Ego Diss +

I bought this NFT yesterday and used the audio multiple times before using fields for physical changes and have to say that physical sensations are stronger than before.

I will give further reviews.


I really dont know where to comment any of this, but alot is changing, i am becoming more wise and seeing things for what they are. But i started to hate things more, which is strange since, i suspect this field to bring no judenment and no feelings, i dont really know


Or it just helps you to get aware of repressed aspects inside of yourself, that hinder you from becoming less judgemental.


Hey your doing great! WealthyPhoenix just perfectly pointed it out! As you raise in consciousness you’ll start to become more aware of the negative, dark and disharmonious things within you and the world. This is a vital step for you now to practice acceptance and unconditional love.

The things you notice within you, you can start to transmute but what you notice within others is what will be the most challenging as you cannot impose on their free will and forcibly upgrade them.

I strongly suggest to play omega love as you go through this journey as it will support you to keep your consciousness expanding and not be consumed by the darkness you’ll be more aware of.

Wishing you an incredible journey of self discovery! :pray:


Yeah bro with 6 loops of ego diss+ yesterday, omega love truly came in clutch. I couldn’t stop smiling, and then I became sad, then all of the negative emotions subsided. I can’t remember the last time I’ve said something bad about myself since I played Omega Love like 1-2 months ago. Thank you Dream and thank you @anon72573121.


Less inner resistance to the external world is something I experience using the NFT as an image.

I am more in flow, less focused on time and my needs in general.


How are you using the image? as a tag?

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I have it as a credit card sized plastic card printed on both sides in my trouser pocket.


I noticed that am more neutral, all over social media I realised that when a man posts a tick tok where their humbling a women, all them men find it funny and the opposite is also true, when a women posts a tick tok humbling a man, it’s the men that comment how it’s wrong and that she could of just rejected him.

The Vice versa is true. I noticed am way more neutral, I can watch content without feeling bitters towards somthing, and that’s really hard to admit as I always liked the fact that am not bitter nor do I get jealous.

I also realised everything and I mean everything is emotionally, which is surprising since i would say their are layers to it.

Their is emotion behind a statement right, but under that it’s logic, that’s how I thought of it, I thought that we could easliy get rid of the feelings, however, I speculate that’s theirs another layer under the logic of our thoughts, it’s emotion once again, and it seems to be so obvious to me now. I always knew that everything is feelings somewhat, but what am trying to say now is different, it really is everything, the whole thing is emotion. All of it, I mean everything. People on social media always commenting about how this is wrong, and back it up with logic, when in reality it’s just emotions


This Nft is freedom, our minds pick a side for us automatically because where a boy or girl.

if we’re men and we see a video of a hot girl rejecting a man it makes men bitter in the comments,

In all honest, I was never really angry looking at that content, and it always made me cringe when I see men complain about girls not wanting them or only want 6ft tall people.

But some videos a very small majority and tiny amount really did make me just quickly scroll.

However, I was always giving benefit of to men because am a man, and now I can watch content, without the judgment.

We see videos online of men doing stuff too girls and men in the comments laugh, and when we see videos of girls making fun of men, the comments are girls laughing.

But now, I am non judgmental, I can say that’s wrong or that’s fine, without Being biased. It’s a default state, not a state where I have to force to be non judgmental


What I can say about this field is that it instantly clears thoughts and makes me feel very neutral. It makes me a listener and observer rather than a producer and sharer.

I always feel like I’m floating when I listen to it. Like I’m leaving my body and I have to sit still. The more I play this the more I crave it as well, I always play it once with the intention of only playing it once, and then I play it like 4 more times. I don’t know why.

The last thing I feel is that I’ve been embracing my introvert side a lot lately. I used to go out and talk to people a lot, but now I crave silence and solitude. If it’s not my inner circle, I don’t have much desire to reach out.

I sometimes feel like approaching women romantically, but I always end up thinking that it’s a waste of time and energy (in this phase of my life, not in the future.) so I never end up following through. It’s as if my higher self is directly telling me that I have to build before I can bring someone into my life, and to ignore my primal urges.


Ahh NFT of freedom, makes you non-judgemental in everything. I wish i had this. :national_park:

Going to loop this overnight and see how I feel when I wake up. I’m expecting to be very silent in the primal way of thinking, and I’ll probably start writing things down for my future lol.

After looping this overnight, I surely need to have some type of empathy field.

I simply don’t care…

It feels like I’m seeing everyone as 1 of 8 billion people, like an ant. Including myself. It’s very hard to care about everyone’s opinion, especially negative.

I even had a subconscious habit of checking likes. It was second nature. Probably a habit from when I was 11 years old with instagram app lol.

Now I don’t feel the need to care about other people’s feelings or opinions, especially when it comes to some very NPC-like thought patterns. (I think everyone including me have NPC-like thought patterns but this is about how I’m seeing the world.)

