Brain Guild General discussion

Although night looping is handier with Brain Regeneration and there is no anti overgrowth if you want more enhanced wiring.

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fr? i loop pboy over night sometimes and i feel fine

I think it’s okay, just sound is louder.

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Yes, it will probably take time. Maybe you could increase a little, while still remaining safe.
@Jojo, how much could you increase the listening of CC and MM while remaining in maximum safety, taking into account that in the stack above there is BK and PBoY, 4x each?

Well as stated various times. PBoY is the safety, and brain and spine antioxidant is the safety. I don’t know what you mean by safety personally, but mass looping is safe if you make sure to take rest days when necessary bringing Pboy and the others. When I made the comments about rest days I wasn’t saying to only play fields 30 minutes a day if that’s how you were interpreting it, we still play brain fields for hours daily as a collective, I was just referring to a rest week or 2-3 in order to recover from the daily hours of listening.

It’s a self-call call really, if you deem a certain amount as “unsafe” then that is your personal judgment and no one can take that from you. But I’m not “in on this” safety thing personally, at least not how you’re presenting it.

If I felt I was falling out of safety lol, I wouldn’t be mass looping.


I don’t know if you remember our conversation here, but I still think according to the comment below:

Forgive me I expressed myself poorly, it was actually a suggestion for Dyst0p14n to try to go beyond
that amount, if his intent was to get a good level of advancement.

This is where Stress and Anxiety can come in handy :smiley:

Thanks for the tip/reference previous conversation.


I ordered September 3.
It’s October 15th and I’m not any closer.


Some of you were complaining for a couple days of delays somehow


That’s disrespectful ngl.

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Random vendors with long shipping time are usually sort of resellers from China without permanent stock in local warehouse. I try to avoid them for the reason of long shipping waiting time.

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Nah bro me and Pano got ours within days, not weeks.

I think that we got lucky… I hate that for people who don’t live countries where the devices came quickly.


This is French Amazon, you bought it in US I guess where seller might have stock on hand.


Yeah, I should have checked. I took the link people here used and switched the .com for .fr

Though I waited because I tried to find an mp3 in a brick and mortar stores before

Plus where I live is not super easy to access somehow it’s easier for them to ship it close to me, then back to another center further from me and then straight to me.


It’s next day delivery for the same product in my place, so I suspect they got order on US warehouse and ship from there.

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For other people who might consider buying speakers, also read reviews and seek not only full players, but maybe just good portable stereo speakers with TF card support, that can work like a player. Might be a cheaper option depending on your location.


Missing @Pano and @Sims hours fr. Missing @Josh and @Beast hours too. Where are the homies :frowning:.


I heard Josh is literally dominating all of his college classes rn.


I cannot really give that much of an in depth testemonial because I dont loop as much as you guys and I never really took education seriously up until recently


Manhatten Method made me one of the best students in class, I understand things without much trouble and everything we do really is easy

As soon as I receive my student financial aid (these bastards just take so long lmao) I will stock up big time


I need to play plasma brain more though as I have trouble typing lmao


W. It looks like all of us became the “intelligent kids” in our classes lol.

I remember my teacher teaching us things that I knew were not true based on basic conceptualized understandings. I used to laugh in class and try to remain quiet.