Ego Dissolution Audio

Is yawn just a yawn or “OM”?


Wow I love both Sapien - all the channels -
AND Dr V - you have excellent taste

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Coming from a recent thread, related to this topic. I’ve decided to listen to _OM (I do it sometimes :p) and go for a new marathon since yesterday night: looping Ego Dissolution all night long + a few mandatory ones from my usual night stack.

I still maintain my previous position: the Tree Experience is also a great ego dissolver, but… gotta embrace my human flaws a little more :@

Again, as discussed in another thread: when you’re a psychologist whose criteria of health are based on “ego strength” (while assessing people‘a situations = the more strong is the ego = the more the person is “healthy”)…

… and also when the 3-year old often mentioned by _OM is, for us mental health workers, referring to the Id, and not the ego… On the contrary, the latter allows to postpone the urges/caprices and calm the eccentricities of the first… according to our framework… Things are conditionally twisted.

But hey, challenge accepted anyway. Will update some time, if “I” (ouuuu… so special :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:) am not totally dissolved until then :joy:


You’re a psychologist? That’s awesome! Great profession and one that can truly heal people. If I weren’t whatever I am now (I don’t know what I’d call this profession to this day lol), I’d have wanted to be a hypnotherapist or psychologist.


agreed with @SammyG you a real one! i have a few people i know who are therapists and/or striving to be one and i enjoy being around them especially for their mental and emotional fortitude.


Thank you for this post, dear Sammy… You and Dreamweaver are already soul healers :bouquet: My favorites.

And @psynergy, I saw your post afterwards. That’s very kind of you :star2: As for me, I appreciate a lot your creative and innovative look at every single thing. You’re never the kind to sleep on old acquisitions :)

Since we are on this thread, I’ll add a feedback, although I’m only at my 3rd night looping Ego Dissolution and thus it’s way too early to write a real review.

The field becomes quite difficult to bear after the 4th loop and even if I manage to sleep, I’m a little worried about the state in which I will wake up.

But most probably thanks to Brain Regeneration (also because of the aspect reminded by _OM a few posts ago), I didn’t have any issue at wake up time.

(I’m still using 2 other brain fields during the day + some others several times per week).

Also, beloved Quasi Crystal is most likely (at least for me) an excellent complement to Ego Dissolution-looping-nights:

From the Ego Dissolution description:

In these moments of mental malleability, we can create new patterns that stay with us to overcome the negative patterns that dominate our lives. But best of all, its a break of all the weight that the patterns of the mind have on us and feel free for an extended period of time.

From the Quasi Crystal description:

I personally think it would allow you to be able to shift your own patterns or give you the ability or information to be able to move past what is normal for humans to do.


How do you guys feel after using Ego Dissolution? Do you notice yourself changing or do you feel the same? Is your ego still there and functioning like regular?

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I really like this playlist, I’ll be using this as well. Thanks for sharing

Yes, it is very much here and more alive than ever, as you can imagine. Reminding btw that I’m looping it only since these 3 last nights (whereas before, I was using it 2 times/day, and honestly skipping it sometimes or replacing it with other audios).

Why more alive than ever? Because needless to say that inner “fights” are the most difficult ones to “win”.

Some tests like these can be conducted: leaving a conversation without trying at all costs to be the one to say the last word. Doing it without feeling threatened. Or without a Veruca Salt attitude, like “nah, if it’s like that, I don’t play anymore, boohooo! :sob:

Is it easy? Hell no. Do I personally fail at it? Many times, hell yes.

Also, one may try to detect to which extent he/she’s capable of public self-criticism and self-derision when necessary (nothing to do with self-depreciation, self-mockery or condescending, NO). Without feeling ashamed of it or like a loser or whatever like that.

Or to which extent he/she whole heartedly admits that “his/her” opinion matters less than others’.

Rough… and the most “tragic” part is that those examples are nothing (despite their hellish difficulty). There are upcoming advanced levels tests on the way, as one keeps going on through that dissolution :@

But Sapien Medicine is thoughtful enough to offer the most gentle way to do it, as stated in the description.

