I was once meditating, with golden sunlight hitting me from the right side.
I tranced out/fell asleep. I dreamed I was a child and went to a shop atop a hill with my mother. The greenery around was beautiful. The whole place had a golden aura. Was a stereotypical fantasy toys child shop. Like a Charlie’s Chocolate store would be.
The clerk was a wise looking elder. While my mother was talking with him and looking for stuff, I went to play.
The games (like videogames) sold in the store were eggs of all kinds (like Faberge eggs).
You touch them, and your consciousness gets transported inside the game world.
You totally identify with your character and forget who you are.
By moving the hand a bit (and mostly through intent) you control the character. But in a short while you forget all about that and lose awareness of it and are fully inside the game.
You choose those games intuitively without a problem.
Once I got stuck in the game and wanted to get out or got a glimpse that an “out” existed…I found I could only get unstuck by playing it through. You have to run the game to the end or get a game over (cough* die).
Plus the games that get you stuck are the ones you most prefer to beat.
I had this feeling this golden bathed place was some sort of place the oversoul (or maybe actually the higher self) would be in.
I don’t consider this a dream at all. But I will put here.
Another one I had, I was in a spaceship and beamed my soulmate to Earth. Warned her a lot about losing her memories and talents and anything she has, once she becomes human and the incarnational amnesia kicks in. It was heartbreaking. But she was determined to fulfill a mission here.
Oh, actually there was a timeline for this. Something like she would lose all access and any way of remembering who she was once she turned 16 here. And live the rest of her life as a human, looking for meaning to her life and feeling something was off.
So now you know guys…you won’t ever remember why you came here mwahaha.
Doesn’t sound like much but felt very deep and nostalgic to me.
Those two dreams I consider have some truth to them, for me personally. Like that’s how I incarnated here…from a spiritual perspective and an E.T. one.
I dunno if incarnating memories or things like that would make one more nostalgic than other kind of experiences one could remember/re-access.
Also as a child I had a long chain of dreams that were all connected and felt real (dunno if past life memory even). It ended with me killing a bunch of vampires (yeah that wasn’t past life lol). Too long story to tell but nice stuff and I will always remember my grandpa from another life that built a bike for me with his own hands (a fully wood bike cause he was a carpenter). And also led me and gave me nice cousel on my quest to beat the stalker vampires.
Just sharing to revive this thread and maybe make someone remember a dream they forgot.