Brain Guild General discussion

Nah bro me and Pano got ours within days, not weeks.

I think that we got lucky… I hate that for people who don’t live countries where the devices came quickly.


This is French Amazon, you bought it in US I guess where seller might have stock on hand.


Yeah, I should have checked. I took the link people here used and switched the .com for .fr

Though I waited because I tried to find an mp3 in a brick and mortar stores before

Plus where I live is not super easy to access somehow it’s easier for them to ship it close to me, then back to another center further from me and then straight to me.


It’s next day delivery for the same product in my place, so I suspect they got order on US warehouse and ship from there.

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For other people who might consider buying speakers, also read reviews and seek not only full players, but maybe just good portable stereo speakers with TF card support, that can work like a player. Might be a cheaper option depending on your location.


Missing @Pano and @Sims hours fr. Missing @Josh and @Beast hours too. Where are the homies :frowning:.


I heard Josh is literally dominating all of his college classes rn.


I cannot really give that much of an in depth testemonial because I dont loop as much as you guys and I never really took education seriously up until recently


Manhatten Method made me one of the best students in class, I understand things without much trouble and everything we do really is easy

As soon as I receive my student financial aid (these bastards just take so long lmao) I will stock up big time


I need to play plasma brain more though as I have trouble typing lmao


W. It looks like all of us became the “intelligent kids” in our classes lol.

I remember my teacher teaching us things that I knew were not true based on basic conceptualized understandings. I used to laugh in class and try to remain quiet.


Man I cannot wait to get conceptual conglomerate

My plan was to get mmm as my next wiring field but I really want the conceptual thinking gains for psychic stuff as well

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Well since you have Manhattan Method, I’d say get CC next for sure.

That’s the higher self stack, and will always be the higher self stack.


Oh yeah and I was gonna say, true brain frying with the fields may go a little over “autism overgrowth” lol. If you need to, play it for more hours.

When I was only looping 1 field on one device I’d play pboy for like 1-2 hours. Just to let the brain heal and relax.

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Yeah man Im slacking hard on the regeneration, I only play it occasionally and then only 3-4 loops

Im just super greedy with it lmao

Sometimes my brain overheats


Dw bro, I’ve gone a few days without playing it sometimes. With all types of wiring. I just got used to it.

Being fried, still being more than enough intelligent, etc.

You will experience that, it’s like phase 3.

What you’re going through right now is the beginning of phase 1.

In Phase 3 you’ll be so comfortable with looping whatever, and even if your sleep is bad or whatever you’re still more than intelligent enough to get by with any task, complex or not.

At this point, nothing even bothers my sleep much, at least I can’t tell. ABP had me covered if I was ever “affected” in the past.

I went my whole semester with less than 8 hours of sleep yet was nearly perfect. You don’t even have to go through that since you’re not playing it as much as I did.

I stayed up till 4 am one time wiring (not a smart idea, but I literally didn’t care, my grades were perfect) and then went to class in 3 hours and helped teach.


Nowadays I could play all the boosters all day directly before bed and sleep perfectly fine with 0 disruptions. It takes a lot of grinding and time to reach that though.

I think my sleep can be slightly disrupted if I wire in my sleep though. Yet I still feel good because of ABP. I wouldn’t even know honestly LOL. I took about 2 or 3 good breaks in the last 2 months and it definitely gave me more than enough strength to continuously push forward with whatever brain goals I push for.

When we started this mass looping stuff, I literally was beyond fried. Like my head was very hot, and then later it started feeling ice cold. But because I had that base of Conceptual Conglomerate and Manhattan Method, I didn’t suffer as much as many others potential could be. I had like 200-300 hours of each minimum already spent so I was still quite intelligent for the time being.

But now even with brain fog, low dopamine, whatever, I can just understand things. Like I slept 4-6 am one of these days and got sick, yet was still able to run laps in cognition. I don’t understand it tbh.

So many people will get there soon if not in a couple months. It’s nothing “crazy” the fields are available to everyone.


No wayyyyy the doc is french

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On se fera une raclette haha

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Ça serait un honneur :laughing:

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Bruh the amount of mistypes and f-ups I do in my posts is hilarious lol. Hopefully, everyone gets the premise of the messages I send. :rofl:

Good thing we get to blame brain frying.