Dreams. Share your dreams (from sleeping) here

Three Sapien Tarots in the dream last night:
Moon, 8 of Wands, and Strength.

My childhood trauma came up. I have not had a nightmare where I scream like Bloody Mary in months.
I did. But it’s good because Strength and Moon were there
aka protection, encouraging it.

I also got my period after a solid 10 months and the moon tarot is affiliated to that so yeh so there’s that lol
And on Samhain I finally saw someone again (during dreams) after ages (seeing them in my dreams) which was good because I feel more relaxed

but too lucid again- not complaining but I forgot how vivid they are… I haven’t been dreaming in a long time. I blame the injection for that lol

But I’m also an idiot bc I don’t think I should have put up my 90s NFTs right above my bed which I did last night lol


Wow second dream I’ve had since the tail end of July damn. It’s been a very long while

Part One:
I screamed again last night
Not sure why. But I had sleep paralysis after a very long time (i couldnt open my eyes or move no matter how much I wanted to welp)

But then I remember fast forward,
(Part Two:) Seraphim showed up.
But with my luck that’s when I was able to wake up lol

Oh and number 212 showed up with them ( I think )


The most recent one I remember right now, was about Jordan and Mikhaila Peterson, and me saving the world…in a dark, gritty, apocalyptic, cyberpunk world xD

And this is why youtube and social media feeds are bad, kids.


Two king of swords
Two three of cups
Corpus Spiritus golden edition
& if the tarots got wet another design would show up instead

The wet ones were strength and lovers

But this was last week during the Samhain period
No more tarot dreams since then

But had a mojito dream two days back
Now I’ve been craving one ever since lol

And I met my daughter
Very happy & content

Bad? I wouldn’t mind dreaming about Mikhaila or cyberpunk. This all sounds good.


I had an amazing dream last night. As someone who has been single for a very, very long time it was nice to dream of having a lover/romantic person, to spend time laughing and playing together and enjoy each other’s company that brings a sweet feeling to my heart. Unfortunately I woke up and it was just a dream, same old reality again. Now my heart feels empty again.


I was talking about dreams and Lucid dreams in MY dream because I thought I woke up from one :clown_face:. Later I was browsing through creepy horror stuff before actually waking up. I don’t have coherent memory but the flashbacks and feelings remain. Sigh


2 nights ago I had a dream which kind of scared me; I was in a house, actually more like a mansion or castle, apparently something big and it was kind of dark and gloomy, dim light; there were other people, then they suddenly went away/dissappeared, idk, the last person to whom I talked being a woman - I have no idea who they were; I went to a mirror and the light was arriving through a window, I saw my face, my eyes were dark, very dark (normal human eyes, just dark if not pitch black) and I looked younger, like 10+ years ago, then I went closer and closer to the mirror (it was a huge mirror) and it was darker and darker (the room/light) and I touched the mirror with my forehead and my face, it was cold, very cold…

What to make of this dream?

Death? Me or someone close?
Big change?
Something terrible?
Occult meaning(s)?


Can Mritunjay (idk how to spell it) mantra help, can/would Shiva stop impending death or negative outcome (if it is about death)?

Quite a lot.

Most probably…

I am kind of sleepy.
Gonna come back tommorow, possibly with a more complex answer, idk, possibly.

Thanks. :pray:

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So, when I dream Green, Trees, Beautiful Nature or Sunny Weather, it’s usually a good or fantastic dream, revealing great upcoming events and days in my life, but when it is dark, when there are monsters or anything of that sort, it usually means that bad days are coming for me or someone close; there are many symbols that I pay attention to, when it comes to dreams, for example a bride, dressed in her white bride dress means literally death, that’s how I view it in my dreams and people died after dreaming of her.

Once I dreamed that she entered our house and I fought with her and she went out, soon we almost died in an accident.

This is a little bit unrelated to my current dream.

Dreamed people were starting to develop super powers for whatever reason. Just different powers started manifesting. Like a spontaneous shift to an x-man or heroes universe. Government quarantined us. I was one of them. Most of them were kids but I’m not.

They just locked us in something like a hotel. Weren’t killing us as far as I could tell. But none of us trusted them with our future. And basically we all chose to stay there of our own free will as a show of good will. Because we could melt or break our way out if we wanted.

I don’t remember the exact powers everyone else had but some of them looked like magic. A young girl’s hands would glow a light shade of purple and I knew she could cast something like plasma out of them.

I was jealous of everyone else’s powers because I thought they were cooler. Mine was like the juggernaut where I could walk through any wall or through any structure. But it would break. I couldn’t phase through it. Just walk right through it and bust it apart while I walked. An older woman, not old just older was there as something like a mediator between us and the gov. She tried convincing me that my power was great and to not feel down about it. Then I realized I could also break any object over my face. So I was more or less indestructible so that made me feel a little better. But I still wanted to fly or light up or whatever.


One of my weirdest dreams was me being a Vampire, but not only that I was in a gang of vampires lol; yes, I did attack people for blood, I had superhuman strength, speed, hypnosis, etc.
Weird dream, but it’s not a recent dream.


It was a nice dream…brought to me straight outta youtube.

I wished there was more silence and space for more intuition/subconscious/higher self to come through.

