Dreams. Share your dreams (from sleeping) here

That is very interesting. I felt such a strong connection with her. Meanwhile, when I saw her yesterday we just had a basic conversation lol. There is some tension between us, but she gave me mixed signals so I backed out. But the connection in the dream was as if we were bound to get married that night lol.


Had lucid dream 2 days ago!!! This time I decided to interact within my dream instead of running around trying to open a portal while my dream characters chase me lol When I turned lucid, I found myself walking in a luxurious showroom. My dream characters gave me weird look as if I couldn’t afford to be there haha so I told them I belonged to royal family so they started taking care of me. As they started to get intimated by me, I got carried away and dream continued.


Last night I had a one second lucid dream inside a dream.
Basically what happened was: I realized I was dreaming and got super excited, because I wanted to try out some creative thing. Unfortunately, the moment this realization hit me everything got dark, the dream shut me out and I felt a force pulling me back into “my body” (at least this is how the pulling sensation felt). Then I woke up in my family home and ended up telling my brother and mum about this experience. I was bummed out that I wasn’t able to continue the dream and w my on with my day.
A while later, after other random things happened, I woke up for real in my bed and was absolutely stunned because I had been absolutely convinced that I had already been awake and couldn’t believe I just woke up “again”.

This was a really fun experience :laughing: Has anyone else had a dream inside a dream without realizing until the very end when waking up for real?


I almost wonder if your subconscious shut down your attempt to engage the prefrontal cortex so they could continue doing their thing. So they fed you that dream while they carried on their own more bizarre dreams behind that. Just a funny thought.

I had almost an opposite experience of that this morning. I couldn’t sleep all night and then finally started dreaming with only 2 hours before the alarm clock. The entire time all these dreams were going on I was still very aware of being awake and unable to sleep and I wonder if that “awareness” was just something I was dreaming. “Dream that you are lying here unable to sleep and you know this because you know it. Meanwhile watch all these dreams going through your head.”


I was shown all sorts of things by someone last night, but I forgot almost anything - all I remember is a golden tablet (sort of, Idk what it was) and two lineages on it, one human (I assume? Looked like it), one dragon (I think there were others, but like I can’t remember what the others were like); they were depicted as monarchs, as rulers of some sort, both lineages, but the dragon one was above the human (there even was a dragon spitting fire, so cliche), these portraits reminds me of ancient depictions of rulers from the past; I was told that the true ruler should have been or was someone from the dragon lineage, but Idk the rest.

I can’t remember who was the one explaining me these things or how he/she/it looked like - my impression was of a male.

It was an interesting dream, I don’t remember the rest of it - it was like a journey of sorts.


I once had a lucid dream and I was thinking “Oh! I’m inside my subconscious mind and I must escape” then I spent my whole dream trying to manipulate dreamscape to escape as if I was trapped there somewhere :skull:


And after this, no more dreams. Weird.

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Interesting dream, but kind of scary ending, there’s a demon or something appearing in it (read till the end, if you want to find about it) …

I remember these few details:

  1. I was in a building (lots of things happened there, but I forgot most of my dream), then I saw an interesting hallway and it lead to a masonic place (room, rooms, Idk) (at least it looked it or something similar, judging by the symbols); I didn’t went In that place, for some reason I stopped and went back where I came from

  2. I had to escort/help my mom go from point A to point B, between these two locations was quite the long way, she could walk, in my dream; somewhere I lost her (it was a distraction of sorts, I had to go back to a place, then I didn’t found her, I searched for her and gave her a call, she answered and told me where she was - I’m not so sure right now, where).

  3. I visited an apartment, it was renewed, yet in a trashy condition, at least in the kitchen

  4. there was an ominous presence that I had to deal with, in certain places and circumstances throughout my dream

  5. the scenery changed, it was no longer daytime, it was night time; going home (? I think I was going home - it was none of the places thst I lived in real life) - I suddenly found What looked like a fountain, it was rectangular, maybe a square, Idk (was it a fountain? Idk) and it was sealed with ice, very thick and supposedly unbreakable ice, people were near that “fountain”, a few individuals/characters; suddenly I saw that there was a breach in that ice which sealed the top of the fountain, and someone (was it me or other character or something) made it bigger, suddenly I knew/found out that something came out from there (I had the impression that the previous locations were accessible through that fountain/tunnel/portal - also possibly other locations) - I heard a woman scream and suddenly a building with a few stores was on fire, but there was a demon or something, in that building, at a window and it screamed at me (with a powerful and furious voice): “You burned down my house, I will burn down yours”!

The demon looked like this: it was tall, at least like a very tall human, it was white, pure white color, it’s eyes were ferocious (but I don’t remember the details) and it’s teeth, that of a predator or creature, with a few teeth or 2 teeth more prominent.

I sometimes dream of other people, real or imaginary, as if I’m them, so although I witness from my perspective, sometimes my dreams are not about me, but usually they are.

