Dreams. Share your dreams (from sleeping) here

That’s weird. I don’t know what to make of the NFT being brought into the picture. I’ll tell you what I thought before anyway. An evil spirit tried to put something into your mind but missed. Maybe it tried to disguise itself as this other bird as in make you think its idea would help you socialize better.

I could be wrong. But that’s what I had before the new piece of information came in.

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I would like to know if there is any specific topic or study on dream interpretation or explanation for bad dreams. For a few days now I’ve been having heavy, sad dreams about family and people close to me and when I wake up I have a bad feeling as if it really happened. Could someone help me with this?

I mastered lucid dreaming and as long as I’m dreaming, I’m invincible. Still tho, my dream yesterday was kind of disturbing and creepy.

Someone tried to r#pe me in a men’s bathroom while taking a shit, looks like a very huge shadowy entity, it’s kinda like slenderman but on the gray side, he’s huge. And I wrestle him (first, hand fighting and basically stumbling to a room after room) until I put him on a rear naked choke for like a minute. I was screaming and complaining “How long til you f*cking die!". I’ve been choking him full force but still won’t let go until someone said that he’s already dead. I’m still choking it full squeeze for safety measure tho. Still, shit’s suck, the fucking nerve to try to touch me lmao.

I was never really in the danger no matter how scary because like I said I won’t lose in my dream, it just won’t happen. It’s my realm lol. It just that, I’m choking him full force but still resisting.

I was with a group of people between four walls that extended up high. In the center there was a circle platform with four square holes.

Nobody can climb the walls but after some suggestion I make they all climb it. I can’t. But again after another thought, I’m teleported up.

The people have all turned into pixel sprites, shining orbs, and other stuff.

A talking wolf appears. He has cubic stone blocks on his legs, which I assume are the ones missing in the platform.

He cricles me and is somehow taunting me. When he gets close I kick him in the mouth. This surprised me cause I was scared.

Then he says we’re free. And the orbs, pixies and stuff are teleported out but I don’t. Well I woke up so technically I teleported to this realm (again :unamused:).

I’ve been forgetting my dreams even if when waking up I was surprised how vivid they were.

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Non Judgemental Acceptance + Plasma Diamond (plus a Shin Chan movie) gave me insects from hell everywhere. Well, some parts of the house. My concern was getting rid of them cause they were growing (in numbers) fast.

Was also watching a giant insect thing recently. They were like huge orange whatever. But I was as grossed as if they were cockroaches.

At least they weren’t on me or touching me and stuff.

Nothing really inspiring here just giving you all pleasant images to ponder on xD

Lemme start of by telling something that happened last month. So last month i was at my grandparents house to attend a cousin’s wedding ( daughter of my dad’s cousin ). And when we visit my grandparents we go to the temple in the village which belongs to our kul devi devta, kul means family/clan. In Hinduism, Kul Devi or Kul Devta is a deity that protects a family/clan’s home, possessions, land, and family members. But they are also established in my grandparents house as in they have a dedicated room. It’s completely up to them if they wanna stay in somebody’s house or move out. So when it was my turn to go to them, i went, and i sensed a presence and had goosebumps all over, for some reason the eyes drawn on the rock, symbolising our kul devi, ma bhagwati, seemed very real, as if she was there and she was looking at me. I shared this because it’s a recent happening and may help with the interpretation.

Last night i had a dream, i was sitting at the kitchen door of my grandparents house, a lion cub approached me and i started feeding it but it demanded more food and i went to fetch more food but when i returned, a lioness was also present there and i also fed her. It’s the first time i had such a normal dream which involved my grandparents house. Otherwise i would get symbolic dreams about the house and us being attacked by the wolves, but was no surprise cuz our relatives had done something nasty on us during the wolf dreams. The dreams started when i was a little kid, i would see the house, and it would always be night, all i could see was our house and the eyes in the dark. Which after sometime progressed into wolves running around our house and after sometime trying to bite me and my family, then us defending our house, then wolves biting me but I wouldn’t feel anything and just bash their head. My mother and i often dreamt about us being in mud or in a dirty toilet. As we got rid of the black magic. Dreams changed. I also remember i ha d a dream about the same house few months back, so our house is in a woods in the himalayas. I dreamt of a large tree behind our house ( which does not exist irl ) and it was shaped like the car of devi devtas ( picture attached), and it was stormy ( i love storms ) & i did nothing but bowed down to the tree.

