EBV, Candida and SIBO healing

Please suggest for EBV, Candida and SIBO. I listened to UV-C light and felt immediate relief with constipation. I have week liver too. Please suggest any other videos if required. Don’t want to overwhelm myself… but only if required.:pray:


To strengthen liver,
you can try “Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri) is also known as ‘Dukong anak’ and as ‘Bhumi Amalaki’”.
Great remedy for jaundice. So it works for weak liver too. Please refer any Ayurveda website on how to consume it.

Focus on diet. Can avoid all milk products for a month and see if any significant improvement happens.


Hey, for candida the fungus destroyer can help. For everything overall I’d use the anti viral and bacteria fields, plus the parasite destroyer field. Sapien also has a really good intestinal repair audio you should try.

Make sure you start slowly. Depending on where you’re at, the die-off reaction could be too strong. There’s also a Bilary system field which helps the liver, gall bladder, etc… There’s a good kidney audio too. Drink lots of water and try to work up a sweat everyday either through exercise or saunas. It’ll release some of the toxic load out via sweat, which takes some of the burden off of your liver and kidneys.

Stay away from pretty much all grains except brown rice. There’s something called the McCombs plan for candida which gives a guideline for ‘good foods’ and ‘bad foods’. There’s a good chance you’ve got some food allergies so following that protocol could help you out. Good luck man :pray:t3:


Thanks I am already taking liv 32 (it has Bhumi aamla) of Patanjali and punarnava… stopped taking all the milk and gluten as for 2-3 days I am taking only fruits in morning and raw vegetables like carrot and raddish… only eat rice with vegetables in the evening…it definitely helped…just that my Candida got bad since I am eating fruits…a lot of anxiety due to personal reasons

Following medical medium diet as much as possible… thanks a lot… for replying :+1:

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Doesn’t bacteria destroyer would also kill good bacteria?

Emotions and stress are linked with gut. Can aggravate gut and bowel issues.


Good luck. Try to keep all sugars to a minimum.

My fav low-sugar choices are broccoli, spinach, kale, cauliflower… pretty much most green leafy vegetables. Avocado is a good one too. For cooking, coconut oil, avocado oil, and rice bran oil all have high smoke points which means they won’t denature when heated on the stove. Other oils actually change in chemical composition when brought to high temperatures and actually become unhealthy. Olive oil is an example. If you’re going to use olive oil, add it to a salad or add it to a dinner plate after the meal’s been cooked.

There’s so much info out there but hopefully this helps a bit


Yes, the bacteria destroyer will kill both good and bad. I have a really good probiotic I use. I don’t know where you live but hopefully something like it is available near you.

That’s the one I use. It’s phenomenal. With probiotics, you want to choose a formula that has at least 100 billion live cultures per capsule. That’s billion with a ‘b’, not million. Most formulas don’t have nearly enough live cultures to make any type of real impact on your digestive system.


Thanks I was using olive oil for cooking… will not use it now… thanks so much for replying

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Thanks I have SIBO as well… can’t use probiotics…I think along with good bacteria it will destroy good virus or other pathogens too. Hopefully if Sapiens could answer this question. As it’s a concern.

Btw I live in India… this won’t be available there… thanks a lot for replying to me🙏

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That’s true

Of course, here you need to radically revise your diet, nutrition, and adhere to certain dietary recommendations …
I would additionally go to the doctors and conduct a detailed examination of the body …
Also, I would test for acidosis.

And yet, information for thought: the weaker the natural energy defense of a person, the “more” space for the reproduction of fungal infections. Since fungal colonies have their own energy structure.

Personal experience: after a systematic course of Curse / spell removal, my toenail fungus disappeared (I treated it for several years)


Not a video, but what helped me a lot is caprylic acid. Hope it helps you too :)


Thanks I tried fungus destroyer field and bacterial too…and i find much relief in brain fog…many times in constipation too…however, sugar craving is very strong…I will try Opiate and general addiction withdrawal help I downloaded today only.

I checked McCombs plan…pretty expensive it is…can’t afford it right now…did you try this plan and benefited.

Also, I get constipated on eating even fruits, raw vegetables and milk.

Did you eat only brown rice with vegetables?

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Yeah, I posted the McCombs diet as a reference for things to eat. I haven’t had fruit in years bc the sugar was aggravating my body. I keep it to vegetables now. Broccoli, spinach, green leafy vegetables in general…kale, cauliflower… rainbow cauliflower is awesome if you can find it by you.

I just mentioned this in another post, but you have to stick with the fungal field for a while. It’s gotta become a habit like brushing your teeth (assuming you do :wink:). If you stop using it you’re going to lose the progress you’ve made and start going backwards. It takes a long-term mindset to beat this in many cases.

And I eat brown rice as my main source of carbs usually, yeah.


Thanks …I will keep using fungus field daily :grinning:…did you take any vitamin and mineral supplements too and probiotics…I will look for them here, as it’s difficult to find exact brand in India.

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I have done and tried so many different things, lol. Some worked better than others. A good trace mineral supplement can be helpful for your constipation. Vitamin C is good for the detox process. Magnesium can help with your constipation as well. This is a very incomplete list. We all have specific requirements/deficiencies based on the state of our bodies. I’d encourage you to become a student and find what works for you specifically. And I’d be more than happy to bounce ideas back and forth with you.


Yeah…I also wanted to try magnesium…for a long time…since I have sleep issues as well…I was pretty sure that I am deficient in magnesium…however, when I got my blood work done…i am not deficient in it.

Yes…I drink lemon water in the morning…it pretty effective.

That’s true…I personally felt relief after eating papaya seeds…as they are high in magnesium.

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Here is a related old thread with other suggestions

Hey what about protein powders when you have candida/sibo/bad stuff… can I use whey protein? it does have some sugar from artificial sweeteners and it is from milk.