Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity

Man, I giggled like a little school girl when I’d seen this…Bro, Sapien’s getting it in!!! :grinning: :grinning: I really, really, really, really , really , really , really can’t wait to join Sapien’s Patreon! He just doesn’t stop…like he doesn’t sleep or something…like they just keep coming and coming. They get more and more amazing and even get more unpredictable and surprising…just awesome…


Dream must’ve seen a bunch of us talking about Quadible Integrity and specifically the brain hemisphere sync and then thought “This little punk has nothing on me.” and proceeded to make his own version with even stronger and added benefits!


I’d honestly thought the same thing…lol


Doubt it honestly, he’s been had this field for years now. He’s on a process of uploading the ultimate genius frequency on teespring but it’ll be expensive so he’s breaking it up for those who wouldn’t be able to afford it.


Is it okay to listen it with permanent one and genius one?


more than okay! go for it, it’ll amplify the results greatly.


I’ll say use Genius along with:

Brain hemisphere connectivity
Permanent brain enhancement


That’s great, thanks. I will try.

I might be wrong, but we’re going to have to ask Sapien about this one…because those all count as permanent change…and therefore, that might be way too much…Can you tell us Sammyg, if Zen’s list is too long?

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I suppose you could but each specialized in its own regards.


Hemisphere Sync contains BDNF and Nerve Growth, but only for your corpus collosum. You’ll still need BDNF and NG audios for the rest of your brain


I know the “limit” is 4, but remember these limits are people dependent also, that doesn’t mean the audios just completely stop working. They will ALL continue to work, but at a slower pace, I honestly believe this is tied to the life force within an individual. I’m not sensitive to energy maybe because I’m full of it so subtle energy doesn’t affect me as much enhanced why I’m able to listen to more audios without any side effects (headache etc.) now today I’ve had a headache all day from lack of sleep from the previous night ( ~3 hours) that I couldn’t play any videos as it felt I’ve overloaded myself. I would recommend people to start using Jing restoration. This would probably allow a lot to bring back enegery into their life without being so sensitive to new information.


You’ve got a point…because I use a lot more than recommend as well too, with great results…

Yeah…You’re right…NGF is my all time favorite…I guess honestly I get excited with all the brain ones because those are my favorite…but after I read it, you’re kind of right…lol…I love the ones to do with eccentric experiences and higher self as well…

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Yeah…I be waking up early in the morning(which isn’t anything like me because since I work out, I LOVE sleep)….But it’s like I wake up each day looking forward to listen…it’s literally addicting to get better…


Night guys! I’m freaking beat…

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I believe that none of those would count as permanent physical change audios, other than Permanent Brain Enhancement and Brain Hemisphere Connectivity, as they are similar to hormone audios rather than the permanent physical change audios Sapien refers to. As @Zen said, the maximum number a person is able to listen to is rather individual as well.


can’t BDNF cause hairloss?

Most likely not at the levels produced by the BDNF audio, as it would require extremely high levels if BDNF can indeed cause hair loss.

Regarding BDNF and hair loss, I have found studies about significant upregulation of BDNF protein expression occurring in hair cells from people or animals with balding, but the BDNF itself may not be a causative factor for the hair loss.

The upregulation could be due to many reasons, including an attempted protective response, or as a result of other biological processes that co-occur.


Never heard of it, What is that?

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