Dreams. Share your dreams (from sleeping) here

Just show me the colour goddammit

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It doesn’t exist on this plane. If I find it I’d let you know. The texture is important too…so similar to that. But again, that fabric ain’t physical.

That character was super-real while the swamp monsters were cartoonish.

The book was like any witch book in a kpop video and more vibes about her are in Monument Valley phone game.

Ahh it’s called “trippy blue”

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I’m backing a car out of a driveway, someone jumps on the hood and try’s to shoot me through the window. The glass holds. There’s no real damage, but I have to shake the young gunman off the hood of my car. I do that and side swipe him just enough to end things without hurting him too much.

Then I get the idea to talk to his family, who I know are in the forest. There’s some sort reunion/gathering going on. Or maybe it just an extended family compound. It’s ramshackle collection of buildings and rooms. I’m half-complaining about the shooting and everyone is half-apologizing. Food is everywhere. The gunman and I bond over the latest latest, greatest video controller (it’s wonderful!!) I look at his sister (or cousin) and shrug, which she returns. I sorta like these people and they me.


I often have audio dreams. No visuals just music playing in my head with no lyrics.
In early stages of waking up

I forget the beat as soon as wake up. And trust me. Beat is so good and original to some degree.:rofl:


I had an interesting Dream.

I was on a very nice spa, with saunas, aroma therapy, jacuzzi, swimming pools with thermal water ecc, and I was with a Wizard, helping him selling some Crystals and Pendants to the visitors of spa.

We were going levels to levels on the stairs of that spa, at one certain point the wizard showed me that each crystal has a different “sound” when you focus on it.

At the deepest level of that place it was a futsal pitch and the wizard asked me about what are my beliefs.

We said something like Source is not good nor bad, source is.

Then he said something about eating or not meat, and that he is 99% vegetarian or something.

All of this was very wierd because I had a little bit of fever yesterday and this was sort of a fever dream


28- Had lucid dream and this time I decided to teach my dream characters how to fly lol It was fun.


I keep dreaming of high building in my dream that I then somehow need to enter and reach the top inside an elevator. And there is always heavy security and some sort of resistance involved when I try to reach the top of the tower/castle/skyscraper. In the bottom it’s crowded with people who look unhappy and poor. And the higher I reach the less people are and the more clean, modern, bright it gets. Once I make it almost to the top there is nobody. And that’s usually when my dream shifts or I wake up. Haven’t made it to the top floor yet.

Those dreams always feel exhausting. What I enjoy, though, is that my servitors are with me on my dream and try to help me reaching my goal.


I was in a room with quite a few persons, but Idk if you could say that it was a huge crowd, no, more like a family gathering or something, with friends or something similar; everyone was having fun until a gunman (I don’t remember if it was a man or a woman, buy Idk why I think it was a woman?) entered that room and started shooting everyone (I was watching from first person perspective, and I was staying on a chair or a bench - i think it was a bench), apparently he/she killed everyone in that room or at least injured them (minus that person from whose pov I was seeing things; at the very least he/she was shooting at everyone), then the shootout continued into a backyard and a garden, then a few persons managed to escape to a street, then I don’t remember any other details from thst dream.

Another dream: we were a small group, hunting something, then one, a military guy, caught something with a laso type tool, a thing/being which although I looked at it, I couldn’t figure what it was, it was blending, it had like a camouflage mechanism of sorts; the area/location was like a field, and the guy who caught the thing, jumped out of a car, an off-road jeep type.


Are you open to interpretations on this one or would rather just think about it on your own?

How close together did you have these dreams? In the same sleep cycle?

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I dreamed about some new thing going on in the forum. Maybe a new course?

And we decided to name the groups after Hogwarts houses. Some “device” chose the house. I was in the same predicament as Harry except the selection was done by pairs.

So a girl was a Gryffindor 100% and I tried to blend with her energy cause I wanted the Gryffindor fields.

Thank you blonde stranger xD


Sometimes in the same sleep cycle, sometimes not.

Yes, i am open to interpretations.

Edit: sorry, you meant those 2 dreams.

Idk, to be honest.

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I master lucid dreaming that I can switch it off/on so I can enjoy it. However, there’s some things that automatically trigger my lucid dreaming.

