Ego Diss +

I agree man. Let’s thrive bro :muscle:


You guys make me wanna purchase ego diss this instance 🥲.

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Makes me want to mature even further and get rid of negative thinking patterns. Egotistical ideologies, responses, and fix my lack of empathy (which is funny because at first it kind of made me less empathetic.) in certain ways that is that I was never shown myself. I didn’t receive that “empathy” and overtime years and years of neglect kind of builds that stone heart. It’s hilarious even, because I was talking about not wanting to help and all that stuff, but now I want to help even more. I remember when people laughed at me when I asked questions, mocked me, teachers even. Moments like getting laughed at in front of 300+ students simply for asking help in how to self express myself. My childhood did not do me justice nor did it prepare me for the harsh reality of the world. But now I see us as ants, and I can’t allow other fellow ants to break me. It’s crazy how after years and years of being scraped, you start shedding the morals you have if you’re not self conscious enough. Me being young, I fell into that trap, especially with no guidance.

But this field is giving me that deeper level of sensitivity and empathy that I had only a few years ago, especially to people who didn’t show me that empathy when I needed it. Makes me want to apologize, and I’ve been attempting to impress upon people those apologies. (Hopefully they receive them.) Whether they were right or wrong, I’m starting to see that I can’t become stone cold just because the world is. I had shown empathy in many ways, but my emotional empathy had become blocked.

Not sure how this is going to play out in my life, because SURELY it did not play well in my life in the past… which led to that stoning on the heart. But now that I have deeper understandings and can just use a field to fix those emotional disturbances, I can feel more comfortable in these instances. Thanks for reading.


The field definitely helps take away victim mentality that could’ve been used as a self defense mechanism. It along with conceptual conglomerate puts you in the “Ok but what role did I play in this, if I didn’t play a negative role, how could I have reacted better? Are you going to hold these new people accountable for what other people did in the past?” type of driver seat. It makes me think that I just need to chill and adapt rather than sit in my ego and be petty.

Many times I have been extra petty for little things out of ego or annoyance. Yet I can see both of those things starting to dissolve. I’m becoming more happy with being a humble student and teacher, and I just want to change my negative egotistical thought patterns rather than calling other people out on theirs. It’s funny how things rapidly change with more use. It seems like the ego was fighting back at first but now it’s becoming dissolved. I really want this to be permanent for me because I hate reverting back to those dumb, toxic mentalities, even if I can control them, they have no place being there.


Im so happy to read about your progress Jojo!

You nailed it! It’s exactly that victim mentality that humanity has been programmed with for thousands of years that we are now shifting from to a more Creator mentality. Aside from Ego dissolution, what also helps the shift is self-love and know that you and everyone is totally worthy to have a fulfilling experience in whatever which way you choose to express yourself :heart:


Thank you Nabs! I will get some omega love in while I’m waiting for my brain to replenish after mass looping of brain fields lol.

Thanks again. I’ve gotta take my time to heal and I’m realizing more unhealed parts of myself that keep showing up in new ways.


I’m circling back round 2.

I think I will spend a lot of time in the ego diss and omega love combo.

Probably a lot of essence of mantras too.


That’s the way to go. You really can’t go wrong with those fields. I feel like they’re foundational!

Also, healing can be an entire life journey as there can be different things that can popup during different stages in your life and once you’re aware, you have the powerful choice to heal them. I’ve been on my spiritual journey for over 20 years but yet im still made aware of things to heal within myself and I don’t expect it to stop as long as I’m here on Earth :joy: its also now really fun to unravel a gift of life experience to learn from and expand.


Can anyone comment what your profile pic is of, it seems like a lot of users have it?

@Username2 here Quantum Love Node :)


Today I felt like a mature person, I don’t know what defines a mature person, everyone has different definition of what it means to be a mature person, but I felt grounded and secure.

Someone insulted me calling me dumb because I was wrong about something, instead of getting offended and feisty from the rudeness, I just looked at it from a bigger perspective, I was like “oh shoot I am wrong”, I apologized to the person and thanked him for correcting me. I didn’t mind his negative jab at me, i just didn’t have the “energy” or “ego” to battle with someone to prove myself. It is so funny, past me, would always try to see myself right in many situation and I was always being bias.

The person who threw a jab at me suddenly felt bad for being rude to me but I didn’t mind. Frankly speaking, I don’t know what goes on his mind to act the way he did towards me, but all I could see was bigger perspectives instead of seeing one side to everything. I wasn’t even waiting for the person to feel remorseful, how the person feels towards me, maybe because of my energy or his negative energy colliding with me, all I can simply offer is good vibes and protecting against myself and by protection I mean not escalating anything in the name of ego.

I have became a kinder person, I see some people are just rude, evil and other people are kind and hard working, but I don’t let that disrupt my mind. This is the greatest field imo. This is what I have always wanted to be. A better and mature person.

Thank you so much @Captain_Nemo


Professor :rofl::rofl: stop it


Tell me how I knew this would be his comment.



I always miss it. :frowning:




At 21, you’re so far ahead of the game, buddy! :muscle:


Thank you. :muscle:


what is the music like? I liked the calmness of the original ego dissolution

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This is how I have been feeling ever since I got this, with my tag with me. The whole world feels weird right now, especially society. Music, YouTube, anime, eating don’t feel enjoyable at the moment, it maybe the ascension naut combined with ego diss+ giving me a double kill but all I want to do is meditate and connect with my higher self.