Empathy Advice

Would The True Self of Others: Divine Spark (Self Realization Series Pt 2.) - YouTube
be a good choice to develop empathy?


This would help


Lol this is to develop empathy towards animals… not that the OP could not add it to his purpose but i think hes talking about other ppl in this specific post.

@kevin11 yes that one could help


Unconditional Love

Magnetic Heart Coherence

Ego dissolution

The Essence of Mantras

Manifest Libra energy

Inner beauty reflected outwards

Plasma flower node connector


Human is also animal too :slightly_smiling_face:


Lol Ok… that audio is for the ones that dont talk, not the human kind


Divine spark helps develop empathy indirectly… i think conceptual realizations or animal telepathy/empathy would help more directly

What initially made me empathic was the vibration series though ( mostly vibration of divine love)+ IPF Tag… Before the ipf tag i used to loop animal telepathy like crazy too

Enhanced brain hemisphere may be of help…

Empathy is being able to feel the concept of what others are feeling so that’s why conceptual realizations would help a ton

the fastest route to empathy in my personal opinion is the energetic awakening course though… I became twice as empathic (and sensitive) when i did my first round of the course, i was such a cry baby lol


I think theres a bit of misunderstanding here.

The reason why animal empathy and telepathy is here :point_down:t3:

Is because of the telepathy element not the empathy towards animals one.

Empathy is … yes… understanding what the other person thinks WHILE sharing their feeling towards this or that.

Conceptual realizations, ipf, animal telepathy can certainly help understand what people pure deep down real idea of something is, what the real message is, but that doesn’t inherently means we empathize with the feeling.

Perhaps you felt this enhanced in you because you were already a person that easily empathize with others through the heart and it was then bridged to the clear understanding of their concepts about stuff when you added the other audios.

Kevin is looking for that, maybe he already understands why people feel this or that but he does not empathize with them or to the extent he would like to and that can only happen when the element of unconditional love and caring is added.

If theres one field that could give us that for sure skipping anything else it would be Magnetic Heart Coherence.

It brings exactly the two things : Understanding + Hearth Empathy making interactions pure in “getting” what the other person is thinking combined with “sharing” the sentiment (in the heart) from what they also feel about stuff.


yeah. That’s an old list. I would update it now.


My teacher always points me back to myself first: first learn to love, accept, respect and understand yourself… fully, before I try & be there for others.
Why? If I do not have certain love for myself, I cannot extend it (truly) to another.

Btw WHY do you want to expand your empathy?
As in… why do you thínk yours needs to increase, and if so, what would be the cause behind that?

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Thanks for the advice, and there’s been situations in the past where I could’ve been more respectful and empathetic with certain friends and I promised myself I don’t wanna be a disrespectful type of person.