Drops of Memory

If anything let’s thank this field and the others hahahaha

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So much progress in so little time, it’s crazy when u think most other people are just doing the recommended medical stuff like Neanderthals, drink more water, exercise, lmao, it seems like a joke when u know about this. We are really blessed. Even nootropics can’t do a fraction of this

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I know right, I kept looking for ways to increase intelligence, even though there were so many people that kept saying “it’s not possible to improve intelligence, you can only get the maximum out of your genetics” but here we are, changing out genetics. I found Permanent Brain enhancement after years of trying to figure out what to do. Meditation, Exercise, all types of stuff. When I joined the forum within a day I had like 3 brain fields lmao. I knew what time it was.


When it’s time it’s time. You didn’t give up and had belief. Now u get the fruits of it, I’m very happy for u, really, I didn’t look for this too hard, when I first started with this, but I sure did have a freaking crazy lot of belief at him and his work even when i didn’t feel anything at first. it was truly a blessing, haha but too much to put in a brain thread lol

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Yeah whenever I use to hear people say intelligence was predetermined I use to just be so confused. But now look at us. We have this plethora and mountains upon mountains of intelligence increasing fields. From language to mathematical capabilities and much much more.

I remember stumbling across sapien med back when I was 18. If I didn’t take a break for some years (I forgot because of life) there’s no telling what kind of progress I could have made. I remember when brain regeneration and the eye regeneration videos and etc first came out. Time flies indeed, but brain-mania has scaled the possibility of growth and progress so high in such a small timeframe that it’s crazy.

Gonna be looping Manhattan, wholistic, M8k brain key, conceptual and a couple others this weekend. Got so much I wanna learn and improve on and stuff to master. We’re gonna be unstoppable.

Also super human mutant helps out a lot with fatigue from fields in general.

Superhuman mutant , plasma light(x1) (since now you feed on light), energy overflow (or whatever you use for energy), plasma mito, and flaunt to top it off at the end of the day. Felt a lot of healing and chi in places I usually don’t feel it in. Also, my body is really toned up now too.


Beautifully articulated. W comment.

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Just an observation; in my opinion, the number of memorized and rememberable digits is a good sign but not the definitive sign of prodigious memory. For example, when I was young I had the ability, but above all the hobby as it was fun, to remember a few dozen 6-digit car license plate numbers of friends and acquaintances and at the same time I remembered various 10/11-digit telephone numbers, this above all because I kept my memory trained; however the problem has never been this much as that of remembering simple things such as “go buy this thing here, then go to that place there” or “first do this, then this and again this” and so on. So, again in my opinion, especially short-term memory occurs in these situations. Sorry to interfere in your discussion.

If what you’re saying is that this is short term memory and not long term, we were discussing short term/ working memory from the beginning. Unless you are making a different point.

But tbh this field improves so many types of memory that it doesn’t really matter much which one we were discussing.

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I meant, in my opinion, that a better memory function is found not only in remembering a long series
of numbers, but in managing and remembering normal everyday activities well.


Agreed that’s why I’ve been looping mathematical madness for hours.

The frontal lobe is responsible for executive functioning and prioritization, so I’m building the foundation before moving into the memory aspects.



Can you please advise what should be my stack if I want to increase my IQ level and develop photographic memory and be able to absorb books in front of me like it’s just a small piece of paper? My goal is to learn couple of new languages and then learn a new course!

I would include Brain Key, you would need lots of effort and thus energy and capacity for mental work.

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I don’t mind putting in the effort! Just give me a good stack idea! @igem


Played this 3 times before class in the morning, and it brightened my mood. It was pretty clutch along with gamma brain wave.


Gamma brain felt like brain key and brain dancer without the the protections from over use :rofl:. I would burn information into my brain with GBW so easily.

Underrated field or rather a hidden gem.

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This is useful not only for school but also for everyday things. Working Memory ( not short term memory ) is also highly correlated with general Intelligence.

Will get it soon.

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Waaaait, this field increased not only all the memory but ALSO the processing areas in the brain. Might be my new favorite, can’t believe I neglected it.


Let me loop this for a bit.


This is so OP. I keep reading this and viewing it differently. This is the ultimate information processing and memory (obviously) field it seems.

Looping as we speak. Does it have any mental health cognitive impairment fixes as well? Being glitches in processing, and attention span enlargement for people with bad short term memory attention span.

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Not really meant to fix attentional or mental health issues.

It’s better to stick to the official description to get a good idea of what’s intended.

I’m back to Speed reading, I stopped using it as soon as I was satisfied with the results, but now gonna see it’s limits

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