Like for example, yesterday I was dreaming and my character was saying something then I forgot the definition of the word I said. And the dream me said ‘hold up, let me google. When I google and saw the definition, and I was like, wait a fucking a minute. Finding the definition and looking for what time it is doesn’t make sense in a dream’ (try it, good luck if you can even read and if you can, the time and words you will read will be wrong). So I thought to myself, I will search for the meaning of that word after I woke up, then I turn off my lucid dreaming and continue dreaming again. What dream is about again, I have no fucking idea since I forgot (like most of it if you aren’t lucid all the way through) but it’s just funny that I can pause midway and remember that ‘yeah, you can’t search what time it is or google something, this is dream world’ then resume lol.

Btw, the word was cutthroat and the definition I saw in the google dream was like, being presentable and I was like ‘this is fucking bullshit, I forgot the meaning but I know that this is wrong, definitely searching it up after I wake up’ then resume the world after pausing like nothing happened.

They said that you can’t read text in a dream but I can, it’s not just accurate so I don’t see any advantages lol.

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I need to start writing my dreams down again to train myself to remember them. I’m putting a notebook by my bed right now so I follow through.

I’ve gotten a lot of useful information from my dreams over the years. Usually in the way of my subconscious being better at understanding people than I am. It’s helped me multiple times in letting go of a relationship or sometimes even friendship. Sad to say. But there’s a positive side to it.

Even when I see someone’s flaws or how they were bad for me, as the differing cases may be, only after the fact; it’s still useful. If I can’t accept the message of the dream while it is happening and I think no this dream must be paranoid, at least when everything blows up I can see that the specific issue was already spotted and called out. So it helps with letting go and moving on.

The last dream I can remember right now was very vague. My memory of it is vague I mean. It was me and this former close friend standing in a burning hallway of a burning building. We were arguing with each other. This is the part I can’t remember right now but it was one of us trying to convince the other to leave or to stay in the burning hallway. Of course I want to say I was the one trying to get him out of there and he was trying to keep me in it so we’d both burn. That would add up to the reality of the waking world. But to be honest, I don’t remember.

The one before that I do remember far more clearly. And it was another one of those where upon waking and puzzling through the meaning I thought “no he can’t be that bad…”. In the dream he brought me along with him to a drug deal. And the whole reason was so I could be used as a human shield.

I usually don’t have dreams but when i do it’s always prophetic. But there is this one dream which I haven’t been able to decipher, im sure it’s not prophetic. I dream about this girl, who was my first crush, like the first girl i was drawn towards, which was like when i was 11-12? Im now 25. From the last 3-4 years, i have dreams about her on a regular basis and by regular i mean at least once and maximum twice a month. Sometimes she’s flirting with me, sometimes she’s just admiring me, sometimes she’s kinda like transfixed on me like im something amazing that she hasn’t seen before lol( mostly this), nothing sexual though. Idk maybe it symbolises my need for genuine, pure love? That first love type when you are just purely in love and know no games, manipulation etc? If anyone would like to interpret, please do so.

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I think you already interpreted it. I like the idea that we can carry the innocence authenticity simplicity and sincerity of feeling into our adult relationships; that we don’t have to evolve past and leave those behind but can develop further and still take those things with us. Sounds like the way it should be.

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Perhaps. I’ve always tried to see the meaning but was never successful but as i was typing, i kinda did understand, ig i just needed to write it. And it makes sense actually, i do crave pure romantic love, i long for it quite a bit. Platonic and parental, i have plenty. Being single is sometimes hard when you one of the main love language is physical touch lol


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I dream of playing as one of the left for dead characters lol. Of course, knowing I subconsciously knew I was in a dream, I didn’t die but my teammates sure did. M’fcker got killed by a tank because I left him lol. Mission failed for some reason even if I’m still alive.

I also saw someone waking me up, I thought it was the reality, but I knew I was asleep lol. Maybe because the game is getting scary and it’s waking me up. This tends to happen when my heartbeats going up, even if I know I am in control and immortal in the dream, my body still get nervous.

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I’ve had a dream of being in Taiwan tonight, exploring Taipei and visiting the 101 Tower. Funny thing I’ve never been there, I’ve may have watched some youtube videos of the inside of such tower tho.

Cool, I’ve liked it


This made me laugh. Did you actually dream this? Want an interpretation?

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