Dreams. Share your dreams (from sleeping) here

New shoes mean good things, also shoes have to do with a new house, marriage/relatuonships, etc., shoes and by extension legs have to do with the tangible, things which ground you, material things, etc.

So, after a dissapointment, you will find a solution or you might repair a broken relationship, idk - it’s One interpretation.

Edit: Shoes can also mean cars, anything you buy, etc., basic material needs/goods.

New Edit: now, things you buy And a Thief (other interpretation) ? Lol watch out. :sweat_smile:

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That’s making sense to me. I was trying to get my shoes on because someone showed up saying it was time to go outside to do some work. So the meanings are starting to match up. The kitten needed to go out and explore. I needed to get started or get to work. Figure out how to approach life/feelings/relationships (how to walk them out, how to approach). Explore the strings that connect things and need to be unknotted. Cause and effect with feelings and relationships. My feelings were true and caring but needed to be understood better before being useful in traversing life.

And part of that getting busy “walking” will be to expand my income. So, feelings could steal that or interfere if i don’t sort them out well.

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Well, you got this. :grin::v:

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Maybe. But you guys helped a lot. It’s hard to find the string sometimes to start unravelling things.


Quite a good interpretation - thank you. :pray:

I am sleepy, so 'll have to say Good Night. :sweat_smile::sleeping:

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I was climbing up a mountain with a group of strangers, looking for a secret, sacred, magical land (aka Shamballa, most likely). Everyone had their reasons, mine was to heal myself.

I could feel everyone’s hate directed at me, as if I’d be something weighing and slowing them down.

After we climb the mountain, we find a cabin. Inside the cabin, we all become telepathic. So we all sense everyone’s else intention to kill others.

There is a sort of mental game, where everyone is projecting what would happen if they do X, but then everyone knows that. So it isan intense game of outsmarting everyone else, but being way faster than them, since they would know your plans instantly.

I was seeing’s everyone’s plans in my mind, and frantically looking for a way out. I didn’t want to kill anyone.

Some warrior women (bit alien looking, since they were very thin and tall) came in and took me outside safely. I dunno what happened to the others…I think they all killed themselves or stayed stuck in the mental play.

I saw some beautiful waterfalls at the mountaintops in front of me. This gave me some peace and apparently I was granted access to the place.

Then I woke up. I took the dream to mean that no place in the world would be safe/the solution/my escape. And no inner place would do that either.

This was more than 10 years ago (I remembered cause I was reading Shamballa’s Portal thread xD). I even tried to write the dream as a novel but it was a gigantic effort. I gave up xD.

I still haven’t got the lesson u.u


Usually, in dreams (at least in my dreams), if there is a way out of danger (and I was in all sorts of dangers in my dreams), if you escape somehow, then it’s quite simple: you survive or get out of some dangerous situation as well, well at least I presented an obvious answer :sweat_smile:, the rest is clearly up to interpretation; now, again, I can give my dreams as examples :sweat_smile:: if the scenery is nice, if there is Green all around (forest, fields, etc.), cleanliness (if the water is clean, etc.), it is Very Good, so you can look into the elements from/of the dream itself, how they present themselves, etc., also for further details, IF you want, you can search in a Dream Dictionary (In romanian you can find quite a lot of information, I would guess in spanish too, although there are some unique interpretations, depending on country/culture) for dreams’ meaning, the elements, everything that you saw or experienced in a dream has a different meaning, depending on the context (look, color, place, how you felt, etc.).

I hope I have not bored you. :sweat_smile:


Graphic novel. Just flashed at me. Or I was just picking up the g from gigantic before consciously seeing what I was reading. Not sure. Mentioning it just in case it might be worth something to you. Another attempt. Graphic novel. Maybe hire a freelance artist.

Actually I don’t think it was just the g. Realizing this was dawning on me even when I just began reading at the top.


Open for interpretation.

Was house sitting and dog sitting for an old man for about a day. He had two medium sized dogs. No specific breed. Didn’t stand out as very friendly or very mean, just in the middle. They liked to rough house with each other some but nothing crazy.

His house was completely barren. Climate control seemed ok. I don’t remember being cold and it was cloudy outside. Looked like it could be winter but no snow.
And he had working lights and electricity. It was a decent place, not run down, but just no furniture.

Tiny backyard was well kept and fenced in so dogs could play outside a little without running away or getting into trouble.

When the man came home he was trying to bring the dogs in and let me leave but the main door he would use to bring them in was locked and he couldn’t find the key.

I hadn’t used that door since they just used the doggy door on the other side of the backyard while I was there. But he insisted he usually used this door. He gave up after a few minutes and just called them in through the doggy door.

The entire town surrounding him was abandoned for at least a couple of blocks in every direction. But again, nothing was run down at all.

As I was leaving, and I think he had paid me with one or two twenty’s, I found an old key like a skeleton key in the grass out front. I thought about not bringing it to him because I was ready to get to wherever I was going next, and because I thought this probably isn’t his key anyways for some reason, and because he had been a little bit of a jerk about the door thing like it was my fault even though I hadn’t touched it.

So I brought the key to him and he argued with me and told me there was no way that was the key, then he tried it while I was halfway out the front door again. It was the right key.

With him was an old lady I assumed was his wife, but she wasn’t in the dream most of the time. She was in another room. But I remember she was with him when they came back home and they both came inside. She watched him struggle with the door for a minute but that was about it. Most of the time she wasn’t in the scene.

I know this is a mundane dream but I feel it meant something. And I don’t remember most of my dreams.

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Two ideas (beware, both probably wrong).

  1. The old man is your higher self/soul. The two dogs are duality. They aren’t too mean nor good cause you ignore it and don’t experience it strongly. You let them come and go through the doggy door, but not the main door. Aka with your discipline, focus, etc; you don’t let distractions,a full experience of duality in your life come in.

