Drops of Memory

It’s a lot to process in 2 months. (Today is my 2nd month anniversary being in the forum. :fire:) Especially as an ADHDer we tend to forget, hence why I asked if this field had any processing and cognitive impairment issues. LOL I’m learning but apparently not soon enough. Hopefully it will be solved soon.

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Feels like much longer…


I agree, it feels like I’ve leaped into 1 years worth of knowledge within a span of 2 months, I know so much but know so little. I can answer an advanced question and then turn around and ask a noob question right after lol, because technically I’m still a noob. Can’t wait till I actually reach that 1 year mark though.


Maaan… I don’t even know where to put this in my stack lol… Think I’ll have to do 2 fields a month honestly. 10-12 hours each day then swap.

This month I’m focusing on Mathematical Madness and Manhattan Method.

Next Month will be Drops of Memory and Wholistic Thinking.

Then I will move on to Cyber Brain and Conceptual Conglomerate.

Lastly Key to Babel and Speed Reading.

Then I’ll probably go back to continuously cycling them. No need to stop looping when you can keep recycling. Can’t wait the look at myself in January and say "Wow, I’ve gained at least 60 IQ points in half a year.

But man… Drops of Memory is such a fun field to use and think about. It activates rather quickly as well. Working memory and short term memory shows up and shows out when driving in California lol. (We probably have the worst drivers not gonna lie.)

But I can only imagine what some Enhanced Visual Processing and this could do for someone.


Wouldn’t it be better to use it for a few more months, listening to it less every day? It is not only as a precaution since these are cerebral fields, but also to make the fields more stable and maximize their effect. Just my opinion.

Nah bro, for sure gonna continuously use them for the hours listed. Thanks though.

I’m not the only one playing brain fields for 10 hours a day. We have the protections available to safely utilize them at this level. I’ve already looped 16-hour days for the last 2+ months. No negative effects here. Just more intelligence.


Ok protections, that is Plasma Brain, but the results, only after two months? I have used Manhattan Method for more than 6 months and the next ones I thought of using them for a period of 1/3 less, increasing the daily listening a little.
Another question, playing brain fields so long, do you listen to Plasma Brain before or after these?

Yeah, I also have like all the boosters and more stuff that I use. As well as, well it’s been like 10+ hour days consistently. Results show pretty quick.

Sometimes I sandwich plasma like 3 plays before and like 30 mins to 1 hour after.

Field booster? I use Maximum Human by PU as a booster, in a small stack.

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Ah, I used brain key, snapping synapses, and some others. PU drops great ones.

If you want to discuss more we should bring it to the brain guild discussion thread. I don’t wanna cause mayhem on this one lol.




Ah yes, I used Brain Key too



Okay so I will do a bit of a review of this one and talk about some thoughts I wanna share. I started with this one around 3 months ago, if u wanna be exact 88 days ago. The total time I have looped is probably around at least 100 hours, 100 to 150. I say this because even if not the most scientific, you can have somewhat of an idea of the results based on the amount of time it required. The first month without brain key. Then I started with brain key a bit more. And recently with brain key much more since I have developed good tolerance.

Anyways, it definitely has improved my memory by a good margin, it’s a gradual process, but especially noticeable when u no longer require so many reviews to learn, you remember more of what u learned the day after and u start to remember random things throughout the day that u learned years ago. It’s pretty cool. I still have a long way to go, but so far i’m satisfied with it. I especially notice the effects when it’s weekends because I’m not tired from looping brain fields. I think this is something to keep in mind, a lot of us brainiacs loop for a long time and we don’t take the time to actually rest from it and see how we function while we’re completely clear, both physically and energetically; then don’t expect to have your full capacity lol, after all, you’re pushing your brain already, maybe even your body etc.

Regardless I’m still far from a perfect memory, not saying this to discourage anyone, instead I’m encouraging to ponder about your own objectives and how much time are you willing to spend on this, because u have to reflect… your physical body will have it’s own natural limitations and while some boosters such as brain key or Snapping synapses will increase the thresholds (btw here I mean the rate of growth derived limitations), u still have to be patient and keep going.

Anyways, this has been only my experience, I’m sure others will differ, perhaps even have much faster results, but I still think the results so far have been pretty nice and something u would not get elsewhere


Hmm I just noticed maybe I was a bit vague on the results. But to summarize, working memory increased (the time u can keep something in your mind and the ‘size’ of it). Long term memory increased, expect to remember easier the things u have already practiced etc. Sometimes it will even naturally come and u don’t know where it’s coming from, like u don’t even have to think, lately this is happening more often. And the one I like the most is the memory transfer, from short term to long term, this one has been pretty nice. With less repetitions, sometimes even just one, u already have it in your long term memory.

I’m not the best one noticing results because I don’t actively test myself, but these are some of the things I’ve noticed.

Furthermore if you want some percentages (which are totally arbitrary but could have a bit of accuracy). I’d say my memory in general is about 40-50% better.


I truly wonder how the slowing down of consciousness with wholistic thinking and this pairs together… Especially if you add cyber brain into that. Omg…

Just running through the information.

I need more time for more looping… Have to free up time.


Nah… This field might be my favorite now… The semantic memory processing and memorization aspects alone would make conceptual conglomerate and key to babel like 3x more OP than it already is… No way.

I don’t know why I keep neglecting this… It’s leaps and bounds above many in terms of importance in my personal growth- cognitive necessities.


is there any sale going on? or will there be a sale soon? i want to have this field, but i am not able to pay for it from my “visa sbi india” card ? what should i do

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Unfortunately there has been a lot of problems with other fellow forum members from India who are trying to purchase fields on gumroad.

You can look at this thread :point_down: - some people were able to successfully make purchases:

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thanks :+1:

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bought it just now from gum road after alot of hustle. really alot… i am making its backup incase i lose my phone… please tell me if its alright? also please tell me if its alright if i share it with my wife to be in 6 months…!! i don’t want to do anything wrong
that’s why i am asking so much :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: