Emotional Toughness/ Emotional Control


So I’ve been in few situations lately where my girlfriend has humiliated me (in my eyes) in front of our friends just by being mean to me. Instead of standing up to her assertively and putting her in her place I’ve felt threatened and emotionally vulnerable and teared up :roll_eyes:. It usually leads to us leaving the party or a gathering with our friends as it gets dramatic. I really want to get over that and stop feeling like a helpless victim in such situations. Also I want to have control over my emotions. Should I add that it usually relates to hormonal issues at this particular time. I listen to Endocrine Rejuvenation, Thyroid Healing and Meno-Unpause. Any more suggestions for hormonal balance and of course what other audios can I listen to ? I can’t decide which printable tag would be the best. I’m between Empathic Shielding tag and Thor. I was also thinking about buying a Knight/warrior audio. I feel her emotions very intensively and feel threatened when she gets angry. What are your ideas for overcoming that ?



Probably a good idea

Self-love dissolves insecurities and etheric cord cutter (soul restoration if you have the :dollar: )
I’ve ended at least one relationship because/thanks to self-love dissolve insecurities. I went from trying to desperately fix the relationship to “it’s not worth it, I don’t need this in my life, I can get better” I was so detached, the discussion that followed was “memorable”. It was the right thing to do, but I wouldn’t have if I didn’t believe that I was worth it and had options. Not saying you will end it or want to, just be able to see options. This alone gives you strength, your empathy will interpret that the way it wants.



I feel you man.
I’ve been through such when i was insecure years ago. Crappy feeling.
Like @Dr_Manhattan i tried to fix it, i kept thinking it’s all my fault.
What a load of bs honestly.
If your partner humiliates you…i mean think about it. Take a good look and you know exactly that this won’t end well.
You mean well with a person, you’ll treat them well.
Don’t take these excuses like someone is too moody or stuff like that.
No. It’s not ok.
If you love each other, it will be noticeable in your actions. And if you don’t, you’ll torture each other.
Plus you mentioned it’s a few times already.
Btw you tearing up is a great sign imo, because it means you genuinely care.

Your solution is self love. And decisive actions and/or talks


Hmm Thanks for giving me food for thought, but as we progress in our relationship, things seem to get better rather than going in wrong direction to be honest. It’s not a notorious thing and her going through menopause and having borderline personality at the same time doesn’t help. I had hormonal problems myslef while taking contraception years ago and I can tell how hormones change our behaviour, even the way we perceive situations and how we feel. That’s why I don’t want to give up and I’m trying to deal with my emotional sensitivity since the way I respond is also a part of a problem. I’d rather work on strengthening my assertiveness and mental toughness which I believe would help me to see a situation from a distanced perspective. I just don’t want to be making decisions based on my emotions. I’ve been listening to a self love audio for a while now and I generally feel quite good amount of self love, but there are clearly issues I have to work through. Maybe at some point I’ll see differently, maybe I’m just blinded but for this moment I see a lot of work and I guess these are my lessons I have to learn :thinking::woman_shrugging:


New Release: Emotional Mastering Protocol

New Audio Field: Conceptual Realizations

Would be good investment.

Other than that i agree with the gentlemen above.

Self love self love self love.

Its great that you guys are trying and checking all the possible ways that need fixing, just remember that knowing when to walk away is also considering the happiness for both parts… even if that means going in different directions.


If she really has a borderline personality disorder, you should really consider to get out of the relationship as long as you can. Borderline is no joke. I was in a borderline relationship. I am so happy that I was finally able to leave all the manipulation and mind games. The longer you are in a borderline realtionship the harder it gets to leave. to be able to be in a relationship with a borderline personality you have to be a really emotionally stable person with lots of confidence, otherwise it might just break you

Dont want to write too much here, PM me if you want
And I am sorry if I offended any borderliners here. You deserve happiness as everybody else, but this was my experience of such a relationship.


I suggest you can use just one field: Mercury field from conjunction of spheres.
It turns you to “Gemini/Virgo mode” . You will ignore emotion easily even though you remembered that thing and make you don’t care about other emotion-related things.


