"Forgiveness through Jesus"

Channeled during a related working using the Holy Name Yehushuah.


Interesting… i always thought Jesus was not real… more like a compiled version from different sources (that being “real”)

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@Maoshan_Wanderer you’ve mentioned your journeys with beings…have you ever crossed paths with Jesus? Or is he not considered a higher being since he was born human….

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@SorcerySupreme have you encountered Jesus? The figure.
Anyone? Curious….

I prefer not to comment when it comes to things people hold in faith, especially when high emotions are tied to it. I will leave it at it and not derail Supreme’s thread :slight_smile:

I personally prefer ancient and old world deities of power.


That could just as easily be applied to any other God or guru.

The true origins of Jesus are unknown. I intentionally used the name with the strongest energetic response (Yahushuah) and drank charged coconut water before the ritual to avoid the trappings of religion.

Jesus made two claims before he ascended, the power to heal and the power to forgive sins. Like any other guru, he can be petitioned or these powers can be channeled.

His name also has very important and relevant Kabbalistic qualities.


I certainly have, and he is very powerful and does exactly what he claimed, IMO.

You are welcome to share your insights here.

I would say that the Yehushuah presence has been around for a very long time and made itself known long into antiquity.

Are these energetic mandalas?


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Thank you.
Are two of them the same?
May I make it into the dog tag?

I can feel it. Feels purifying.
Edit: I don’t think I have a need to have it on me constantly.
They are strong.

They are the same but the one on the bottom is higher resolution. I believe I have an extremely high resolution version I can share a link to. Yes, you may make it into a dog tag.

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Thank you, but even looking at it feels like enough.
Can’t wait for my necklace to come so I will order the custom health thing :relaxed: