Drift's Journal

Manifesting one thing. Using all I got. I won’t know what did it. But it’s a long shot.


Wish me luck.

It’s more of an on/off thing…but maybe it comes progressively.

In which case I will describe the whole thing once done, I guess.

This is just a side-side-side-side-bottom-of-the-list-side-quest.

Don’t expect a second post or update.

it’s a long shot

I also have my own thread here in this section which is what I wanted :nerd_face:

Edit: I’m actually going to use it as a notebook. Sometimes.


Reminder to self: Remember to yawn. Remember to ground.


Shades of Light 's

Has relaxed my cat quite a bit. Me too and it makes me think of ego dissolution (the field), resillience (not the field), mental health, self-love and something I can’t quite describe. Diving deep in life?

May pair it with non judgemental acceptance.

When listening to it alongside violet it was a trip. It gave me anxiety after the middle of it was played (violet) but I was calm towards the end. So much for just 2 mins bruh. Maybe it is the effect of plasma.

Violet plasma sounds like the most supercharged one. But plasma red could also increase blood pressure as Cooldude said.

I wonder if there is a proper order to listen to them in. Having violet after red doesn’t look like a coincidence.

Oh, I almost forget. So, I looped the multiphasic one before sleeping, it seemed to be energizing me. I didn’t sleep like in 4 days or so. Afterwards, I slept a lot. It may have nothing to do with that field (and ofc I looped deep sleep and others when sleeping) and just cause I needed the sleep but…I’d say it helped xD


I will be untethered.

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You know the target market for this were married or just divorced men xD

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The first time I came across the word was

And other spiritual stuff, but less mainstream friendly.

Still for me is something only used when talking about that topic and not even that often.

It sounds good to me (probably cause it sounds like tea to me), dunno why it isn’t used more.

There are some words that are almost exclusively used in-context (in spiritual context I mean). And ofc some expressions are only used then, and if anything, imported from the context.

But yeah I don’t see many people using “choiceless awareness” outside of the circles.

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