Mercury will help with communication. Emotions shouldn’t be ignored, that’s not a healthy habit. Rather, one should learn mindfulness skills, to allow the emotions to exist in your body, observing them, knowing you are not your emotions. They will come and go, passing like clouds, and you are the clear blue sky.

Field: Unbreakable. To stay strong.

Please look into getting support or professional counseling or therapy, if you and your partner aren’t already. I am partial to ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), but for BPD, DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) might be more suitable.

I know these services are not always accessible to everyone, especially in these times, but there are some resources online. The Emotional Support field as mentioned is a start, and you can use that alongside learning healthy emotional management skills. I like the Therapy in a Nutshell channel.

Just know that this is something you shouldn’t feel like you have to handle all by yourself.

All the best.


I’m not speaking the theory here. I use Mercury planet field for more than 1 month and i become ease in ignoring and control emotion.


everyone already has given great morphic field suggestions and advice!

i’m really grateful for how healing this discussion is!

that is really loving of you that you’re deciding to work and communicate with your partner and relationship!

i agree that self-love would help!

when i’m with someone i like, i play self love and acceptance from the mental health album to guide our interactions. if it was in-person, maybe you could look into:

i wish you all the best in greater and more peaceful communication!


I myself am a Virgo and I was able to detach from feelings that my partner was trying to impose on me but with time it has gone away. I’ll try emphatic mandala and some other audios and will see how it will turn out bit ill keep your recommendation on the back of my mind. Thank you :heart:

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Thank you kindly :pray::heart: I started realising that im just an empath and I take on people’s emotions and I need to shield myself. It’s good to be an empath but I want to work on strengthening myself as since I remember I’ve always been super sensitive. I think that leaving my partner is just an “easier” option cause since I get hurt easily, others will hurt me as much so the change of partner won’t sort out the situation in my opinion. All this writing is so cleansing and makes me realise a lot ! Thank you again :relieved:


I think you’re right with mindfulness! I’ve started meditation recently and I want to carry on and see how it will help me :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll have a look at the therapies you recommended :blush::heart:

+1 in addition to the great suggestions above
(Although maybe Philip meant this one to begin with :sweat_smile:)
I think the other love fields like unconditional love are also good.
Subconscious limits removal, energy blockage removal, heart chakra audios are useful too.


I’ll definitely use the etheric cord cutter ! And I’m already listening to self love audio so I’ll stick to that. Sometimes I get to that point where I feel like that’s it and it’s over but we always bounce back. I’ll work on my empathy and shielding it and will se how it goes. Thanks for advice :blush:

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Thank you, I’m listening to self love audio, Subconscious blockage removal and energy blockage removal :blush: There are just so many audios that I feel I need :weary::joy: How many audios do you listen to ? Sometimes I just worry that I listen to too many and that they might not work too well but I read the FAQ on their website and it said that we should stick to 4 with the physical changes but the dream seeds channel hasn’t got much to do with physicality as such so I guess I could listen to quite a lot ? :thinking: what do you think ?

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Yes most of us here listen to a lot :laughing:
There are some people with extreme amount, for me it’s 13-20 but I can’t lower it more :laughing:
It sounds like a lot but… it’s very quick to reach 15.

You can add more than 4, I personally notice that results are much slower if I listen to more. I would definitely recommend become whole, it’s one of my favourite fields ever :blush:


I know! It’s so easy to keep adding to the list :joy: that’s why I limited my physical changes videos but discovered dream seeds audios and I feel like I need a lot of them. I probably have about 20 :shushing_face::sweat_smile: But they definitely work, especially the Subconscious blockage removal, I feel like I’m getting to another level with consciousness :blush: And I’ll carry on with the self love one ! Many thanks and lots of love :heart:

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Yes, that’s the one I mean (become
whole) every time I recommend “self-love/ dissolve insecurities”. I’ve been recommending it for months and always with the wrong name :man_facepalming:

Anyway, I have it on Item with attract wealth so, I don’t get to read the audio title :man_shrugging:

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I only it noticed that part of the title now :sweat_smile:

There is also a self love field on the mental health album which is different.