Hence why he is grumpy. The house is dull cause you don’t care about being incarnated or the material world much. You can go on interpreting this as if he’s your higher self, or some higher aspect, at least.

Like he’d like to be home but trust you with taking care of your life here so he can’t incarnate that fully, play his tricks on you xD

It seems you’re doing your own thing and he can’t control you and he doesn’t like it.

  1. Old man is tradition, wife is nature (hence why she doesn’t intervene). You came to the desolated tradition to give them the right way of doing things their way, but then you left. Tradition needs the keys that the new generation brings them.
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I’ll digest this some more but my initial reaction is that feels right; what you’re saying about duality and neutrality.

I’m surprised at what I’m interpreting here as your view of the higher self. As I’ve said elsewhere I don’t hold personally any belief on the goodness or badness or even existence of a higher self. Though I think it would be an easy way for some 3rd party entity to gain access. As if spirits desired to be hackers.

But I’m surprised at your view because it seems most view the higher self as benevolent.

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I do too. And I don’t think it wants to control your life…I think it adapts easily to anything. But if you’re aware of higher realms and doing well on your own…you have your own free-will that may not be fully aligned with his yet.

There is the wife counterpart, that is usually wiser, more compassionate, etc. Higher self is often experienced as two guides, and the feminine seems to be more evolved than the masculine, for whatever reason.

I had a dream where my ego was a vampire and my higher self a sort of elf looking angel, and he/she was just smiling at all the tantrums thrown…like no matter what he always wins.

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I was once meditating, with golden sunlight hitting me from the right side.

I tranced out/fell asleep. I dreamed I was a child and went to a shop atop a hill with my mother. The greenery around was beautiful. The whole place had a golden aura. Was a stereotypical fantasy toys child shop. Like a Charlie’s Chocolate store would be.

The clerk was a wise looking elder. While my mother was talking with him and looking for stuff, I went to play.

The games (like videogames) sold in the store were eggs of all kinds (like Faberge eggs).

You touch them, and your consciousness gets transported inside the game world.

You totally identify with your character and forget who you are.

By moving the hand a bit (and mostly through intent) you control the character. But in a short while you forget all about that and lose awareness of it and are fully inside the game.

You choose those games intuitively without a problem.

Once I got stuck in the game and wanted to get out or got a glimpse that an “out” existed…I found I could only get unstuck by playing it through. You have to run the game to the end or get a game over (cough* die).

Plus the games that get you stuck are the ones you most prefer to beat.

I had this feeling this golden bathed place was some sort of place the oversoul (or maybe actually the higher self) would be in.

I don’t consider this a dream at all. But I will put here.

Another one I had, I was in a spaceship and beamed my soulmate to Earth. Warned her a lot about losing her memories and talents and anything she has, once she becomes human and the incarnational amnesia kicks in. It was heartbreaking. But she was determined to fulfill a mission here.

Oh, actually there was a timeline for this. Something like she would lose all access and any way of remembering who she was once she turned 16 here. And live the rest of her life as a human, looking for meaning to her life and feeling something was off.


So now you know guys…you won’t ever remember why you came here mwahaha.

Doesn’t sound like much but felt very deep and nostalgic to me.

Those two dreams I consider have some truth to them, for me personally. Like that’s how I incarnated here…from a spiritual perspective and an E.T. one.

I dunno if incarnating memories or things like that would make one more nostalgic than other kind of experiences one could remember/re-access.

Also as a child I had a long chain of dreams that were all connected and felt real (dunno if past life memory even). It ended with me killing a bunch of vampires (yeah that wasn’t past life lol). Too long story to tell but nice stuff and I will always remember my grandpa from another life that built a bike for me with his own hands (a fully wood bike cause he was a carpenter). And also led me and gave me nice cousel on my quest to beat the stalker vampires.

Just sharing to revive this thread and maybe make someone remember a dream they forgot.


I was pulled in and enchanted from the first line of your first dream. Coincidentally. It felt like a place I wanted to be.


The dream I had last night was so interesting. I was running away from some people and ended up going to somewhere I knew I had been there before. I asked around but no one seemed to understand me so I decided to look around. I made some friends there but there was someone who was like a serial k/ller hurting us then we all ran away. At the end of the dream, I looked up in the sky and saw huge dragon made up of clouds. It was very beautiful sight as the sky looked orange-y with many white clouds. I tried to tell others to see that dragon cloud but every time they tried to look, that dragon disappeared. I tried to take pictures of it but couldn’t as it turned into something else. I woke up later.


Even though we were human (actually undefined and not so human but welp) I got this lion vibes.

We golden light lions up there bro.

For instance:

kinda similar to this. But more alien to me. Man…I think in the past I saw a pic that gave the perfect vibes…now I have thousands on pinterest and I know there is no one like it.

Moral of the story: meditate under the sun at sunset xD


Im so sleepy, im going back to sleep and after waking up I’ll try to search for a meaning/meanings for your dream.
Cya later. :pray:


One of the shortest dreams that I can remember, I just went to the sink, took some water and threw it onto the floor to clean something; I think the cleaning part is good.

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Disclaimer just in case: not speaking from knowledge, just initial intuitive impression.

You feel you are lacking in precision and knowledge. Lacking a precise knowledge about how to improve something. You’re doing what you feel will probably work and yet you feel a desire or need for clarity on the issue; for a greater degree of certainty on how to handle it by understanding the workings of it better.

Second impression: (may work together with the initial as a sub-aspect of it) You feel you are not putting in your best effort towards improving something that you do want to improve.

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I think you got it right - I want to improve many things and dont know how to prioritize, what to choose, etc.
Thank You.

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