Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

Was listening to Hgh v1.0 on my Bose Frame Tempo glasses the other night while sleeping.

Had the most vivid Eidetic memory style projections in my head when I become half-awake middle of the night.

Insane, it felt like some sort of visual synesthesia? All my past memories mainly language symbols and math formulas just kept popping out of the blue, all there in front of my eyes.

Like I hadn’t learn Kryptonian for a month now, but the proverb symbols and alphabet stuff just kept appearing.

And it’s weird this happened with HGH?

Was it repairing a lost brain feat?

Idk, but it felt so badass, felt like a comic book superhero man, I was just getting all these memories out of nowhere revived.

Felt like I had total recall for those 5 minutes.



Of course


Check what happens to war prisoners.

No food for long enough increases HGH. That’s the likely explanation for the cognitive superpowers they all develop.

Some war prisoners were reading books out of their minds. Like perfect photographic memory.

Edit: can’t find the source of this so it might as well be “trust me bro”. Nonetheless I think it isn’t just HGH but the whole situation that gave these people upgraded cognitive functions. Their brains were working overtime looking to survive.


Adaptation machines we are.

A friend of mine once said change the environment change the organism.

Individually we hold so much power.

In all ways how we are evolving.


I like dreaming more now, so realistic and good dreams. And I can visualize and remember so much better, im using my new skills for nearly every Interaction i have with people.

Incredible this!


Was your clarity in your minds eye good before listening?

The best :blue_heart: :eye:

I got a big headache right in the forehead brow area after doing this twice, must mean its working ?

This headache wont go away with water…

why exactly am i the only one with this prob ?

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Didnt feel any change after that one either…

Should we use brain regeneration after this maybe?

I guess it just means it’s working? I don’t think there is anything to worry about with just two listens. Maybe take advil or tylenol if it’s really bothersome, it should pass in time either way.


I guess this is powerfull then.

Plasma brain of youth helped.

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Yeah it’s op. One of the fastest working fields on patreon I heard.

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Powerful is an understatement. The most impressive thing is how much dreams are clear and vivid. Almost scary.

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I had one dream in like 4k first day i tried this.

But I havent gotten those every night :sweat_smile:


This + Conceptual Conglomerate = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E95LP-6Mx_4&ab_channel=Surrealism

But more complex and abstract.

These old ones are very convenient because they have electric stimulation, NGF and BDNF in bedded so they hit different then the new generation brain fields.

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Brain key users be like image

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Yes brain key is good but its not included in any field so you either has to play them all one by one or on separate devices and if you like me also have snapping synapses, its another one to keep alternating or on separate devices. With those old you can first play brain key and snapping synapses with 8k res and next you can play like two old fields and also get other things pumping at the same time :wink:

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I did indeed feel like the older fields hit hard like PBE, but Mathematical madness hits harder than any OG field I’ve ever used.

For me, Manhattan Method and Mathematical Madness are the new gen fields that feel like my brain is frying quickly. :rofl:

PBE gave me super fast results so I know what you mean though, this field here as well did. You can feel that frying quickly, I thought that for PBE and others it was because of the frequency sound that makes it feel kinda sharp.

Has somebody confirmed to you that there’s no electrical stimulation in the new fields?

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Mathematical madness might have some electrical stimulation in it because its has old fields in it but the description never contains all the ingredients so you have to guess them all out :joy:
Like on brain key, you cannot read anywhere in the description that it has plasma brain in it but if you read the comments you will figure out that it has it included but its far from everything that is revealed in the descriptions of all fields :grin:

I figure out that the old fields is true gold and the new ones will get stronger with time but now they are like babies compared :joy:

There is not a single new field that gets me tired after looping for hours but I like to keep fuelling up because you cannot just go on endlessly with wiring only.

But the old fields is really good for frying yes :joy: and in combination with the new ones, they all complements each other like add in snapping synapses and 8k on the old ones and the mind goes like :rocket::boom::exploding_head:

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