Dreams. Share your dreams (from sleeping) here

I had a dream a couple of men were chasing to harm me, so I ran and got in a car, I tried starting by turning the keys but it didn’t start, I looked again, the keys disappeared, I looked back and turned again, the steering disappeared and then I ran with the car Flintstone style.

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Although I’m not an expert in dreams, I would say the fact that you escaped is a good thing.

It has a good ending, therefore you will succeed in escaping from whatever persons or trouble will chase you in real life.


Yup, it was a time, I was going through turmoil in my life. I used to have lot of similar dreams, where I was being chased or someone trying to stab me, me throwing a punch but there was no power in the punch and I felt powerless, being alone and trying to speak to everyone I see in my dream and no one responding, I am no expert either but ig it was all a reflection of my own subconscious where I was feeling fear, depressed and hopeless

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I am obsessed with dreams, but only because they point, sometimes, to future events, Related to me, my family or other people or even pets.

I have this gift from my mom, she dreams about precise events.

She knew if a family member or a relative would die soon, for example.

Creepy stuff, in a way…

I know that most people would not believe what I said here, that I or her have these dreams, but that’s ok.

I find it hard to explain or impossible to, myself.

Also, not all my dreams are morbid, I dream about good future events too, fortunately. :sweat_smile:

But this doesn’t just happen daily, nor I can rely just on dreams and interpretations - also, most of my dreams are just peculiar, strange places, worlds, events, perspectives (I see myself as others or from their perspective or from an above perspective, etc.) or just memories…

Dreams, IT’S A REALM OF Possibilities.

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Yesterday’s dreams feel like a test to me. The dream started with most messed up event unfolding right in front of me so I yelled out for help then had realization of some sort and achieved half lucidity I think. I wanted to get away from dreamscape lol so I was sneaking without anyone noticing but I was constantly put in a situation where I had two choices- either run away or help, I vaguely remember standing in a narrow hallway/alley and thinking that I was successful at escaping but I saw things going south so I decided to get involved and help. :woozy_face:

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I started listening to the “Lucid Dreams” field and in my dream two nights ago I was riding on a gigantic elephant. I remember thinking in that moment: “This is important. Remember that elephant.”
And when I woke up I immediately noted it down in my dream diary.

Then last night I had a dream inside my dream. And I woke up in my dream and found myself in an art atelier of my old arts teacher back in high school. I immediately wanted to write down my dream because I knew it had a super important message for me. I found a pencil and wrote down: “I dreamed of a deity with the head of an elephant. I don’t know if it is called Lord Shiva or another name, as I can’t recall the right name at the moment but it seems to be one of the Indian gods. This Elephant Deity talked to me and I cannot remember what it told me but I know it was a significant message. I wish I could remember. Then it gifted me a couple of big golden coins. The coins looked similar like the golden pentacles in tradition tarot. The amount of coins was significant, it was X number of coins. (note: in my dream I still recalled the exact number of coins I received). I need to remember this dream, it is important.” Then in my dream I looked up into a mirror and saw my reflection and it spooked me. It looked like myself but almost unrecognizable, like as if my face was stretched into a weird wide shape. This woke me up for real. I immediately wrote down my dream but the memory started to slip away like trying to hold water in a bowl with holes.
I don’t remember the exact number of the golden coins anymore. It was a number between six and ten. Either seven, eight or nine. Now awake, I also realised that in the dream inside my dream I saw Lord Ganesh. Which is fascinating to me, because I have almost no knowledge of Indian gods. I had to google Lord Ganesh to find out more about him.
I feel like it could be a sign of a new beginning. Maybe Lord Ganesh is clearing obstacles for me. I have’t figured out yet what his gift of the golden coins represent. But I clearly remember that they looked like the golden pentacles of the tarot deck, so I will check the meaning of the 7, 8 and 9 of pentacles. Very fascinating dream.

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Ok this dream happen long, long time ago but still it is with me .

I had 17 wen my grandma died , was very unexpected and it shock me a lot was such big emptiness I my whole being.

So after she pass away one afternoon I was having a dream .

I’m standing in the kitchen looking in the window across to other side in the yard it’s house of my grandma and her main entrance door are open .

At my shock there is police officer but is not human.
It’s a Dog with human body , walking as human, wearing official uniform army or police (not sure) and was 7/8 of them and thy are looking for something or someone…I hear thy talking but don’t understand language.

In my dream that thy are aware of my grandmother passed away .

As I was looking at the kitchen window what is happening I felt strong fear , suddenly the main Dog human officer look at window direction where I was standing inside hiding , he did not see me but I felt as he could smell my presence…

Dog human main officer had strong powerful face and was standing in such power , I will never forgot his eyes in moment wen he looked at the window towards me , such a alien moment .

After that I remember I was hiding in big wooden box and somehow I knew that it’s very important that thy don’t find me .

Next thing after that im walking it’s morning , in the grass field looking for my sister as somehow between Dog human and me walking on grass filed was a big storm.

I remember that It was one important rule ; If you want to stay alive every grass need to be turned . before storm come…

As I was walking on that grass field I found mu sister under a lot of grass her eyes was open looking somewhere ,
Her eyes was strong Green color as some light is going out of them .


I dreamt I was doing a coaching session with a famous coach, but he showed up with a mysterious woman. She clearly was probing into my mind (through telepathy or something similar) and had a mysterious, cloaked aura.

