications and a tissue like it had recently healed, something virtually impossible by normal procedures. They were analyzing my brainwaves and everythint. The other funny things is I just had this dream and I’ve been looping brain fields @Jojo


Tonight’s dreams started with a friend of mine driving a weird vehicle and not being able to, and then me taking over and having no trouble.

But afterwards, all my other dreams were about spaceships that were broken and hard to pilot or I had to leave on auto-pilot.

Yeah it has a pretty clear meaning u.u That’s why I don’t draw cards either xD



@Kalacakra Lol

I once had a dream about Dracula killing people in an underground parking lot, but for some reason he didn’t kill me - he’s a recurring theme, although I rarely dream about him.

Of course, there are countless explanations what it could mean, as each symbol and theme is so rich and having unique nuances for each one of us.


Last night I had dream about going somewhere where people were queuing to go, I saw one familiar face but I was trying to hide from him and pretend I didn’t see him then I moved forward then don’t know what happened but last thing I remember about dream was that I took shower and got dressed then went on rooftop where I knew one deity was waiting for me. I grabbed his arm because the ground was moving in circular movement. I looked up in the sky and I saw 4 moons in different direction but like in circular form in broad day light. The person/deity beside me asked why are you holding me like this? I replied because the ground is spinning and it’s making me anxious. I was also thinking like “isn’t it obvious?!” lol later I woke up


It was probably a Sirian if I have the name correct. Their the ones with a dog face human body. Their slaves of Orion. If you dont know much about it long story short Sirian raided Orion and lost now they work for Orion like many others. You ever see them again imagine that you hold an aura of gold light super strong. Gold light is the light you want to hold and maintain trust me. If they attack fire a gold light beam at them blasting them back. That will teach them to never come again lol. Trust me we’re way more powerful than we can imagine and I’m really starting to learn that. We are gods. I mean I don’t know if everybody is but I feel like everybody is. I honestly feel like I am a god with the way i feel anymore and with all the control I’ve gained I’ve been unstoppable. Have trust in yourself and let go

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I was measuring the length of a sidewalk when a dream character said the better way was to calculate the distance to the vanishing point, which, in conventional terms, is so misguided that it’s not even wrong (also, the sidewalk did not have a vanishing point—it had a bend and connected to a building, all within the field of view) . Still, it stuck with me as something worth checking out, and, in turns out, there is a such a formula used in perspective drawing.


In my dream last night, I participated in the final battle of Game of Thrones with my dragon. As a result, I couldn’t change anything. I was just a figure flying around.


I had a strange dream and hopefully not premonitory…

There was like a party of sorts, with all sorts of people, and there was a guy with a Bible in there. Somehow his Bible was left behind. Also, somehow my mom was at that party too.

I was arguing with a few persons there, which isn’t something extraordinary.

Then I went home with some friends, but my mom wasn’t there.

Then suddenly we saw an explosion on the sky, it was a bright light, but then it turned out to have been firecrackers or something, or it looked like it (it could have been an explosion Idk).

People were taking shelter from some exploding particles falling in all directions.

Then I realized that my mom wasn’t at home.

ran out to find her and i did: she was in a hall, in a building, waiting in line to enter a room. The light was deem, it was quite dark there.

My fear is to not be some kind of premonition…

Also, that explosion turned out to be from firecrackers my mom left in a Bible that was left behind at the place of that party, at least that’s what my mom told me in my dream.
So that explosion had a connection to her…

She has gall bladder stones (old problem, I barely mentioned it in the forum) and other issues which might be the cause of the explosion which I have dreamed of…
I just hope it’s nothing like this.

I will search for the meaning of this dream in a dreams dictionary.


Dang that’s not a good dream. I’m sorry to hear about this dream. I see why it could cause some worry. My heart started going just reading it. For me to understand better she still has these health problems? Also is there anything being done about this? Are you religious in any way? Any upcoming surgeries or anything? It could just be a subconscious fear type dream but it is very detailed. Has she been worried about this lately at all?

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She started experiencing some pains in her back and right side (today was worse or rather yesterday since it’s 4:30 A. M. for me), plus she has constipation and she takes medication to go to the toilet.
A possible horrible scenario is hemorrhage.

Until now, logically looking at things, they are somewhat stable, for her age (72 years old) (she is handicapped, in a wheelchair) , yet i can’t help but be concerned due to such a dream. :fearful:

I just hope she lives long enough to see me financially stable and building my own house (we lost one due to my health issues and me not working until I was 25…).

The only me she saw as an adult was a failure…
I failed in everything, but I never gave up and now things have improved health wise and mentally speaking, I’m significantly more capable, I’m smarter.

No. The truth is she has a lot of chronic issues, so in a way, it’s expected to have some pain, from time to time.
Hopefully all is Good and it was just a dream.

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I had a unique dream earlier today, in my dream I was on a huge ship and the captain asked me to steer it, I was steering it pretty good and then suddenly we are in this water park and the whole ship is basically riding those big ass water slides, I was steering the ship on those slides which were going up and down and then I woke up, idk what to make of this, the dream felt pretty immersive though, felt like I was actually doing everything, I would complement the brain fields for that as my night stack is basically 70% brain fields.


Has she had any scans or anything since this? Also does she take ibuprofen by any chance for pain? She on those cups that you drink for the constipation? Do they work? Does she still have the pain? If they weren’t already see if you can get the kidneys scanned. Also is she active? Like she’s not on hospice or anything? Also are yous religious?

I would look into haritaki and some other herbs. Do you research and make sure it won’t be anything harmful to her. If she’s low on blood make sure you don’t give her anything like ibuprofen or anything.

Try to keep her as comfortable as she can be. I assume your already doing that and taking good care of her. Keep me updated honestly I’m attached to this I don’t know why but it’s getting my heart and mind going. I think its because I’ve been through this with my partners mom so I know what your going through. I barely knew her other than like 2 years. I loved her like a mother. She took me in when she didn’t have to and loved me like a son. I called her grams. She was pretty much the only mother figure I’ve ever had in my life. Honestly starting to realize I never let go of it. I hope all goes well. I honestly am truly sorry your going through this. Please stay strong 🩷. I recommend doing the healing audios with her in meditation. Ask for beings for support too if you feel comfortable with that. I would also look into mantras. Just please make sure you know what your chanting lol

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That’s actually a pretty cool dream. Are you normally active while dreaming? This could be you preparing and breaking through for full control if this makes sense. Keep doing what your doing 🩷


Well since I have filled my night playlist with Brain fields, my dreams are so effing immersive and it feels like I am in them.

hmm well this is something to think about, I have been down with a very bad case of flu for the past week and complete bed rest, hoping to recover soon, have not been able to do much.