So lately I’m dreaming a lot. Today I had trouble sleeping but had this dream in the end.

Human/humanoid skull looking fishes, travelling inside jellyfishes, going to underwater giant transparent sculptures of humanoids, apparently showing mythological scenes.

They were going to mate, but tried to make themselves fit the humanoid faces of the sculptures (they had no backs, so to speak), their mold, in one particular sculpture of two giants kissing (there were other ones around though, was like an orgy, battle or smth).

Maybe a sort of legend that when two fishes finally become the faces/skulls of those giants something would happen.

The jellyfishes saw them as childish and took a parental role over them, letting them stretch their skins trying to fin in the mold, while knowing they wouldn’t, and seeing it as ridiculous. Yknow, they were like compassionate parents. Also protecting them by letting them be inside themselves.

This was on the coast of Ghana.

Before this vision, I saw the fishes were following some man-made paths. We used them for fun or water-sports or whatever (I was soing something like sand-snowboarding and wanted to mix it with the water). Right next to them (not inside the pathways) there were lots of dolphins and other sea mammals, and then I saw the jelysfihes with skulls and led me to the rest of the dream.

Once my attention was grabbed by the fact that it was Ghana the dream took another turn…with me finding my own soulmate or smth. We were dancing. I attribute this to always waking up with some songs in my head so that’s probably why.

Anyway, it was kinda cool but also a bit weird feeling.


I was in a familiar place, me and a friend, near a building; suddenly, my friend did something, idk what, I said stop, he did not listen, then a snake appeared, staying in a vertical position and started jumping, like a Kangaroo, it was it’s way of moving, but it was quite fast; my friend ran away like crazy towards a forest (location was changed instantly somehow), and I went to the right, it was a field and the snake was trying to catch me, jumping closer and closer, that’s when I woke up…

Strange dream.
Anyone has any idea what it can mean?


Work is no escape from the consequences of living. But if you get lost instead of trying to make something of yourself, you’re not even worthy of those consequences.


Dreamed about a black kitten.

I was sitting at my computer at home and doing some work on it. This tiny black kitten was curled up on me. In my lap or near my chest. I can’t remember exactly. Then it either fell or jumped onto the floor by my feet. I reached down with one hand and scooped him/her(idk) up and brought it back near me while thinking and feeling like I was doing something good or caring or even bordering on loving. Then the kitten immediately jumped away again. And it showed me a piece of black string it had in its mouth that it had discovered on the floor, it was showing me that it wanted to go exploring and discovering things.

The dream went on like that through mundane events and scenes that I can’t remember well until this next part.

It was time to go outside for some reason. And I couldn’t seem to get a matching pair of shoes on. I realized I had 3 different pairs of shoes that all looked nearly identical and yet were completely different. Similar in look, but not in wear. And only one pair that would match, having a left and a right. If I had them mismatched walking would be uncomfortable and difficult. I think I finally got it sorted out at the end but it took me a few minutes.

Open to interpretations please.


You are both yourself and the cat. Part of you is overprotective of you, and part of you wants to be free AND is working on something hence the string.

You not being able to find shoes that match but eventually figuring it out is how you sometimes approach challenges- confusion, but you get it together in the end.

Overarching message may be to let yourself
Go a little, you’ve got it handled


Well, I can only answer according to the romanian meaning of dreams [there are such “dictionaries”, there is folk/folklore (knowledge) surrounding dreams] and according to my family knowledge, which they get from grandparents, ancestors, etc.

If you lose a shoe, it means sickness, but since you matched your shoes, you found the solution, it means that you will find a solution to some troubles/issues (I don’t know which issues); also, were the shoes new/nice or were they old, broken, in poor condition?

Basically, you take all the elements of the dream and analyze how they appeared to you, what or how you felt about those symbols/elements (shoes, the kitten, etc.).

I will search for an interpretation regarding the kitten.

The Kitten can mean that someone might dissapoint you or lead you astray, can give you poor/wrong advice, but it can also mean a THIEF, but they can also symbolize transition towards independence and perhaps now it’s the moment in which you are ready to explore new things (I just took some words, I did not translate every phrase :sweat_smile:).

Also, the color of the cat can give different meanings, usually a black cat has something to do with your psychic power, lack of self trust in your intuition and it can mean destruction or bad luck, among other possibilities.

Conclusion: I have no idea if these things are accurate (sometimes they are for me), also there are so many meanings, some of them might come to pass. :sweat_smile:

I would be careful regarding some people, situations and choices, trouble could come in your way, yet you shall prevail.

Edit: I skipped a few words, but I shall add that a kitten can mean an illussion or an exageration on your part, something which is impossible or scary (again, it might mean something which might dissapoint you).

Now, for the SHOES part:

It can mean a lot of things, I shall edit/continue a little bit later.

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It felt like the kitten loved me and I loved it in a way that was sort of in between a parental and a sibling kind of love for it. Really felt like it cared about me. So maybe some deception in the area of relationships or feelings?

I thought there was some reason that both the kitten and the string were completely black. The string had a few knots in it. Maybe meaning something to work out or unknot kind of like Jenny was saying with getting unconfused.

The shoes were newish. A little worn but mostly new.

I’m thinking black was about mystery. That would fit the overall theme. Things that take time to understand.