Emotional dependency

I am emotionally dependent on my partner. I always want to be with her and I am very afraid that it will end. Is there any field that can help me?


Try the outlook retrainer

What do you do when you are alone?

Hi, when I am not working I try to distract myself by watching a series or movie.

Head to @jaaj self love stack. Covers everything.

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If you are already aware of it and You are looking for help. You are already on a good path.

Yes more self love. I agree.
Find a hobby if you don’t have one.
Teach yourself how to spend QUALITY time with yourself. Not waiting for somebody to come home while watching movies to get distraction.

Practice spending time alone. Even go for a walk,restaurant by yourself and enjoy.

Its ok to have a strong connection with somebody untill You have a strong connection with yourself.


This is a marvel


Oh yeah I wanted to reply here again…

This sounds to me that you cannot spend quality time alone.

Why do you believe your emotions depend on your partner? Do you think you cannot produce emotions on your own? Do you think your emotions are not as important as your partner’s?

In your current state it is close to a 100% you will leave your partner. And actually it is advisable, as this seems to be a great lesson for you in life: To emotionally stand on your own two feet.

Your soul is pushing you through this lesson, while your ego is desperately clinging to the last piece of hope it has.

You are very afraid now is because you do not know what will happen to you if you leave your partner, or your partner leaves you.

I want you to think about this now:
What might happen when you are alone?

Take a few moments to consider this. It is best your reach your own conclusions.

I would tell you: Best Path in Life.
Actually it is possible you already have that.
It was a dog tag, but it is also now available if you subscribe to the premium patreon subscription.

Best Path in Life makes you confront things in life, foundational lessons for you to be free. It can be very annoying at times, and you can even find my comments on the forum how much I hated it at some point.

These days I love it.

That is a field that can guide you through.

Btw, none of this means you are admitting that you are inferior in any way. In fact, I know you will overcome this and feel like a hero, as have many others here.

I could recommend fields here. I know there will be lots about trauma, and self love, and the ego, etc, etc. That is all for you to find.

I recommend the Best Path in Life as it can lead your way to freedom