No, I’m not happy with this experience… but my ego (in the psychological meaning of the term) has learned to postpone pleasure :)) so I won’t give up.


@Bronyraur Thanks for the input!
Your experience mirrors alot of what I am going through. It is like going on a journey with this audio and I can feel my ego alive and I can see the inner “fights” going on through me.

I wonder what I will be like in 10 months with this.


Tbh if i focus on it, it instantly shoot out my conscious mind.

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Last night I looped pure moonlight for about 20 mins while I showered and went to sleep afterwards had dreams of my current job… Some repressed emotions that I couldn’t get out. I won’t go into details (although I want to say the dream was SO spot on) I assume pairing moonligjt with ego dissolution could help many!


You’re brave. When the audio first came out I looped it over night a couple of time (less than a week) around this time I was having semi lucid dreams and all of a sudden I’m having terrible nightmares in form of lucidity. I became paralyzed in my sleep couldn’t scream for help or anything. Needless to say I dropped the audio for once a day at the start of my day :sob:. I’ll go back to it tho cause it definitely was working if the ego was raging out like that (sucka doesn’t wanna go)




I played this yesterday, not sure if it was a slow burn by I observed myself getting slightly irritable towards the end of the day. Ego is probably getting bruised.

I used grounding before I slept and that probably straightened me out.

Amazing how these fields changes us on a deep level. Perhaps even deeper than usual methods like hypnosis or meditation. At least for me. I can’t meditate for some reason.


So I had a question about some “side-effects” with ego diss.

So I had gone on a regiment of only mind/karma cleansing fields, including this audio, PI’s ego mandala, etheric cord cutter, and higher self connection.

Usually I’d listen to the Playlist before bed, but sometimes i’d get these “jolts” that would stop me from fully falling asleep just as I was on the edge. It wasn’t any physical sensation, but it was more like my own mind trying to trap me. Does this have anything to do with the audios’ effects on my mind?

Most likely. Mine has some similitudes, like “Come on… Why looping Ego Dissolution and Vibration of Creation at nighttime sweety pie? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: These don’t even allow you to sleep peacefully my chocolate coated rice cake, they’re giving you headaches and dreams in which your bed is burning, awwww how terrible… Tell you what: just go and listen to some relaxing kyyskydkyc sound my strawberry fudge :strawberry: :cake: :kissing_heart: :sparkling_heart:”.

The post below explains it all. Bellatrix knows how much I love clashing with him sometimes (because I’m a full bull, astrologically speaking… and more) but this guy has probably signed his masterpiece here. Respect! :tophat:


When your ego begins to fight hard, fight harder. The greatest issue with ego I think, is that it hijacks your willpower to the extent it makes choices for you. If you choose to be present in the moment, you should just be able to be present in the moment and not have a thousand thoughts bubbling in your head distracting you. If you choose to think positive thoughts, you should just be able to rather than being bombarded with doubt and negative thoughts from all angles. It’s your mind. You should be able to have choice without being met with instant resistance.

What this means is that we aren’t in control. Our thoughts are. And we are governed by the rules the ego has constructed throughout a lifetime of conditioning. It’s not like it’s doing this on purpose. It’s just the natural consequence of being human. But to become more than this and take our willpower back, we must be persistent in the inner battle. Whenever it blurts out negativity, observe and think what you prefer instead. Whenever you’re lead down these trains of thought that push the vices, desires, bad habits and so forth, you observe and think what you would prefer to think instead. It will grip at you persistently but the more you resist and think the opposite, that grip over your willpower will dissipate and you’ll be free to choose once again.

Just felt like reminding you guys of this even thought I think I’ve said like 1,000 times. Just that my ego’s been fighting hard lately and it’s losing its grip altogether. Meditation + Ego dissolution with the mental reconditioning daily has worked quite amazingly with me this year. Paired with the course audios, I’ve had quite a year in terms of growth. Glad to hear some of you have had the same.


How many times are you looping ego dissolution overnight?
I will try all night + intention repeater


16 times = approximately 4 hours only, because I make it follow by others. Good luck by the way.