Energy Body Help. Anyone know how to fix this?

Symptoms at the moment

  • I feel energy flowing more on my left than the right side of body
  • Whenever I’ve bulked, my left side would get more gains than my right, and left cheek built up more fat while right cheek didn’t at all - just to name a few examples
  • I was using Marquardt Masterwork, and mainly my left side was changing. I stopped use for now.
    I stopped using my retainers and started again recently. It seems like the teeth on my left side were growing more outward in a good way. Maybe it’s due to the masterwork field.
  • the most noticeable correction that my braces fixed was my two front bottom teeth, they were crowded
  • Astigmatism right eye, right eye slightly bigger, right eye brow is slanted down more towards my nose and closer to my eye
  • usually my left brow bone is bigger, sometimes they’re even I think, and recently there was a day that I think the right brow bone was bigger.
  • My private area’s left side is much more fuller and bigger than right side. This is just one of many examples where either the bone, muscle, or tissue is different.
  • left calf is noitecebly bigger than right
  • I went to PRI therapist. She said my right lung doesn’t get as filled up as my left lung. My right ring finger has a little budge near the middle, which according to Chinese medicine has to do with the lung — I think (just saw google images)
  • Sometimes when I stretch the left side of my body, I can taste the energy going up to the left side of my mouth

I’ve tried the recommendations and I believe its getting better

  • Core restoration series, energy body repair, cleansing
  • Curse removal, entity removal, voodoo
  • Etheric cord cutter
  • Karma crucible
  • A road opener, chakra balancing, from another creator

Next Steps?

  • try doing the tibetan rites with emotional release field
  • JAAJ’s Self Love Stack
  • focus on a specific chakra with Mandelbrot Symphony (leaning towards working on the heart and throat chakras — and maybe the root chakra)

Why not Body Symmetry? This isn’t really uncommon, although I’m not sure what causes this, but it’s likely developmental imbalance in a body.

Might have relation to symmetry on neck area affecting blood flow to the brain.

Also Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity.


The right-brain hemisphere (Feminine) controls the left side of the body while the left-brain hemisphere (Masculine) controls the right side of the body.

It seems you may have alot of feminine qualities like intuition, musical, artistic, seeing concepts in cohesive and holistic way while the masculine side is about logic, linear thinking, analytical dissecting way.

This imbalance may result in physical symptoms like anterior pelvic tilt, AIC pattern… but keep in mind that addressing the physical without paying attention to the underlying energetic issue will only be a temporary fix.

Personally I would recommend:

  • Hip Flexors Automated

  • Spinal Tapper

  • Symmetrical Body

  • Auto Mewing

  • Autism Help (refines neuronal circuitry and clears redundancy and overgrowth)


Oh I forgot to say, Etheric Cord Cutter is definitely still relevant.

And always remember Energy flows where attention goes.

Integrate a Body-Scanning meditation in your routine and try to always be aware of your whole-body especially the right side, the moment you consciously put your attention there, immediately the highest vibration in the universe goes to that spot…widening the blood vessels… enhancing the flow of both blood and lifeforce.


Yes, I was going to say left-sided symptoms can be reflective of mother/feminine energies. Strive for balance, not just in the body, but in the mind, mindset and emotions.

Also The Empress from Arcana Archetypes 2


There’s some great exercises by Robert bruce - new energy ways kindly recommended to me by @mossyeyes !

Its done wonders for re-activating dormant parts of my energy body and good news is although the practices seem tedious at first, once your energy body fully sensitises and flows you can strengthen it with his final exercise as a whole!


I face a similar ussue. I get 90% of my results on left side of the body and face and my right side side is lagging a lot. Symmetry suns/fields help but slow to work. So i have started experimenting to fix this problem. What im using is enhanced brain hemisphere synchronization (read the description and you’ll understand), and i have tmjd and that may have also been a contributing factor so im also using tmjd field. Today is day 3 and i feel more activation on the right side of the face as compare to none till now. Lets see what the results will be, hopefully, i’ll see symmetrical changes.

Oh and i also found out that my right side of face and body are lagging alot and all the muscles from head to toe are tighter compared to left side, so perhaps, there is a connection. Maybe stretching out the right side body will also help.


Zhan Zhuang or Taichi are good at unlocking the capacity of the body, but require work and time.
Authentic Yoga Nidra is also good, but hard to find.

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I searched it up, do you mean the playlist on youtube? Or is it something else?

Interesting. Thanks for the explanation. Gonna try these recommendations.

I’m guessing the relationship I have with my mom and dad can also be a contributing factor? My parents didn’t have the best relationship since I was born, and my dad came back into my life when I was in high school. Growing up, they were both not much in my life - long story short.

And if I were to be completely honest, the two biggest sticking points in my life would be expressing myself and connecting with others… and self-esteem according to conventional and nlp therapists I’ve been to.

I wonder if there’s an area I should prioritize first, but I feel like I got clarity on what I should work on.

I’m a guy btw xD

I looked up descriptions of The Empress on the forum, but still not quite sure how this is supposed to help. Could you elaborate?

Now that you mention it, since i’ve been better managing and allowing myself to feel my emotions (and even reintegrated parts of me that were preventing me from feeling emotions), my physical body’s symmetry got better.

so when you say balance in the body, it means balance the left and right hemisphere’s of the brain?

and when you say balance the mind, it means balance the conscious and other-than-conscious?

Could you also expand a bit on balancing mindset and emotions?

I believe he’s talking about the book New Energy Ways V2 by Robert Bruce. Its free on google.

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I think i might have tmjd on my left haha. Just looked it up on google.

Gonna try those fields out.

Interesting. From what ive noticed, some of my left side’s muscles, bones, tissues seem to be more developed than my right. Left side also seems tighter as well but may be due to my vision.

Keep me up to date with your breakthroughs if you don’t mind

Yes, listen to tmjd before any facial change field. Due to the micro bone movement the jaw bone will be in a better position than before.

Same with me man. Much much more development on left side of body and face.

For sure. If this doesn’t work then i have tha backup plan of listening to a sub by v1per “symmetrical results” which includes get symmetrical results. Symmetrical face. Symmetrical body.

btw, not sure if this applies to you, but this might help. I got this from The Encyclopedia of Ailments and Diseases: How to Heal the Conflicted Feelings, Emotions, and Thoughts at the Root of Illness by Jacques Martel. I forgot that I bought this book, but might use it as guidance.

do you recommend any authentic yoga nidra sources? There’s a course I want to do in the future and they recommend yoga nidra before starting.

Well i can relate to 2 of the things mentioned in the book but otherwise not. Causes of something can be different, maybe as mentioned in th book, emotional, or physical, mental or spiritual. In my case I’ve always had tmjd, but i just have clicking in the joints, no other symtoms of tmjd otherwise. Headaaches are very rare, typically if i listen to auto mewing 3+ times, which i dont do now or if I’m in a situation that is causing me very high stress. Thankfully I’m much better at handling stress now, due to my own practice and stress and anxiety field. Rn I’m travelling but once i reach home, i will contemplate more on the screenshot you shared. Thank you ! I appreciate it!

Yt yoga nidra tutorials are good enough. Alternatively NSDR, basically the same thing but named different in the west for whatever reason they always do. 🫡

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It´s important that it uses as many points as possible.
Ideally every joint should be covered, 4 points per finger etc.
I have an old cd from John Mumford thats from the Bihar-school if I remember correctly.
The sound quality is horrible, recorded on a tape-deck in the 60-70s. But good.
I´ve seen it on amazon.

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The body symmetry field is made for those conditions. Have you tried it?

Also the Flower of Life and/or Blueprint of life field should help you with that.

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