Brain Guild General discussion

Thank you for your insight and suggestions. I’ve bought loads of fields from both Sapien Medicine and Psychic University and I have had to shelf about half of them over the years.

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Just bought it.

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WELCOME. You now have the higher self stack. The fields that were intuitive to buy for me when I first got here, and still, my favorites up to date.

Manhattan Method, Conceptual Conglomerate.

I also got brain key in the same day, which you have as well.

You will see a great synergy with CC and MM 100%, depending on your play time and how long you go that is. I hope you enjoy!


From what you were describing on the other board you mentioned, The Conceptual Conglomerate seems to cover everything without necessarily specializing in it. In other words an expert in everything but not quite a master. Is this an acceptable summary?

Expert hmmm. The comparison I would make would be like the really smart nerd in class who understands everything but they’re not necessarily the professor or teacher. To become the professor or the teacher and to master the skills, you actually have to focus on those.

But you can understand the concepts being provided to you and understand how others reached their understandings. It may allow the student to teach the class if they’re capable of understanding all of the concepts as well, especially when you have a base like the Manhattan method :man_shrugging:.

That’s what happened with me, I understood fields better than the owners many times. Now I have the fields, but when I didn’t, I was “Perceiving” things in a way that made stuff a little more obvious, and yes it carried over into other areas of learning, but not like turning on manhattan’s mathematical madness to be better at math or expanding my working memory capacity like drops of memory, etc.

There are levels to this for sure. But with the Manhattan Method and Conceptual Conglomerate, you could walk away in the top 1% of intelligence with the time and grind necessary.


Every field specializes in it’s own group of cognitive skills that you can’t master unless you have the field. Manhattan Method can put you in the top 1% of math, and conceptual conglomerate can help with problem solving like wholistic thinking, but these other fields have specific brain circuits flowing all over the brain to cover a hand full of cognitive capabilities that are vary abstract and original.


The last statement was exactly what I needed to say. Thank you. I don’t have Manhattan 8k RES and Drops of Memory yet but might in time, eventually. If I may ask, would this be an acceptable playlist for the intelligence portion?

The Brain Key 4x
The Conceptual Conglomerate 4x
The Manhattan Method 4x
The Plasma Brain of Youth 4x.


Wow this is beautiful, you have my exact beginning stack lol. When I first got in here… The nostalgia is amazing.

That stack will suit you well. Definitely acceptable.


Plasma brain of youth or brain regeneration?

I want to reduce all the nasty side effects of SSRIs, antipsychotics, and stimulants.

I’m already using Max Heal Potion, Plasma Flaunt, and some others for physical health

Thanks in advance for whoever decides to answer :pray:t5:

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I mean pboy is just a more advanced version of brain regen so if u can afford 8t go for it


Although night looping is handier with Brain Regeneration and there is no anti overgrowth if you want more enhanced wiring.

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fr? i loop pboy over night sometimes and i feel fine

I think it’s okay, just sound is louder.

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Yes, it will probably take time. Maybe you could increase a little, while still remaining safe.
@Jojo, how much could you increase the listening of CC and MM while remaining in maximum safety, taking into account that in the stack above there is BK and PBoY, 4x each?

Well as stated various times. PBoY is the safety, and brain and spine antioxidant is the safety. I don’t know what you mean by safety personally, but mass looping is safe if you make sure to take rest days when necessary bringing Pboy and the others. When I made the comments about rest days I wasn’t saying to only play fields 30 minutes a day if that’s how you were interpreting it, we still play brain fields for hours daily as a collective, I was just referring to a rest week or 2-3 in order to recover from the daily hours of listening.

It’s a self-call call really, if you deem a certain amount as “unsafe” then that is your personal judgment and no one can take that from you. But I’m not “in on this” safety thing personally, at least not how you’re presenting it.

If I felt I was falling out of safety lol, I wouldn’t be mass looping.


I don’t know if you remember our conversation here, but I still think according to the comment below:

Forgive me I expressed myself poorly, it was actually a suggestion for Dyst0p14n to try to go beyond
that amount, if his intent was to get a good level of advancement.

This is where Stress and Anxiety can come in handy :smiley:

Thanks for the tip/reference previous conversation.


I ordered September 3.
It’s October 15th and I’m not any closer.


Some of you were complaining for a couple days of delays somehow


That’s disrespectful ngl.

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Random vendors with long shipping time are usually sort of resellers from China without permanent stock in local warehouse. I try to avoid them for the reason of long shipping waiting time.

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