Entity/Deity Thread

Tantra (and other shamanic systems across cultures) relies on practice, experience, and intuition based on higher knowing, while the religious/faith-based systems depend on tales, faith or held notions. When you accept things without investigation and self-experience, there is a huge room for misinformation and misunderstanding.


Damn, I’ve basically renounced my religion with this information. I’m still allowed to enjoy stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata right? :joy:

Although coming back to this, the only reason I’ve got an affinity to the deities I’ve picked is because of the religion based stories I’ve heard about them. Which kinda complicates things haha


Btw @Maoshan_Wanderer, this Aghori stuff is pretty freaky. It’s hard to believe that that’s also a path towards the Truth. Seems so unhygienic and disgusting :joy:

Funnily enough, they also worship aspects of Shiva!


Has anyone here worked with Odin/Wotan?
I feel strongly drawn towards this Deity and had some interesting experiences in the past.
When I was contemplating about Him and what He represents (around the same time I got into OOBE, Lucid Dreaming etc) I would constantly find myself in situations where I would hurt my right eye badly, sometimes it was my fault, some times accidents and some times just coicidences like me walking near sports field minding my business and got hit by a ball in right eye (just after I began to see again after a spark from road works got into the same eye, You got the idea)
Then, looking for a way to expand my consciousnesss and perception I I started taking drugs, smoking weed etc I have same dream several times with 3, one- eyedRed haired males looking at me in a dissapointed way.
Also I find stories about him being perfect combination of Wisdom and Strength and dedication towards achieving his goals simply amazing, one could say Hes kinda Role Model for me.
But Im interested if somebody knows a way to contact Him in other than traditional ways/rituals etc.
I have also heard that He often get even His dearest devotees nervous and in danger.
So I would really appreciate if someone experienced could shed some light on how to contact/ renew the connection I possibly had with Him in the past.
Any insights appreciated, thank You


Indeed even politics, power and profit at play.

There was at some point in history a mass effort to destroy and discredit a specific group of Shiva followers by the Bramhins at the time, as it shifted the power and control from them to everyone else.
So these guys were wiped out.


As Odin is usually, Odin one eyed
seems like an effect of integration, hence the significance of ‘eye’ damage in your situations.
Traditionally Odin is ‘honored’ by offerings.
The Nordic gods, are part of your everyday life, so just start ‘conversing’ with him in everyday life.
Even simple things like adding an ‘by odin’s beard’ as an expression with meaning in your sentences are part of ‘honoring’ him.


Ah haha I’ve never heard that and as a non-native speaker it reads funny somehow :joy:
I’ll try that at work this week if the opportunity arises


Thank You.
By integration You mean like adopting more traits, qualities from which Odin is known?
Or, in other words- to become more “Odinic”?
As an In-vocation I understand kind of inviting into myself, becoming “possesed” at will.
Though similar, those seem kind of opposite in a sense. Am I right here, or am I missing something?


You know we should have an “Indexed Collection of Posts by Dreamweaver” topic next!


Just shoot me a message.


Astaghfirullah, Shirk of the highest degree!!


AHAHHAA yeah, right. If only they knew :eyes:


You know I wanted to Say Im suprised thats not a thing yet, but that would put me in position where I should actually do this :stuck_out_tongue: when I admit somethig could be done a question comes to my mind “why wont You do IT Yourself, then?” and Im waay too lazy for that so I Just try to appreciate whats already there ( no offence, I want to Say I agree with You, but I cant :grin::grin:)


I don’t comment that much or elaborate I guess, or just not that popular.
So no need for an index of my posts.

There wouldn’t be anything important to post! :slight_smile:


Well You and Sammy are literally the cause of why this forum even exist, so I would not get too humble on ‘‘Im not that popular’’ part :smile:


You mean ‘‘I ask for the forgiveness’’?


It literally means “I ask Allah for forgiveness” but it can be used in the context of disgust or heresy or shock.

I was using it sarcastically haha.


Guys I was wondering if entities/deities are egregores/thoughtforms pumped up throughout the history or ‘‘real’’ beings, form other dimensions/realities.
And since I assume that many are actual beings how could we distinguish an actual real being from an egregore/thoughtform
And that brings yet another question, since there are many ‘‘mythological’’ places/ realms are they all just parts, or different ‘‘places’’ of our widely understood ‘‘astral’’ realm or completely different realms just like ours ‘‘physical’’ and ‘‘earthly’’ one
Damn every answer create almost two questions the Journey is truly never-ending


Well, when his Fields communicate all that can be said, and much much more, Captain hardly needs words to make a point. :slight_smile:


everyone’s testimonials could be perceived as an extension of captain nemo’s ‘posts’.