Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

Yes brain key is good but its not included in any field so you either has to play them all one by one or on separate devices and if you like me also have snapping synapses, its another one to keep alternating or on separate devices. With those old you can first play brain key and snapping synapses with 8k res and next you can play like two old fields and also get other things pumping at the same time :wink:

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I did indeed feel like the older fields hit hard like PBE, but Mathematical madness hits harder than any OG field I’ve ever used.

For me, Manhattan Method and Mathematical Madness are the new gen fields that feel like my brain is frying quickly. :rofl:

PBE gave me super fast results so I know what you mean though, this field here as well did. You can feel that frying quickly, I thought that for PBE and others it was because of the frequency sound that makes it feel kinda sharp.

Has somebody confirmed to you that there’s no electrical stimulation in the new fields?

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Mathematical madness might have some electrical stimulation in it because its has old fields in it but the description never contains all the ingredients so you have to guess them all out :joy:
Like on brain key, you cannot read anywhere in the description that it has plasma brain in it but if you read the comments you will figure out that it has it included but its far from everything that is revealed in the descriptions of all fields :grin:

I figure out that the old fields is true gold and the new ones will get stronger with time but now they are like babies compared :joy:

There is not a single new field that gets me tired after looping for hours but I like to keep fuelling up because you cannot just go on endlessly with wiring only.

But the old fields is really good for frying yes :joy: and in combination with the new ones, they all complements each other like add in snapping synapses and 8k on the old ones and the mind goes like :rocket::boom::exploding_head:

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Ahhh nice. You seem very knowledgeable on brain fields we should talk in the DMs! I like conversations like this but I feel bad for clogging up the chat. :rofl: @Psimindset also said not to replace PBE and I’ve kept it in because of the vocabulary boost that it gave me.

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Sure DM’s are great for personal messages but like I know that you love to read the posts about how others discussing different topics direct in public threads. I know that I like to read the public conversation and I learn a lot from them, like one thing that is interesting is how people stack their brain fields and for how long they listen and what conclusions they got from trying different things out.

But its sad that old threads dies out, I will never quit the old fields no matter what :grin: like this one, its really a gem and when you mix old and new you get really punching effect and might also open up for other fields to work on new levels :blush:


For me I think that the new fields work better overtime, but the older fields give quick results.

It’s like taking a nap will refresh you, but sleeping 8 hours will deeply refresh and rejuvenate.

The new fields are being upgraded as dream is getting smarter, plus they cost money, I’m sure they aren’t weaker than the old fields, they just don’t work as fast and require hours of looping.

Good thing we have access to both so there’s no missing out!


I’ve been told it takes like 3-6 months to see the huge results from the new genbrain fields, but once they’re there, they’re there. It’s a crazy experience.

I’ll have to confirm it once I fry my nervous system with hours of looping :rofl:.


I will be on the same path as you and as many others with frying the brain and getting to the end of the fields and taking on the new ones coming out on side when we trying to reach the end of those that we already have. I really want to see where we are a year from now :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

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Visual Saturday. Yeah, it’s my thing now. Don’t mind me


please teach me
Do you have any feedback?
About the memory of learning?
Is it useful for software AI-related learning that needs to write programs?

please teach me
Is it useful for software AI-related learning that needs to write programs?

When you say you listened at night do you mean that you Looped it all night?

Looping brain fields during the night is not a good idea. 3 times is enough.

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Bro what did he say lol I saw the @ me notification. @Jojo

Click on the pencil aka edit button you can still see it :rofl:. He put a meme.

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Can anyone with poor visualization ability (or even aphantasia) comment on whether this helped them three years later?

I have borderline-aphantasia. I can visualize but its black & white and also extremely faint, almost invisible.

Just wondering if this would help me get hyperphantasia?

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  1. make sure you also have theta and alpha brainwaves activated and you can relax well
  2. add brain key or synesthesia
  3. without consistent practice this field will not make you a pro in visualization or the progress will be quite slowly
  4. add plasma brain of youth or brain regeneration (if you have brain key plasma brain of youth can be reduced and just used for detox)
  5. lucid dreams 2.0 also might help with visualization
  6. keep all chakras aligned especially the sacral one
  7. subconscious limit dissolver 3.0 + alchemical revision of genius might help further in case your visualization has been blocked by past traumas
  8. reduce blue light on your tv and pc monitor

In what areas of the brain is this targeted to?

Helps the brain process clairvoyant nudges a lot better.

Great to combine with synesthesia.