Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleansing

Greetings! :)

My name is Miraç and I come from Germany. I have some questions about the audio mentioned in the title (Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning - YouTube).
I know there are other threads where it is discussed, but I felt confused because different people say different things and just wanted to post a new one on my own about it

So it’s said the audio clears energetic junk out of your system as well as the wanted energy fields and results with silent subliminals which are helpful for you, but hence they are not “your natural state” they get cleared out as well and you are lead to zero so to speak if you listen to it.
Others say it only clears out the emotional/psychic debris of everyday life and the past and leaves your wanted progress and results with fields/subliminals alone. The video description also mentions some points, but it isn’t really clear to me with all those different opinions

Because again other people claim it only clears fields/subliminals you’ve listened to for the last 3 hours in addition to emotional baggage. Where does this number come from?

so, some concrete questions:

  1. Should I listen to it exclusively for a while to reset my system from everything and then never again when I start with other fields/subliminals because otherwise it would constantly undo my progress?
  2. Some suggest listening to it atleast once per week to clear destructive energies before other fields to not clear them out. But if I for example listened to it at saturday first thing in the morning, would it not undo my progress with other fields/subliminals from the past week/month/years?
  3. Some people tell to rather listen to a certain “grounding” audio of sapien which has the same effects but better and more effective. Which one is that and should I listen to that one instead? If yes, how do the questions above apply to that field?

If Sapien has elaborated this field themselves somewhere a link to his explanations would be very helpful…! :slight_smile:

Thank you for taking time to read!
Much love


Hi :slight_smile:

The best if you begin, is to listen to this field first thing in the morning( because it clear the field listen 3 hours before). For me personnaly, I listened this field 1 times every morning during 3 weeks and after that 1 or 2 times per week(sunday morning) :slight_smile:

yes 1 times per week is good,it will not undi your progress that you have done in the recent years, just the field listen 3h before.

Grounding connect your to the earth, it’s good to listen after a long stack or when you feel overwhelmed? The effects are not really the same. You can listen to both audios :slight_smile:


Hi, @Mico! group welcome 4


Ooay, thank you! :smiley:
I was wondering where the thing with the “3 hours” comes from, does it come from Sapien?

Then I guess I’ll mainly focus on this clearing audio for about a month too, just feels right to clear out some stuff :D And afterwards once per week in the morning :+1:

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I believe it does come from Salpien. (We’re pretty “protective” about these fields and we tend to correct misinformation about them pretty quickly around here.) Probably posted in the thread for this field, as part of a clarification beyond the official description.

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