Hello wonderful souls.
I have just received my blood results back from my “doctor” . A few issues arrised. Low WBC, High RBC, High Triglicerids. High LFT’s along also with High testosterone and low estrogen along with a few more.
I was just wondering, instead of using both estrogen and testosterone fields would it be better to use the Endocrine System field? Would that cover all of the hormone issues? Should I add in Estrogen & Testosterone with it?
The blood cells, I’ll admit I don’t know very much about it but while I have been googling about the issues, I’m being told that low WBC is a sign of infection in the body, why would a doctor not follow up on this, I have explained to her how lousy I have been feeling for a few months now ugh!! Sorry getting off topic, would the Endocrine field and Blood purifier + field be the two best fields for a few of my issues stated above? Would there be any other field which may help with blood cells regulation until I can purchase Blood Purifier? Maybe some Plasma Light & Infrasound Bioactive Beach?
My partner and I have been having trouble conceiving a baby for the last year so any knowledge which could get both of our bodies in a perfect hormonal state would be wonderful.
I play the Luetenizing field for him and I every night we sit down for a movie in the background, I hope this field may help also.
Much love to all xx