Brain Guild General discussion


I recently got the social bonder as my first brain field. I don’t have any paid boosters yet so looking to supplement with acetylcholine, superhuman genius, and bdnf. I have plasma brain for the end of the day.

I obviously don’t want to overuse initially but I know eventually listening more will get faster results? Would you recommend just starting with the normal 2-3x for each booster then the wiring for a certain period of time and increasing from there? If so do we increase by day or is that just subjective to how we feel?


Currently I’ve been spamming social bonder for about 2-3 hours then plasma brain for 1-2 hours.


It is indeed subjective. If you would like to make gains by slowly expanding you can try 30 minutes of a wiring field and you should be fine, especially if it’s a subtle field like social bonder.

But if you would rather increase gains, no one is stopping you from playing until you reach your unique and individual limit.

I know that personally, as soon as I found out that the autism overgrowth from the Manhattan Method was normal, I began playing as high as possible. I think within a month I was already on my first 10-hour day with fields that caused brain pain like Mathematical Madness lol.

You don’t have to worry much, I would just listen to my body. If your plan is to raise as high as possible, then continuously raise the bar for yourself at a comfortable level (Which you should be able to pinpoint mentally.) and then work from there.

See you already have a good amount of endurance and you played Pboy to cut any potential axon overgrowth, etc.

I think if you continued to expand upon it and try out more you’d be completely fine. That was the case with all of my friends, including me.


I think it’s overkill.
2-3 hours of social bonder on it’s own with no booster shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Plasma brain 3x should be more than enough for peace of mind.



I see. So boosters are mainly for more intensive fields like Manhattan Method or Conceptual Conglomerate right?

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You can use boosters for any brain wiring field including social social, but you said you were only using social bonder hence no need for hours of PBoY.

Your stack is still light




Welcome to the brain-land @rphilipose5825

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I appreciate this response. I think my issue is more subconsciously worrying if the field the working because I tend to take the mp3 player out of my pocket and put it close to my ear often to make sure the audio is playing. I play ego dissolution and subconscious limits removal frequently throughout the day and wear the subconscious limits tag for most of the day.

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Boosters are good for anything, even stand alone. They are amazing.

You can definitely up your listening time for wiring fields and then just run PBoY like 2-4x.

I have a huge booster and wiring stack (almost all the new fields) and only run PBoY 4x at the end. Almost zero issues of over doing it. Only sometimes need a day off but that is no big deal, you’re not missing out on those days, simply integrating and setting a new benchmark for yourself.

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Ah I see. Just know that, overtime, when you make those gains and realize who you are and who you were, you will feel a lot more at ease. Just take your time, chill, get to meet more of us brainiacs and even some of the insaniacs. Then you’ll be vibing and you’ll know it’s all working.

Once you get something like manhattan method or mathematical madness, you’ll know your brain is getting touched LOL.

You have a very subtle field though, I even thought I wasn’t getting results at some point but I just intuitively felt a shift in my mental state when I went out, and then I acted upon it, and viola, I had social bonding results to post.

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The fields are for your field (aura) and not your ears FYI. Work on detachment and see your gains multiply

Awesome. Excited to meet and pick the massive brains of all the brainiacs and insaniacs. I already feel like family. I’m planning to get manhattan method this week so excited what that will do for me.

This is a work in progress. I’m on a spiritual path but detachment is where I know I need to work despite everything going on around me. Thankfully Dream created a field for that as well which I listen to every day.

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Since I don’t have the paid brain boosters can I use this as reference for stack?

I got Manhattan Method 2 days ago,
Its the most intense field I experienced in a while!
I thought “well, I’ll start slowly, let’s listen to it twice and then chill, to observe how I feel”
Pressed play,
Started to feel really calm (love the music of this field!) and after 20 seconds started to feel strong pressure in my brain.
Was able to listen to it only one and a half times before I bailed haha…
Waited a couple minutes and listened to the autism field once. And then took a break from fields for a couple hours.
(my guess is that because I also listen to social bonder, kinesthetic, and anxiety field, it got intense when I got to Manhattan)

So I tried today to space out my listens and it helped a lot,
I listen to Manhattan 3 times, but not in a loop, I take long breaks between them. It seems to work well for me and it help avoid the overwhelm.

I have a new appreciation for you guys looping all of these simultaneously. :sweat_smile::rofl: You crazy people!
These wiring fields are feeling so different from regular fields for some reason…


I got my little player the next day, but I had to order a different brand in Australia called “AGPTEK”

Silently on that grind.

Been spamming KI (Kinesthetic intelligence) most days, along with CC and followed by that CB/MM.

Then I also have had my wiring fields along with others (like physical/cosmetic ones and energetics) being broadcast to me via link/bypass.

My capacity has increased tremendously. But alas I need a break to actually realize the gains and like… rest.

Things are great. I’m leveling up my kinesiology/anatomy/exercise science knowledge and crushing courses within days. Memory sharp, conceptual understandings leveled up, lots of things really.

But again, I need a little break.

Happy to hear of your tremendous results @Jojo


Did you post this stack somewhere? Trying to find it…