(I had a dream once where I crashed my car and there was my girlfriend with me - 2 days later, some youngster crashed his car with his girlfriend, both died I think - it happened in the area where I live; then I have all sorts of cryptic dreams)

@Atreides @Alkul
@anyone (willing to answer)

What does this dream mean (from your perspective)?

Edit: the dream was interesting; when the demon appeared, the view zoomed in on him; when he screamed at me, I saw him/it upclose.

Could mean anything…

See if any of this helps:

  • Mother could be a symbol for life in the real [material] world (Divine Mother) - on the flipside, the feminine aspect is soul
  • Demons can be a symbol for things you hate about yourself, or certain addictions you have, or things you are trying to run away from (responsibilities etc)
  • Fire can either be expansion or dissolution
  • Buildings are usually mental constructs or foundational beliefs …
  • Solidified water (ice) means rigidity and inflexibility in thinking … it’s an extreme expression of the water element
  • Hallways and doors tend to mean intuitive paths or morphic fields being resonated with

Do be aware that dreams aren’t a representation of anything set in stone, but rather of things being worked on in that moment by your subconscious resources … you can always make different decisions and take a different path … essentially your dreams are you seeing things without the inhibition of your senses …

Dream readings can be accurate however, because normally, people aren’t aware enough of “now” to change what they are feeding their soul power.

Also, these symbolisms don’t need to apply to you… these are just suggestions, as you asked.

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Thank You.

I had quite an interesting dream last night. I was with this guy with whom I was discussing about something that was related to Hera and Zeus, like we were to connect with them. I vaguely remember the details but I do remember talking about looking for half snake and half human type of beings.

I’m not sure how to articulate the whole dream scenario into words. I understand my description doesn’t make sense but that’s the beauty of dreams lol


I found myself visiting my deceased Dog, he was happily playing with a female Pug Dog, and I was able to understand what they were saying, she told me: Your Dog is such a Drama Queen :rofl:

Then in the same dream, without waking up, I’ve literally flown away, over roads, countryside houses with wineries, Castles and Rivers, something that looks like Loires Castles, untill going west I’ve arrived to an high cliff, and with the ocean in front, it was windy, and with heavy waves, and a man told me this is it: I can’t fly over the dark sea, go back, go home.

Pretty Cool stuff for a powernap that lasted 3 hours eheheh


I wanted to share my dream as it was very odd.

I was in a bar and stepped outside. There was a beautiful, yet peculiar bird outside (head of a Peahen and the body of a Buzzard with Huge talons. It was black with a deep purple border around the wings.)
I was told to not attract attention to it as they’re vicious, but I couldn’t help but look at it.
Then the bird swooped down and dug it’s talons into my scalp really hard. It hurt, a lot.
People around were trying to detach the bird, but couldn’t. They had to leave me be as they did all they could.
I was left alone with this darn bird on my head.
When I eventually woke up, I had an awful short (thankfully) bout of vertigo. I couldn’t stand up straight and kept stumbling. This lasted an hour or so.
I was completely sober (haven’t had a drink for a long time).

Part of me is wondering if this is a metaphor for something, of if I’ve been attacked.
I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life.

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Last night I had a dream that I was escaping the police doing some major crime that would land me in maximum security prison for life without parole. I do not remember what the crime was but it was more than likely a mass murder. Anyways, it was inside some huge building where there are at least 20 floors. I was running away from the police and I found myself hiding like in the 8th floor.

In that moment of hiding I was deciding, do I get shot to death or do I just get arrested? Also in that moment I was regretting everything I did. I was thinking back in my life all the good things I have and how disappointed my family would be in me to know this was happening. It felt like I was trapped and felt a huge sense of shame and guilt in there.

I must remind you guys, I have been using the subconscious limiting beliefs purger from quadible integrity as well before going to sleep.

Does this mean that the hidden guilt and shame I had has been washed away?


Now EwfaeSynergy fields is popular ^^


It could mean multiple things.

I recommend that you loop Brain Regeneration, also add in Blood Brain Barrier a couple times and Stroke, at least 3 times (you can loop).

Do this (listen to all of these, loop them) daily, for a few days.

Also, Healing Card or Addendum Est (Patreon Book) would help.

For even Greater Help/Aid, Ask The Angels to Heal, Help and Protect You (Angelic Intercession).

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Thank you so much, SoulStar33! It never crossed my mind it could be related to my brain, but it feels like it could be.
I’ve just come home and have a migraine starting, so this seems like a possibility.

Thank you so much for your help!

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Omg :flushed::raised_back_of_hand:t2:


A calf and a cow (but they were HUGE) were eating their food, they were (or maybe only the cow, Idk) chained or leashed or something and somehow, there was another creature, Idk what it was, near them, huge as well.

Anyway, they were near a gate, kinda blocking it.
Somehow, i realized (or hoped so, Idk for sure) that they will be released soon, from their subjugation.

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I also saw someone with a red hat in my dreams, a mysterious figure.
I have no idea who he was, he just asked me something like: “should I introduce myself”?

His hat looked like this (sort of):

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