I keep on seeing the times I’ve explained something to someone and put it in many angles so that they couldn’t miss it, but they keep asking me the same question. Before this I didn’t really care to re-explain, even felt happy to bring a new perspective.

But now I literally don’t care once I’ve already answered. Idky this happened but it feels like we’re ants, spending time answering the same specific question more than 3 is kinda useless. Now I see how Dr Manhattan feels or felt with a lot of my questions lol. Or even how @Desiree could have potentially felt when she saw my thought patterns after giving multiple paragraphs in my more noobier days. (Don’t worry, I actually understand everything now lol.)

But I think another reason I don’t care about the opinion of others is because of Conceptual Conglomerate mixed with levels of dopamine. When you have that super high dopamine leveled mindset and the conceptual understanding, you can sit back and just think. Think about the world and the patterns that follow it.

I’m thinking and realizing that I don’t want to be programmed. I cleared my youtube page. Going to be deleting certain music, and playing more shielding 3.0. I just don’t want every little opinion to impress my subconscious. There’s been small moments that people have shown that negative energy is enough to cause a good shift in your own rhythm.


I finally got this (temporarily) but I am set. No more labels being detrimental towards my path. Staying away from excess materialism. Not being led by constructions of the mind that leads to depletion of the dopamine.

I am freedom.



I must say this has rapidly made me see from an observer perspective on how attached I am to many things, especially with social labels. Also it has made me physically cringe on how our population is so addicted to seeking attention and validation. On top of that, it has made me see how selfish and self centered people. It has built alot of anger in me for the past 3 days but then the anger vanished and I learned to understand it is just their ego and subconscious programming. I don’t want to say people are “NPC”, but god damn some people are NPC.

Let me get to the good part, it has removed 90% of things that are a distraction to me. Most of the fields I used were for “vanity” purposes and I stopped that. I stopped using almost all of my stack and narrowed it down to just 5-6 fields. My previous field usage were around 15-20 fields and I just saw them as not really moving me towards my progress so I removed them. I only see objective progress, not subjective progress.

Now when I look what I need, I look at it from a reasonable means rather than a mean or a goal that is related to egotism, or wanting to have it because then I will feel “socially” validated. For example, I would connect having higher income with having a higher social status and being an accomplished man. Now I look at having higher income with being happy enough to cover my basic needs and being grateful for what I have.

Not being attached to many things has freed my mind and I feel like a genuine person and because of that, I see some people be vibing with me lol.


Thank you for saying it and speaking out loud.

Last time, 2 days ago, when I vented about NPC’s in the venting thread, within several minutes so many anon forum user’s were triggered and lost their minds and mass flagged my post, that we agreed with the forum mods to remove my vent in order to keep the forum in a harmonious state. It was just too much for some – even in a venting thread on a spiritual forum.

Some people LOVE to get triggered and they LOVE the negative dopamine they get from it. They fully consciously enter the Venting Thread, knowing fully well that it will be all negative and negativity in there, and they still decide to enter it in order to get triggered. Then what happens, as predicted, they get triggered by the negative stuff and can’t deal with it. But instead of admitting to themselves their own choice of having entered that negative thread and instead of admitting that it was their responbillity to enter it, they choose the way of the cognitive dissonance and censor and flag the Venting Thread. LOOOOL :laughing:

Some people and forum users desperately need this Ego Diss + NFT :pray:


Thats my twitter consumption right there! lol


I think it is the case that some users assume when someone refers to people as NPC, we are dismissing them and thinking we are above them when it is the opposite. As you raise your vibration and no longer play the same playground as them and search for something better, it is hard to act like them when our thought process and vibrations don’t align.

I’m no better than anyone, we are all here to play the game and beat the game, but is is weird to see you are not playing the same playground as everyone else as they don’t align with your progress.



The term “NPC” stands for “Non Player Character”, which implies someone not being a conscious player. That’s the whole difference. If someone does not play the game consciously then they are a “NPC” because the game (the system / the matrix) decides for them according to game templates how to behave.

The more conscious awareness and free will someone develops, the more consciously one starts to play and turns from a “NPC” into an “Active Player”.

Being a NPC or an Active Player says nothing about your value as a soul.

Calling someone a “NPC” is more of a cringe than a try to devalue someone.
It is cringe because NPCs mostly follow the most cringy behavioral patterns.
The oversouls who programmed this game have a weird type of humor.

Now in a venting thread this meaning of a NPC becomes mixed up with the release of personal negative emotions. This is the case because the main function of the Venting Thread is to release a negative emotion, isn’t it?
The verbal release of the negative emotion can be packaged into any scenario. It can be a vent about NPC’s or Ananas on Pizza or bureaucratic governments – it does not matter, because all these verbal stories are just the packaging around the main function, which is to release a negative emotion.
Folks who don’t understand this, should stay away from the Venting Thread completely.