If anyone would like to interpret my dream/s and share. Please do so. Although i have a general idea but i feel like I’m missing something in interpretation.


Last night I decided to stop resisting the Universe’s anime recommendations (the amount of art, appearances, etc of it in my life is excessive xD) and started Record of Lodoss War.

I was half-asleep though. Later on when in bed I was like…Imma try to dream of Deedlit. And behold, I was her in my dream.

I was at a gym swimming pool. There was some dark entity there and it could spread faster in the water.

I was supposed to try to escape and even heard the comments of people saying I was done.

But I levitated outside the water, destroyed the black goo monster, and filled the pool with pristine water before falling into it again.

I woke up then cause until that point the dream was more of a nightmare. But even then, I felt like I was testing myself with that. I could have tried to escape, but I kept feeling fear and still was seeing if I could beat this bad guy.

It reminded me of another childhood dream (actually, the first few seconds of the anime did) where I was fighting some evil witch that was the essence and source of pure evil. It was also some overpowered enemy that would be undefeatable.

But in that occasion I gave up trying to use my power and prayed…forgot all the prayer and it was quite…suspicious looking xD

It mentioned an electric blanket.

Now the power I used in the last dream, as Deedlit, reminds me of it.

Odd dream involving driving. The plot of the dream I can’t recall, but what’s interesting is that I cycled between 1st person and 3rd person bird’s eye views. The reach of video games

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2 eyes (1 set of eyes), with eyebrows and everything, but kind of transparent too, I could see through them, appeared in my dream, and they were floating in the air.

I don’t remember the details, there were some buildings, maybe a hospital too, not sure though, it was surreal, blurry type of dream, then suddenly the focus was on one of them (it looked like one eye was closed or damaged or something) and somehow I realized that it was Dracula’s eye - and the eye that the focus was one was almost closed and somehow in trouble…

What a strange dream…


Last night I stole chickens from foxes. First I watched the foxes steal the chickens. Then I gave them a lesson in cunning. They chased me a lot


Username checks out lol


Has anybody shared a dream with somebody?

For an example of what I mean is on the same night you and another person share a dream

I was just wondering because a while ago I experienced this and I’ve been trying to figure out what this exactly means.


Back when I was little, one night my dad and my mom had the same dream, thst someone wanted to take/kidnap me, while I had a horror experience with something, an entity…


Dam that’s crazy

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My dream I shared with somebody close to me was an intimate dream, so I’m not really sure what this is trying to tell me because it’s not really been clear so was hoping someone could enlighten me. :innocent:

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Anyone ever dreamt a big white king cobra? What followed days after you had that dream?


I’ve dreamed of a white worm (a parasite, as it was getting into my body) twice tonight.

Once there was a magician ignoring it. Which I interpret as I need a cleric for the job.

On the other…let’s say someone that is parasitic/vampiric was in the dream. But then I woke up and that person left me a message…about another similar person.

Guess it was a warning for either of, or both of these people.

Guess I’m gonna buff up on “power” and justice fields…


It was :pensive:


I hate parasites, reminds me of a YT shorts I saw a day ago, when a doc pulled a 2ft long tape worm from a woman’s body :face_vomiting:

General meanings of dreams seen on internet never worked for me, so curious about personal experience of people here.


In my dream last night, I was modeling. I have recently started bodybuilding, but I am having a hard time because I am a vegetarian. This dream motivated me


I’ve had a strange dream (do I even have normal dreams lol):

I was in a building, together with you guys, we were up high, on a higher floor, and Someone started speaking in German, shouting,idk why.

I had a view of a few floors (as I was viewing from a floating view) and there were sweets and fruits, just that, but there was a signature of sorts of a member of this forum on a few of those sweets up on a higher floor.

I can’t tell who were these members that I dreamt about.
It was a strange dream, as always lol.

Then, i saw that a faucet was broken and water pipes were in trouble.

Then the scenery changed or maybe it was another dream, idk: I was on a street and a hot woman almost jumped a fence just to get to me, she desired me very strongly, I refused her as I was in a hurry, I needed to get somewhere.

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