Ego Diss +

certainly…is it 100% all the time…NO. However multiple times during the day…state of being “blissed”


Thanks, helpful, planning to buy hence asking so many questions.


Bought it, while playing the mental noise comes down a lot, but have not experienced the surrendering part yet. :crossed_fingers:


The more one expects to experience the surrendering part, the more it becomes further out of reach. You see thats Ego speaking the very same thing that doesn’t want you to dissolve it :joy:

Drop that mindset and just be in the present moment with the field. observe it without any judgement and just make the intention that you wish to dissolve what doesn’t serve your highest good and align with your higher self. I predict when one does that with sincerity to themselves, surrender will naturally happen and it can be the most joyous and blissful feeling like you’re home again. :pray:


I’m talking from the perspective of passive listening, have been spamming it, because my mental noise is just too much.

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i ve been reading 2024 will be the year of the ego

I think this is making the ego have less grip on me, the voice to do good, is much louder.

or its the opposite, the voice to carry on siting down, is much less.

Anyway, TBH i dont really know anymore, if this is working. Its all “I think” the reason am not sure anymore, is because i thought i was getting results with a field, when i check back on old photoes my scar looked the same, and the results were all in my head. So my confidence with fields took a big hit.

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Okay, its been proven. The voice to do bad, is much easier to come out off. Its not a, i think, its a 100%.

Its much easier to go agaisnt the voice that tells me to not do somthing or to do somthing. Its no debate, its a fact, i can say that i have noticed that the voice to fall into bad habits, is much easier to not follow, mental chatter has when down so much. But i have been listening to the ADHD.

I wonder why the NFT picture, places so much emphases on borders.


Using this i realise their is a resistance, of what the me and real me wants. Lol, am so happy am finnaly seeing concrete evidence of this field working. It is strange because this morning, i was like “if i want to get rid of the ego and make the NFT work, the first step is to not chase it”

Its crazy, how quick i can regoinse when my mind tries to pull me back into an old habit.

Lol, lets call it an old habit :wink:, even thought it was only yesterday, Doesnt seem i can be tricked into lazzines again, but maybe my ego wants me to let my guard down.

am not exp anything crazy like a split personality, but its a start to the new me.


I hope to purchase this awesome NFT at some point, but I have a similar experience to share.

Basically when I took BHAANG (Drink containing Cannabis) at one point and ate lots of Food because the Drink makes You Hungry, Once the Effects of the drink kicked in I distinctly remembered that I was able to DISTINCTLY PERCEIVE My EGO and My SELF As SEPARATE Entities.

Its very Hard to Describe in Words. Its Like I was Able to REMOTELY VIEW My Normal Thought-Process And Chatter Going In My EGO MIND and I was Also Simultaneously AWARE that I Am Viewing My EGO MIND From A Separate Vantage Point.

This Feeling And Awareness was only Short-Lived Though.


I worry to about that, what if my experience only last for a while, and bang am back to normal

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Dont worry :slightly_smiling_face: Most probably it will be like that. You start to get glimpses but it takes a while to stabilize the seeing. Paradoxically, it takes time to realize the timeless.
Also inquire - who is the one who is worried? Is it your timeless Self or your imagined self (ego)? Can your timeless Self be worried about something? :smiley:
You actually cannot screw up anything. It is just a play. You will go through some pleasant and unpleasant experiences. You will get it and then you will lose it, and again and again. Until you realize it is all appeareneces in your awareness and that you are always just The Awareness.


Thx for the comment man,

I had a dream, it was about 3 things, these 3 things are things that have changed my life so much.

First was porn, the second was islam and third was brother. All these things are major things in my life, and i aruge are what have changed my life the most.

Anyway about these 3 things, i dont want to anylse it too much because everytime i try to remember the dream, i could be changing it slightly to fit my perception, which is that this field is challenging those ideas.

when my dream was intracting with all 3


Good one :clinking_glasses:


Okay, this is no conscience, its been 3 times that i have sat down and mediaite with the NFT. my right eye always hurts while doing so.

strange, cant put it to reason tho.

lol, i was explaing something to a group and i said make sure to go right, as they when up i said, go right, its the right and up the stairs.

and one of them replied as they were walking up, we get it and started laughing really loud, and instead of saying to myself, “this cheeky cunt” i was just thinking, maybe i shouldnt have said it that many times, they might of thought i was insulting them.

It makes u look at your own actions more, opposite to other


That is great progress!


can anyone share the original Image, I wanna order this print along with others. I don’t have it yet, but will get it soon. thnks


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Lol, am going to get this on a tag too, could prove to be really usefull

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