I was very uncomfortable at this point and struggling with whatever we were doing. They wanted to shock me out of fear and get me to trust them and relax.

Somehow that involved jumping out of a high-rise building. They were very confident until they called some angels and they didn’t come to save us. Their “lesson” failing miserably.

But then a kind of monster, which I felt with me all the time, appeared (he was a bit like slenderman) and asked how many angels did they want. I’m not sure if they asked for three or only two to save themselves, but he extended his arms, reached into heaven and brought two angels which saved them.

I was alive and well on earth. I don’t know if I was saved by the monster or I am the monster.

Later on the mysterious woman (who chahged forms slightly throughout the dream, apparently trying to look attractive to me to get my trust) decided to just reveal her identity to me. She was an alien from the galactic federation. She told me they (and nature spirits and other beings) were hiding in plain sight (and made a building magically appear in the middle of nowhere).

But for some reason, sometimes children can see them, and they are worried because parents are beginning to look more into what the children say, and that could lift the veil and reveal them.

Then they seemed to want to enlist my help, as my chaotic mind and the refusal of angels to help me could mean I’m somehow invisible to these beings, and they could perform their operations undercover.

I still didn’t trust them but the dream ended here.

Thankfully I just finished watching Star Trek so I don’t think this will repeat xD


19.08 : Had lucid dream. I went to Cafe with my friends and saw my school friends with my younger self which caused me to have deja vu and it triggered lucidity. So I decided to walk out of my dreamscape and fly away feeling so confidently powerful.

1.09 : I walked into a classroom full of small children and realized those kids were younger versions of the people I knew. I looked for baby version of me and I saw myself :sob::sob: It was raining outside so I went out to see water clogging the area so I got worried. I was observing others from school rooftop then decided to go outside.

I spent the whole dream re-living some old memories. It was healing experience.


I don’t know if you were open to having this interpreted or not so I’ll put it in hidden. I’m not extremely confident of this interpretation as I am when the message is repeated over and over within the same dream but this does pop out at me:


It’s about power. It’s about personal power. Your ability to shape your life or the world into what you want it to be. But your subconscious is working on a problem. Or on a question. What happens when you apply your ability to getting your way? What will people think? What will they do? Will it hurt them? Will you be guilty? Will it mean you were not thankful for all that others have done for you up until now if you live for what you want instead of what they want?

I expect a future dream will take this problem solving further towards a solution. This is like the beginning of a quest. A catalyst has been introduced. Conflict is stirred up. Next a plan or course of action is devised. A map is created.


i ll put it other way.

do other people really have a life so they be hurt if you manifest your idea of a life?

go from there in your quest.

glad to see you btw.

take care!

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Today I was conscious enough to remember a dream that’s actually recurring.

It’s “doom theatres”. Literally plays where the actors start throwing stuff at each other, then using fire weapons and the public ends up being involved too.

Said doom theaters are build on the exits of underground trains (metro) so people are forced to go through them.

It was basically a dystopic world where the theatres took center stage as the punks didn’t follow any rules so “war” would extend outside too. It was thunder domes scattered everywhere with people taking things outside…there simply were less weapons and it wasn’t as intense outside the theatres.

Some people wanted to live a normal life ofc and we would all use the shortcuts and everything we could to avoid going through a theatre (which is basically a war zone), but it was inevitable.

I wasn’t even aware of this for the most part of the dream as I was caught up surviving (didn’t take part in any side of the war, was only managing to stay alive) and trying to leave. But it was way more peaceful outside. I was expecting it to be over though, and it wasn’t, the punks wanted to turn everything into a war zone. But people would be finding ways around the theatres too.

So yeah…I guess I may not have been surviving as well as today and hence why I didn’t remember my dreams in a while…

So…I loaded up “I have positive precognitive dreams” in Intention-Repeater.

(Hint: the intention works to have precog dreams, and “manifest” positive stuff, try it…I-R idk).

In the dream I was complaining that I don’t have whatever it takes to do inner work, and I’m stuck with my blabbering mind.

I appeared in a swamp with skeleton warriors/hungry ghosts? coming out the mud (yeah a lot like in POTC).

And then my subconscious mind came up (lately I have this perception that higher beings don’t just correct me, but are fed up with me as they have this “shut me up” intention, energy…even anger xD) and created a blue-robed witch (a pretty interesting hue of blue that I don’t associate with healing) with a blue book.

She was telling me that my “monsters” were not so different from thoughts themselves, and by thinking (words) I can change them.

So she was making statements all solemnly, it felt like a mix of formulas (as in EFT statements, ho’oponopono, zpoint, and similar) and spells. Or maybe Ericksonian hypnosis.

Not like the ghouls were changing one bit lmao,
and I woke up then, trying to understand how the hell to do inner work through verbal thinking and stuff.

I’ve been experimenting with “verbal thought” lately too, so it could be the reason.

Well…so much for a precognitive dream xD

I might have had it, but don’t remember it.

It was a good feeling dream and pretty aesthetic too…that blue robe…but that’s about it.

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What kind of blue was that?

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Since I watched this before sleeping, kinda its complimentary/counterpart/have no idea what it’s called.

Pretty sure it is the light side to these mfs.

I hate to break it for you, but that is red, not blue

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Like the opposite of that. Or how that would be if it was blue xD

No :poop:

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