Endocrine System/Blood Cells & Reproductive Issue's

Hello wonderful souls.
I have just received my blood results back from my “doctor” . A few issues arrised. Low WBC, High RBC, High Triglicerids. High LFT’s along also with High testosterone and low estrogen along with a few more.

I was just wondering, instead of using both estrogen and testosterone fields would it be better to use the Endocrine System field? Would that cover all of the hormone issues? Should I add in Estrogen & Testosterone with it?
The blood cells, I’ll admit I don’t know very much about it but while I have been googling about the issues, I’m being told that low WBC is a sign of infection in the body, why would a doctor not follow up on this, I have explained to her how lousy I have been feeling for a few months now ugh!! Sorry getting off topic, would the Endocrine field and Blood purifier + field be the two best fields for a few of my issues stated above? Would there be any other field which may help with blood cells regulation until I can purchase Blood Purifier? Maybe some Plasma Light & Infrasound Bioactive Beach?

My partner and I have been having trouble conceiving a baby for the last year so any knowledge which could get both of our bodies in a perfect hormonal state would be wonderful.
I play the Luetenizing field for him and I every night we sit down for a movie in the background, I hope this field may help also.

Much love to all xx



Yes you could try all that mentioned for like 3 weeks or so and see how you start feeling.

Add Ojas too x 2 or 3 daily. Since its free. I feel it bringing full harmony to the reproductive system as wel (so you start targetting all that might be getting in the way to pregnancy)

I too am surprised your doctor only diagnosed but didnt send a treatment. Because virsues always delay or block the possibility of getting pregnant.

If you have BoL thats a must to reverse everything (giving a very chopped off meaning because its way much more than that) but itll help with your needs.

And then tell us how is going if not then we find another approach x

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Thank you kindly @anon46520955
I believe I have seen Ojas but I’m not too sure about BOL. Is that short for something? Excuse my ignorance.

Yes my glorified drug dealer “Doctor” I would much rather not go in to too much detail about that if you do not mind. I’m sure there are many good Doctors around the world but unfortunately I am yet to cross paths with one in this life. I try to be my own Doctor and go down the herbal route as often as I can.

The Low WBC’s is scaring me a bit so I will certainly be seeking a second opinion on the matter.

I will be receiving a scan next week and my partner will be having his little men checked to make sure they are swimming properly, so we shall have a bit more information on that side of things in a couple of weeks. Thinking now, maybe Endocrine would also benefit my partner. I may make a short stack which we both can use together and both reap the rewards.

I will be sure to keep you updated. Thank you so much Luna, I was really hoping someone would reply to me, I believe a bit of fear may have been starting to creep in on me about the whole situation and that is so not like me.
Nothing a beautiful meditation won’t sort out lol.
Sending you well wishes.

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I have typed in BOL to the search bar and have found it to be Blueprint Of Life. I believe I have seen it on Teesprings or Gumroad. I will research about it now through the threads to find more information about. Thank you Luna x

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Add light weaves from dreamseeds

Or essence of faith and prayer if it resonates to you

Or angelical intercession

For support and tranquility :blush:

Ohh and 5 elements

Its free on dreamseeds but Captain made one with other adittions

New Release: Five Elements Balanced (Mongolian Medicine)

The new one

Elemental Alchemical Ability: New Release


I will make the new stack straight away. Thank you for all of your help Luna :heart: :heart:

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You are welcome!!

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